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单词 unable
释义 unable adjectiveverbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤appear, be, feel, prove, seem显得不能;不能;感觉不能;证明不能;看上去不能▸➤become变得不能▸➤remain仍然不能▸➤find yourself, leave sb, make sb, render sb发觉自己不能;使某人不能◆she found herself unable to meet his gaze.她发觉自己不敢看他凝视的目光。◆the accident left him unable to walk.这次事故使他丧失了行走能力。➤consider sb/sth认为⋯不能◆he was considered unable to cope with the pressure of the job.大家认为他无法承受工作压力。adverb➤completely, quite, totally, utterly, wholly完全不能;绝对不能▸➤increasingly越来越不能▸➤almost, nearly, virtually几乎/差不多/实际上不能▸➤generally, largely通常/很大程度上不能▸➤apparently, seemingly表面上/似乎不能◆he went on, apparently unable to stop.他仍在继续,看上去停不下来了。➤clearly明显不能➤simply实在不能◆the staff were simply unable to cope.工作人员实在是没法应付。➤somehow不知什么原因不能◆they are somehow unable to make the choices necessary.他们不知何故无法作出必要的选择。➤genuinely (especially bre) 真的不能▸➤temporarily暂时不能◆clare nodded, temporarily unable to speak.克莱尔点了点头,一时说不出话来。➤still仍然不能➤currently目前不能▸➤constitutionally, physically本质上/体质上不能◆he seemed constitutionally unable to keep quiet.他似乎天生就不能保持安静。phrases➤unwilling or unable不愿意或是不能够◆he remained silent, unwilling or unable to say what was in his mind.他仍旧保持沉默,不愿意或是不能够说出他的想法。unable/ʌnˈeɪbl ||; ʌnˈebḷ/adj unable to do sth not having the time, knowledge, skill, etc to do sth; not able to do sth 不能;不会;无能力: ◇she lay there, unable to move. 她躺在那里不能行动。 ☞noun inability 名词为inability unable• ⇨ be unable to do sth un·a·ble /ʌn`ebḷ; ʌnˈeɪbəl/adjnot able to do something 不能的,不会的:◇many people were unable to leave their homes. 许多人离不开家。 ☞ unable




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