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单词 indecent
释义 indecent adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem不雅观;似乎有伤风化▸➤consider sth, regard sth as, think sth (especially bre) 认为⋯下流◆photographs that are considered indecent被认为有伤风化的照片adverb➤grossly, positively极不体面;确实不雅观◆conduct which is grossly indecent严重有伤风化的行为◆that skirt of hers is positively indecent.她那条裙子确实太暴露。➤almost几乎不道德◆she started a new relationship with almost indecent haste.她又开始了一场新的恋情,如此急迫让人觉得近乎不道德。indecent /ɪndiːsnt/ (rather formal) not showing enough respect for the dead or for other people's privacy, especially by paying them too little or too much attention(对死者)失敬的;(对他人隐私)不够尊重的;不得体的◆ (especially bre) they left the funeral with almost indecent haste (= too quickly).他们仓促离开葬礼,有些失礼。◆it is considered indecent for couples to be seen to be intimate in public.情侣在公开场合亲热被视为有伤风化。ⓘ in this meaning indecent is nearly always used in the phrases indecent haste and indecent (for sb) to do sth.表达此义时 indecent 几乎总是用在短语 indecent haste 和 indecent (for sb) to do sth 中。 opp decent → right adj. 2 indecent/ɪnˈdi:snt ||; ɪnˈdisṇt/adj shocking to many people in society, especially because sth involves sex or the body 有伤风化的;下流的: ◇indecent photos/behaviour/language 下流的照片╱行为╱语言◇you can't wear those tiny swimming trunks -- they're indecent! 你不可以穿那么小的游泳裤,有伤风化! [opp] decent 反义词为decent➔indecency /-nsi ||; -ṇsɪ/ noun [u] [sing] ➔indecently advindecentsee ⇨ sex 17 in·de·cent /ɪn`disṇt; ɪnˈdiːsənt/adjlikely to morally offend or shock people 粗鄙的,下流的:◇indecent photographs 淫秽照片




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