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单词 aircraft
释义 aircraft nounadjective | verb + aircraft | aircraft + verb | aircraft + noun adjective➤fixed-wing, jet, light, low-flying, supersonic固定翼/喷气式/轻型/低空飞行/超音速飞机◆three men were flying in a light aircraft at low altitude when a passenger jet approached.三个男子正驾驶着一架轻型飞机在低空飞行,这时一架喷气式客机跟了上来。◆attacks by helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft直升机和固定翼飞机的袭击➤single-engined, twin-engined单引擎/双引擎飞机➤manned, unmanned有人驾驶的飞机;无人驾驶的飞机◆the army is using unmanned aircraft to survey the area.部队正用无人驾驶飞机勘察这一地区。➤microlight, ultralight (name) 微轻量级飞机;超轻型飞机▸➤cargo, civil, civilian, commercial, passenger, private货运飞机;民用飞机;商用飞机;客机;私人飞机▸➤attack, combat, fighter, military, reconnaissance, stealth, strike, surveillance, transport攻击机;作战飞机;战斗机;军用飞机;侦察机;隐形飞机;运输机▸➤enemy敌机▸➤model (especially bre) 航模◆his passion is making model aircraft.他酷爱制作航模。verb + aircraft➤fly, operate, pilot驾驶飞机;操纵飞机◆the aircraft was flown by a young american pilot.飞机由一名年轻的美国飞行员驾驶。➤land使飞机着陆➤board登机◆the passengers boarded the aircraft.乘客上了那架飞机。➤hijack劫持飞机▸➤destroy, shoot down摧毁/击落飞机◆to be an ace you had to shoot down five enemy aircraft.要成为王牌飞行员,你得击落 5 架敌机。aircraft + verb➤fly, operate飞机飞行;飞机运转◆there are approximately 6 700 commercial aircraft operating in the united states.美国正在运营的商用飞机大约有 6,700 架。➤land, take off飞机着陆/起飞◆the aircraft is due to take off at midnight.飞机定于半夜起飞。➤crash飞机坠毁▸➤carry sth飞机运送⋯▸➤attack sth, bomb sth飞机袭击⋯/轰炸⋯aircraft + noun➤industry飞机制造业▸➤production飞机生产▸➤manufacturer飞机制造商➤maintenance飞机的保养▸➤engine, parts飞机发动机/零件▸➤engineer飞机工程师➤commander飞机机长▸➤hangar飞机库➤carrier航空母舰◆a us navy aircraft carrier美国海军的一艘航空母舰➤noise飞机噪声◆significant progress has been made in reducing aircraft noise.减少飞机噪声取得了重大进步。◆he claimed that aircraft noise was the worst form of pollution.他声称飞机噪声是最严重的一种污染。 aircraft /eəkrɑːft; name erkræft/ noun [countable] (plural aircraft) any vehicle that can fly and carry goods or passengers 飞机◆the leading european aircraft manufacturer 首要的欧洲飞机制造商⨁ cargo / civil / commercial / passenger aircraft货运飞机;民用飞机;商用飞机;客机 ☞ aircraft☞ aircraftaircraft/ˈeəkrɑ:ft ||; ˈɛrˌkræft/noun [c] (plural aircraft) any vehicle that can fly in the air, for example a plane 飞行器,航空器(如飞机) air·craft /`ɛrˏkræft; ˈeəkrɑːft/n [c] plural aircrafta plane or any vehicle that can fly 飞机; 航空器




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