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单词 unfounded
释义 unfounded adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, prove无根据;证明没有根据➤seem似乎没有根据adverb➤completely, entirely, quite, simply, totally, wholly (especially bre) 完全无根据;完全无理由◆these claims were completely unfounded.这些要求完全没有理由。➤largely基本上没有根据▸➤manifestly (bre, law法律) 明显无根据◆the claim is manifestly unfounded.这个要求显然毫无根据。unfoundednot based on fact or any good reason无端的;没理由的;莫须有的◆i was pleased to discover that my fears were unfounded.发现自己的担忧毫无道理,我很高兴。◆i dismissed the story as unfounded speculation.我认为这种说法纯属无稽之谈。unfounded/ʌnˈfaʊndɪd ||; ʌnˈfaυndɪd/adj not based on or supported by facts 无事实根据的;无稽的: ◇unfounded allegations 毫无根据的陈述 unfoundedsee ⇨ reason 8 un·found·ed /ʌn`fandɪd; ʌnˈfaʊndɪd/adjnot true and not based on fact 无稽的,没有事实根据的:◇unfounded allegations 毫无根据的指控




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