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单词 wide
释义 wide adjective¹ 1covering a large area or range宽阔;广泛verbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, seem宽阔;似乎宽广▸➤become变得宽广adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常宽广◆a very wide range of clothing各种类型的服装➤enormously, exceptionally, extraordinarily, remarkably, unusually极其宽广;特别宽阔;非常广泛▸➤increasingly越来越宽广▸➤reasonably, relatively颇为广泛;比较宽广▸➤sufficiently足够宽广▸➤surprisingly惊人地宽广phrases➤far and wide到处◆people came from far and wide for the show.人们从四面八方赶来看展览。wide adjective² 2fully open敞开verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be敞开➤go, grow开得很大;张大◆his eyes grew wide.他双目圆睁。➤fling sth, open sth, spread sth猛地推开⋯;把⋯敞开;伸展开⋯◆he stood up and flung wide the door to the study.他站起来,猛地推开了书房的门。◆open your mouth really wide.把你的嘴张得大大的。◆he spread his hands wide in appeal.他恳切地摊开双手。adverb➤extremely, really, very敞开得极大;张得很开preposition➤with由于⋯而张开◆their eyes were wide with fear.他们惊恐地睁大了眼睛。wide adjective³ 3not close距离远verbs | adverb | preposition | phrases verbs➤be远离目标▸➤fall, land远未击中目标;远远地偏离着陆目标adverb➤very偏离目标很远▸➤just偏离目标preposition➤of远离⋯◆her shot fell just wide of the target.她的子弹偏离了目标。phrases➤wide of the mark (= not accurate) (especially bre) 不准确◆their predictions turned out to be very wide of the mark.他们的预测最终证实误差很大。wide adjective 1➤a wide range of goods种类繁多的商品➤a wide road/river/smile宽敞的道路;宽阔的河流;灿烂的笑容  ➡ see also the entries for diverse and general 1另见 diverse 条和 general 条第 1 义wide ♦︎ broad ♦︎ extensive ♦︎ large-scale ♦︎ mass ♦︎ sweeping ♦︎ wide-ranging ♦︎ far-reaching ♦︎ wholesalethese words all describe sth which affects or involves a lot of people or things, or which covers a lot of different subjects.这些词均表示广泛的、涉及面广的、覆盖面广的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a wide / a broad / an extensive range◆a broad / an extensive / a large-scale / a mass / a sweeping / a wide-ranging / a far-reaching programme◆broad / extensive / large-scale / sweeping / wide-ranging / far-reaching / wholesale changes◆a broad / an extensive / a sweeping / a wide-ranging / a wholesale review◆a wide / a broad / an extensive / a wide-ranging debate◆wide / broad / extensive / large-scale / mass support◆wide / broad / extensive / sweeping / wide-ranging powers◆a wide / a broad / an extensive / a far-reaching influence◆a wide / broad / mass appeal◆wide / broad / extensive / wide-ranging interests◆wide / broad / extensive knowledge◆extensive / large-scale / mass / wholesale destruction■ wide including a large number or variety of people or things; covering a large area大量的;广泛的◆we stock a wide range of goods.我们备有种类繁多的货品。◆jenny has a wide circle of friends.珍妮交友甚广。◆the museum is trying to attract a wider audience.博物馆正试图吸引更多观众。◆the festival attracts people from a wide area.这个艺术节吸引了四面八方的人。opp narrow → limited 1 ▸ widely adverb◆the idea is now widely accepted.这个想法现在已得到普遍认可。◆he has travelled widely in asia.他到过亚洲很多地方旅行。■ broad including a large number or variety of people or things大量的;涉及各类人(或物)的;广泛的◆the course caters for a broad spectrum of interests.本课程能满足各种不同的兴趣。◆we have devised a broad and balanced curriculum.我们设计的课程覆盖范围广、布局均衡。◆having children gave her a broader outlook on life.有了孩子之后她的人生观拓宽了。◆the novel is about education in its broadest sense.广义而言,这部小说是关于教育的。opp narrow → limited 1  ➡ see also broad → general 2 , breadth → range 2 note 辨析 wide or broad?in many cases you can use either word. however, wide is used more to talk about a selection, a choice, a variety or a range of things or people.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。但是 wide 较多用于形容 selection、choice、variety 或 range◆a broad audience ◆a broad circle of friends wide, not broad, is used to talk about things affecting a large geographical area. * wide 指影响到很大的地理区域,broad 不能这么用◆the festival attracts people from a broad area. broad is used more to talk about the affect of sth on a large number of people. * broad 较多指影响到很多人◆to have a broad appeal有广泛的吸引力◆to attract broad support吸引广泛的支持 broad is also often used to talk about knowledge and education as well as in business-related contexts. * broad 也常形容知识或教育,还常用于商务语境◆a broad curriculum覆盖面广的课程◆broad experience / knowledge丰富的经验;广博的知识◆there is broad support amongst clients for the new initiative.客户普遍支持这一新方案。■ extensive /ɪkstensɪv/ (rather formal) including or dealing with a wide range of information广泛的;广博的◆extensive research has been done into this disease.对这种疾病已经做了广泛的研究。◆his knowledge of music is extensive.他的音乐知识很广博。◆she has extensive experience in computers.她在计算机方面经验丰富。■ large-scale [usually before noun] involving a large number of people or things, especially over a wide area大规模的;大批的;(尤指)大范围的◆the proposals include large-scale investment in agriculture and industry.建议包括要大规模地投资农业和工业。◆large areas of the forest will be cleared for ranching as part of a large-scale development plan.作为大规模的开发计划的一部份,大片森林将被清除改成牧场。 ➡ see also scale → level ■ mass [only before noun] affecting or involving a large number of people or things大批的;数量极多的;广泛的◆their latest product is aimed at the mass market.他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场。◆the play was so awful that there was a mass exodus from the theatre at the interval.这部剧很糟,场间休息时大批观众离开了剧场。note 辨析 large-scale or mass?both these words are used to talk about business and industry.这两个词均用于商务和工业语境◆large-scale / mass production / unemployment批量生产;大批失业 large-scale in particular is used to talk about business activities that need a lot of resources and affect a wide area. * large-scale 尤用于修饰需要许多资源、影响区域广的经营活动◆a large-scale enterprise / project / operation庞大的企业/项目/公司 mass is more often used when a lot of people are affected or involved, especially all together in one place. * mass 较常指影响到同一地区的许多人的◆the mass media / market大众媒体/市场◆a mass movement / audience / protest / demonstration群众运动;大批的观众;群众性抗议;群众大游行it also collocates with words relating to the killing of large numbers of people.与之搭配的还有与屠杀有关的词◆a mass murderer / grave杀死多人的凶手;万人坑◆weapons of mass destruction大规模杀伤性武器■ sweeping [usually before noun] having an important effect on a large number of people or things影响广泛的;大范围的◆shareholders have agreed to a series of sweeping changes in the organization of the company.股东们同意对公司组织结构进行一系列全面调整。◆security forces were given sweeping powers to search homes.安全部队被给予入户搜查的极大权力。ⓘ typical collocates of sweeping in this meaning are changes, reforms amd powers.表达此义时,sweeping 的常见搭配词有 change、reform 和 power。■ wide-ranging (written) including or dealing with a large number of different subjects or areas覆盖面广的;内容广泛的◆the commission has been given wide-ranging powers.委员会取得的权限很广。◆the activities stimulated a wide-ranging discussion.这些活动引发了广泛的讨论。ⓘ typical collocations of wide-ranging are those relating to discussing things and those relating to change.常与 wide-ranging 搭配的词都与讨论和变化有关◆a wide-ranging debate / discussion / review广泛的争论/讨论/检讨◆wide-ranging talks包含多项议题的谈判◆wide-ranging reforms / changes / recommendations大范围的变革/改变;内容广泛的建议■ far-reaching [usually before noun] (rather formal) likely to have a lot of influence or many effects影响深远的;影响广泛的◆the decision by the european court will have far-reaching consequences.欧洲法庭的裁决将产生影响深远的后果。■ wholesale /həʊlseɪl; name hoʊlseɪl/ [only before noun](especially of sth bad) happening or done to a very large number of people or things(尤指坏事)大规模的◆localized tensions had developed into wholesale slaughter.区域性紧张局势最终发展成大规模的杀戮行为。wide adjective 2➤a wide range of goods种类繁多的商品➤a wide road/river/smile宽敞的道路;宽阔的河流;灿烂的笑容wide ♦︎ thick ♦︎ broadthese words all describe things that measure a lot from one side to the other; or they are used in measurements of the distance between opposite sides or surfaces.这些词均表示宽的、厚的、宽度或厚度为⋯的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a wide / broad road / street / river / stream / staircase / mouth / smile / grin◆very / extremely / quite / fairly / rather / relatively wide / thick / broad■ wide measuring a lot from one side to the other; used to ask about or state the distance between opposite sides of sth宽的;宽阔的;宽度为⋯的◆her face broke into a wide grin.她满脸堆笑。◆he wore a jacket with wide lapels.他穿一件大翻领的夹克衫。◆how wide is that stream?那条小溪有多宽?◆it's about 2 metres wide.它大约 2 米宽。◆the road was just wide enough for two vehicles to pass.这条路的宽度刚好能让两辆车通过。opp narrow → narrow  ➡ see also width → length ■ thick measuring a lot or more than normal between opposite surfaces; used to ask about or state the distance between opposite surfaces厚的;粗的;厚度为⋯的◆he cut two thick slices of bread.他切了两片厚面包。◆that's a very thick book (= one that has a lot of pages).那本书很厚。◆she padded noiselessly across the thick carpet.她悄无声息地走过厚厚的地毯。◆everything was covered in a thick layer of dust.所有的东西上都覆盖着一层厚厚的灰尘。◆how thick are the walls?这些墙有多厚?◆they're two feet thick.它们有 2 英尺厚。ⓘ thick is used to talk about solid things such as books, walls, doors and slices or pieces of food, and about layers of a substance or material. * thick 形容固体的厚度,如书、墙、门或食物切片,以及物质或材料一层的厚度。 opp thin → narrow  ➡ see also thickness → length note 辨析 wide or thick? wide can also sometimes be used to talk about a solid object such as a door. a wide door is one that measures a lot from one side to other as you are facing it; a thick door is one that measures more than normal between its two main surfaces. a thick door is heavy and it is difficult to hear noises through it, as it is with thick walls. * wide 有时也用于形容固体,如门等。wide door 指门的宽度大,thick door 指门的厚度大。thick door 很重,隔音效果好,thick wall 也是如此。■ broad /brɔːd/ (often approving, especially written) wide宽的;宽阔的;宽度为⋯的◆we drove down a broad avenue lined with trees.我们沿着一条宽敞的林荫道行驶。◆he's got broad shoulders.他的肩很宽。opp narrow → narrow note 辨析 wide or broad? broad is less frequent than wide and is used more in written english than in spoken english. it is often used to suggest that sth is wide in an attractive way. * broad 不如 wide 常用,更多用于书面语而非口语。常指宽得好看◆a broad avenue lined with trees宽敞的林荫道◆he was gorgeous-broad shoulders and twinkling eyes.他是个美男子 - 宽阔的肩膀,神采奕奕的眼睛。 broad is often used rather than wide to talk about parts of the body.与 wide 相比,broad 更常用于形容身体部位◆a broad back / chest / face / forehead宽阔的后背/前胸/脸庞/前额however, both words can be used to talk about a grin or smile.但是两词均可形容 grin 和 smile。wideincluding a large number or variety of people or things; covering a large area大量的;广泛的◆we stock a wide range of goods.我们备有种类繁多的货品。◆jenny has a wide circle of friends.珍妮交友甚广。◆the museum is trying to attract a wider audience.博物馆正试图吸引更多观众。◆the festival attracts people from a wide area.这个艺术节吸引了四面八方的人。opp narrow → limited 1 ▸ widely adverb◆the idea is now widely accepted.这个想法现在已得到普遍认可。◆he has travelled widely in asia.他到过亚洲很多地方旅行。widemeasuring a lot from one side to the other; used to ask about or state the distance between opposite sides of sth宽的;宽阔的;宽度为⋯的◆her face broke into a wide grin.她满脸堆笑。◆he wore a jacket with wide lapels.他穿一件大翻领的夹克衫。◆how wide is that stream?那条小溪有多宽?◆it's about 2 metres wide.它大约 2 米宽。◆the road was just wide enough for two vehicles to pass.这条路的宽度刚好能让两辆车通过。opp narrow → narrow  ➡ see also width → length wide¹/waɪd ||; waɪd/adj1. measuring a lot from one side to the other 宽阔的;广阔的: ◇the road was not wide enough for two cars to pass. 这条路的宽度不够两辆汽车同时通过。◇a wide river 一条宽阔的河流 [opp] narrow 反义词为narrow ☞noun width 名词为width ☞look at the note at broad. 参看broad的注释。 2. measuring a particular distance from one side to the other 有某阔度或宽度的: ◇the box was only 20 centimetres wide. 箱子只有20厘米宽。◇how wide is the river? 这条河有多宽? 3. including a large number or variety of different people or things; covering a large area 广泛的;广大的: ◇you're the nicest person in the whole wide world ! 你是这大千世界上最好的人!◇a wide range/ choice/ varietyof goods 品种繁多的╱选择范围很广的╱各种各样的货品◇a manager with wide experience of industry 工业方面经验丰富的经理 4. fully open 完全张开的: ◇the children's eyes were wide with excitement. 孩子们兴奋得睁大了眼睛。 5. not near what you wanted to touch or hit 远离目标的: ◇his first serve was wide (= the ball did not land inside the tennis court). 他的第一发球打出了网球场的边线。 ➔widely adv ◇their opinions differ widely. 他们的意见分歧很大。◇steve travelled widely in his youth. 史蒂夫年轻时游历过很多地方。 wide²/waɪd ||; waɪd/adv as far or as much as possible; completely 尽量;完全: ◇open your mouth wide. 尽量张开嘴。◇it was late but she was still wide awake. 时间已经很晚,但她仍然了无睡意。◇the front door was wide open. 前门大开着。 wide1 a long distance from one side to another2 how wide something is3 to become wider4 to make something widerrelated wordsoppositenarrow,when people or things are spread over a wide area 人或物分布广泛 spread (4-5),see alsofat,thick,long,thin,1. a long distance from one side to another 从一边到另一边的长距离 wide /waɪd/ [adjective] if a road, river, space, object etc is wide, there is a large distance between one side of it and the other 宽的,宽阔的 the girl led me down a wide corridor into a large office. 那女孩领我走过宽阔的走廊进了一间大办公室。 the doorway wasn't quite wide enough to get the piano through. 门道不够宽,钢琴抬不过去。 a wide leather belt 一条宽皮带 broad /brɔːd/ [adjective] written wide - use this especially to describe roads, paths, or parts of someone's body 【书面】宽的;广的;阔的[尤用以形容道路或人体部分] we drove down the broad tree-lined avenue. 我们沿着宽阔的林荫大道驶去。 he was six feet tall with broad shoulders and strong arms. 他身高六英尺,肩膀宽阔,手臂粗壮。2. how wide something is 某物的宽度 how wide /haʊ ˈwaɪd/ [adjective phrase] use this to ask or talk about how wide something is 多少宽度 how wide is the main hall? 主厅有多宽? i'm not sure how wide the window is. 我不肯定窗户有多宽。 2 miles wide/20 metres wide etc /ˌtuː maɪlz ˈwaɪd/ [adjective phrase] use this to say exactly how wide something is 宽2英里/20米等 the river is over a mile wide here. 这里的河道宽1英里多。 cut a strip of paper 3cm wide. 裁一条3厘米宽的纸条。 2 miles across/20 metres across etc /ˌtuː maɪlz əˈkrɒsǁ-əˈkrɔːs/ [adjective phrase] use this to say exactly how wide something is 宽2英里/20米等 a narrow opening only a few metres across 才几米宽的一个狭窄开口 width /wɪdθ/ [countable/uncountable noun] how wide something is 宽度 carpets are available in several different widths. 地毯有几种不同的宽度可供选择。width of the huge vehicle took up the whole width of the road. 这辆大车占据了整个路面的宽度。 can you just measure the width of the door? 你只要量一下门的宽度可以吗?3. to become wider 变得更宽 become/get wider /bɪˌkʌm, ˌget ˈwaɪdəʳ/ [verb phrase] the river starts to get wider at lyon. 这条河在里昂开始越来越宽了。 the gap between the boat and the pier was getting wider and wider. 小船和码头之间的间距越来越大。 the path gradually became wider as we came down off the mountain. 我们下山的小道越走越宽。 widen /ˈwaɪdn/ [intransitive verb] to become wider - use this especially in written descriptions of places 变宽,变阔[尤用于书面描写地方] the road widened again when we came out of the tunnel. 我们出了隧道之后,道路又变宽了。 from horton, the valley widens, becoming broader and more expansive. 从霍顿开始,山谷变宽,越来越宽广辽阔。4. to make something wider 使某物变得更宽 make something wider /ˌmeɪk something ˈwaɪdəʳ/ [verb phrase] i think we'll have to make the door a bit wider so that wheelchairs can get through. 我想我们得把门加宽一点,方便轮椅通过。 why don't you make the table wider? 为什么不把桌子加宽? widen /ˈwaɪdn/ [transitive verb] to make something such as a road wider, especially in a deliberately planned way [尤指经过刻意计划地]加宽,放宽 a lot of local residents are against council plans to widen the road. 许多当地居民反对市议会拓宽道路的计划。 later the tunnel was widened to accommodate larger vehicles. 后来,隧道拓宽了,以容纳更大的车辆。☞ wide¹☞ wide²




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