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单词 to²
释义 to²prep 1. going somewhere 到…去:◇he's gone to australia. 他去了澳洲。◇she stood up and walked to the door. 她站起来,走到门口。◇the road to the airport 去机场的路 2. used to say that someone gives someone something, tells someone something etc 给予; 对:◇martha always says "hello" to me. 马莎总是会和我打招呼。◇he handed his ticket to the inspector. 他把票递给查票员。 3. from … to … a) used when you are talking about the period between two times or the distance between two places [时间或地点]从…到…:◇the banks are open from 9:30 to 3:00. 银行从九点半营业到三点。◇it's 30 miles from here to toronto. 从这儿到多伦多有 30 英里。 b) used to say what something includes [范围]从…到…,包括:◇they have books on everything from cooking to camping. 他们有从烹饪到露营各种内容的书。 4. touching or facing something 贴着; 对着:◇he had his back to the door. 他背对着门。◇to the south/east etc the town lies 50 miles to the south of indianapolis. 这个城镇位于印第安纳波利斯以南 50 英里处。 5. used to mean 'before' when you are saying what time it is [时间]在…之前:◇it's ten to four. 现在是三点五十分。 6. used to say what someone's opinion or feeling was about something 对…而言[用于表示某人的观点或感觉]:◇tickets cost £20, and to some people that's a lot of money. 票价是 20 英镑,对于有些人来说,这可不是个小数目。 7. to sb's surprise/amazement/relief etc used to say that someone is surprised etc by something 令某人意外/惊讶/如释重负等:◇to her surprise, they offered her the job. 他们给了她那份工作,令她感到十分意外。 8. used to say that something is part of something else, or is connected with them 属于; 与…有关:◇the key to the front door 前门的钥匙 9. used to compare two things or numbers 与…相比,相对于…而言:◇i prefer japanese food to french food. 与法国菜相比,我较喜欢日本菜。◇the bears won 27 to 10. 熊队以 27 比 10 获胜。 10. to yourself for yourself and no one else 只属于你自己:◇i had a room to myself. 我有一间自己住的房间。




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