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单词 vandal
释义 vandal nounadjective | verb + vandal | vandal + verb | vandal + noun adjective➤teenage, young青少年/年轻的破坏者➤mindless盲目的破坏者➤graffiti (especially bre) 乱涂鸦的破坏者◆young graffiti vandals who blight the city with their scrawls胡乱涂鸦影响市容的年轻人verb + vandal➤deter, discourage, stop阻止故意破坏者◆the windows are covered with grilles to deter vandals.窗户都安上了铁栅栏,以防被故意破坏。➤be plagued by被故意破坏者烦扰◆the station is plagued by vandals.车站常遭故意破坏者袭扰。vandal + verb➤strike破坏分子袭击◆the vandals struck at about 7.30 p.m. yesterday.破坏分子昨晚 7 点半左右开始行动。➤attack sth, damage sth, deface sth, destroy sth, smash sth, wreck sth破坏分子攻击⋯/损坏⋯/损毁⋯/破坏⋯/捣毁⋯/毁坏⋯➤target sth破坏分子将⋯作为目标◆her statue has been targeted by vandals.她的塑像已被破坏分子选为攻击目标。➤break into sth破坏分子闯入⋯◆vandals broke into the factory and set fire to a cabin.破坏分子闯入工厂将小木屋付之一炬。➤cause damage (to sth)破坏分子(给⋯)造成破坏◆vandals caused more than £4 000 worth of damage.破坏分子造成了 4,000 多英镑的损失。➤go on a rampage, go on a smashing spree, go on a wrecking spree (all bre) 破坏分子疯狂捣毁◆the pool had to close after vandals went on a £10 000 wrecking spree.在破坏分子肆意破坏造成高达 1 万英镑的损失后,这个游泳池不得不关门大吉。➤throw bricks, stones, etc. (at sth)破坏分子(向⋯)投掷砖块/石头等◆the vandals throw stones at the building.打砸闹事者向大厦内扔石块。vandal + noun➤attack破坏分子发动的袭击◆this is the latest in a spate of vandal attacks on fire crews.这是破坏分子对消防员一连串袭击中的最新一起。vandal /vændl/ [countable] a person who destroys or damages sth, especially public property, deliberately and for no good reason故意破坏公物者◆the glass has been specially treated to stop vandals from smashing it.玻璃经过特别处理,以防有人故意破坏。  ➡ see also vandalize → vandalize vandal/ˈvændl ||; ˈvændḷ/noun [c] a person who damages sb else's property deliberately and for no purpose 蓄意破坏他人财物的人 ➔vandalism /-dəlɪzəm ||; -dḷˌɪzəm/ noun [u]: ◇acts of vandalism 破坏他人财物的行为 ➔vandalize(also -ise) /ˈvændəlaɪz ||; ˈvændḷˌaɪz/ verb [t] (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) ◇all the phone boxes in this area have been vandalized. 这个地区所有的电话亭都给捣毁了。 van·dal /`vændḷ; ˈvændl/n [c]someone who deliberately damages things, especially public property 故意破坏(公共)财物者




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