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单词 tough
释义 tough adjective¹ 1difficult/unpleasant费力;不愉快verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, seem困难;好像困难▸➤get变得困难➤remain仍然困难➤find sth发现⋯不好弄◆he may find it tough to pursue his plans.他可能会发现很难继续他的计划。➤make sth使⋯不易(做到)◆the strong dollar has made it tough for small businesses.强势美元使小企业的日子不好过。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常困难▸➤particularly, really特别/确实艰难◆things were really tough at first.起初事情确实有点儿棘手。➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些难处preposition➤on对⋯是困难的◆it's very tough on the wives when the husbands leave.丈夫离去会使妻子处境艰难。tough adjective² 2strict/firm严厉verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be严格▸➤become, get变得强硬adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常强硬▸➤particularly特别强硬▸➤enough足够严厉◆has the government been tough enough on polluters?政府对造成污染者的态度够强硬吗?preposition➤on在⋯上严格◆the government has promised to get tough on crime.政府承诺对犯罪行为采取严厉措施。➤with对⋯严厉◆you have to be tough with these young thugs.对这些年纪轻轻的暴徒态度一定要强硬。tough adjective³ 3strong强壮verbs | adverb verbs➤appear, be, feel, look, seem, stand (informal) 显得结实;结实;觉得结实;看上去结实;似乎结实;保持强健▸➤become, get, grow变得结实▸➤act, play, talk (all informal) 行为强硬;说话强硬◆then this guy started acting tough.然后这个人的行为开始强硬了。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常强硬▸➤incredibly, really, remarkably难以置信地强壮;非常强健▸➤enough足够强健◆are you sure you're physically tough enough for this job?你确信你有足够的体力胜任这份工作吗?➤mentally, physically坚韧不拔;体格强健tough /tʌf/ involving or causing a lot of problems, especially personal problems(尤指个人的问题)艰难的,棘手的◆she's been having a tough time of it.她最近的日子一直很难熬。◆this will be the toughest test of his leadership yet.这对他的领导工作将是最严峻的考验。◆it's tough out there in the real world.外面的现实世界有很多不如意。ⓘ tough is a less general word than difficult and is used to talk about personal problems, not physical conditions. * tough 不如 difficult 用法普遍,用于指个人问题而非自然环境◆tough terrain/weather conditions tough /tʌf/ (rather informal) demanding that particular rules be obeyed and not showing sympathy for any problems or suffering that this may cause严厉的;强硬的◆don't be too tough on him-he was only trying to help.不要对他太严厉 - 他只是想帮忙而已。◆the government has promised to get tough on crime.政府已经承诺要严厉打击犯罪。◆the school takes a tough line on (= punishes severely) cheating.学校对作弊行为的惩罚很严厉。◆there will be tough new controls on car emissions.对汽车尾气的排放量将有新的严格控制。◆courts are imposing tougher penalties for street crime.法院正在对街头犯罪实行更严厉的惩治。ⓘ tough can describe the people who make or enforce the rules, the rules themselves, or the punishment for not obeying the rules. * tough 可描述制订或实施规则的人、规则本身或者对违反规则的惩罚。 opp soft → lenient tough/tʌf ||; tʌf/adj1. difficult; having or causing problems 困难的;有难题的;引致难题的: ◇it will be a tough decision to make. 那将是个难做的决定。◇he's had a tough time of it (= a lot of problems) recently. 他最近遇到很多难题。 2. tough (on/with sb/sth) strict; not feeling sorry for anyone 严厉的;不讲情面的: ◇the government plans to get tough with people who drink and drive. 政府打算严厉对待酒后驾驶的人。◇don't be too tough on them -- they were only trying to help. 别对他们太苛刻─他们当时只是想帮帮忙。 3. strong enough to deal with difficult conditions or situations 坚强的;能吃苦的;不屈不挠的: ◇you need to be tough to go climbing in winter. 冬天爬山一定要吃得起苦。 4. (used especially about meat) difficult to cut and eat (尤指肉)硬的,切不动的,咬不动的 5. not easily broken, torn or cut; very strong 坚韧的;结实的: ◇a tough pair of boots 一双耐穿的靴子 6. (informal 非正式)tough (on sb) unfortunate for sb in a way that seems unfair 不幸的;倒霉的: ◇it's tough on her that she lost her job. 她丢了工作,真倒霉。 ➔toughness noun [u]toughsee ⇨ determined 2 ⇨ difficult 1,8 ⇨ hard 2 ⇨ strict/not strict 1,2 ⇨ strong 2,4     • • •• ⇨ get tough with tough /tʌf; tʌf/adj 1. difficult 困难的:◇it's going to be a tough job. 这会是一项棘手的工作。◇they asked some tough questions. 他们问了一些难以回答的问题。◇a tough choice 艰难的抉择 2. physically strong and not easily frightened 强壮的,强悍的:◇clint eastwood plays the part of a tough cop. 奇连依士活扮演一个强悍的警察。 3. determined to get what you want and able to deal with difficult situations and people 强硬的; 坚强的; 顽强的:◇a tough businesswoman 不屈不挠的女商人 4. very strict 严格的:◇tough anti-smoking laws 严格的禁烟法 5. not easily broken, cut, or damaged 坚韧的; 不易破损的:◇a tough waterproof material 结实的防水材料◇this steak is really tough. 这块牛排老得咬不动。 6. unfortunate in a way that is unfair 不幸的,倒霉的:◇it's always tough on the children when a family breaks up. 家庭破裂总是孩子不幸。 7. a tough area is one where there is a lot of violence and crime [地区]暴力犯罪多的,治安差的 ☞ tough




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