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单词 convincing
释义 convincing adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, look, seem, sound有说服力;看上去令人信服;似乎有说服力;听起来令人信服▸➤find sth觉得⋯有说服力◆i found his argument pretty convincing.我认为他的论据相当有说服力。➤make sth使⋯令人信服◆details make your story more convincing.细节描写会让你的故事更可信。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常有说服力▸➤completely, thoroughly, totally, utterly完全令人信服;十分有说服力▸➤hardly, not altogether, not entirely, not wholly几乎没有说服力;不完全令人信服▸➤far from, not remotely远不能令人信服;一点儿也不令人信服◆he was far from convincing as a leader.作为一个领导,他远不能令人信服。➤enough, sufficiently足以令人信服◆she produced a convincing enough performance as the wronged wife.她把那个被冤枉的妻子演得非常像。 convincing adjectiveconvincing ♦︎ compelling ♦︎ persuasive ♦︎ strong ♦︎ forceful ♦︎ cogentthese words all describe an argument, opinion or evidence that is expressed firmly and clearly so that sb believes it is true.这些词均表示论据、观点或证据令人信服的、有说服力的。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达令人信服的程度persuasive ○ strong ○ forceful ○ cogent ○ convincing ○ compellingpatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a convincing / compelling / persuasive / strong / forceful / cogent argument◆convincing / compelling / persuasive / strong / cogent evidence◆a convincing / compelling / persuasive / strong / cogent reason / case◆a convincing / compelling / cogent explanation◆very convincing / compelling / persuasive / strong / forceful / cogent◆extremely convincing / compelling / persuasive / strong■ convincing /kənvɪnsɪŋ/ (of an argument, a reason or evidence) that makes sb believe that sth is true(论据、理由或证据)令人信服的,有说服力的◆this explanation is not entirely convincing.这个解释不完全令人信服。◆she sounded very convincing to me (= i believed what she said).我觉得她的话很有说服力。opp unconvincing → unlikely 2 ▸ convincingly adverb◆her case was convincingly argued.她的辩词很有说服力。■ compelling [usually before noun] (especially written) very convincing令人信服的;很有说服力的◆the new studies provide compelling evidence in support of these concepts.新的研究为这些概念提供了很有说服力的支持证据。note 辨析 convincing or compelling? compelling is slightly stronger than convincing. things can seem/sound/look convincing, with just a slight suggestion that things may not be exactly as they seem. compelling is usually used before a noun and leaves no room for any doubt that sth is true. * compelling 比 convincing 语气稍强。可以用 seem/sound/look convincing (似乎/听起来/看上去有说服力)句式,暗示事物也许和看上去不太一样。compelling 通常用于名词前,强调事物的真确性不容置疑。■ persuasive /pəsweɪsɪv; name pərsweɪsɪv/ (of an argument, reason, etc. or a person) able to persuade sb to believe or do sth(论据、理由等或人)有说服力的,令人信服的◆advertising relies heavily on the persuasive power of imagery.广告很大程度上靠的是图像的说服力。◆he can be very persuasive.他有时很会说服人。▸ persuasively adverb◆they argue persuasively in favour of a total ban on handguns.他们以雄辩的论据支持全面禁用手枪。■ strong (of an argument, a reason or evidence) difficult to attack or criticize(论据、理由或证据)难以辩驳的,确凿的◆you have a strong case for getting your job back.你有充分的理由要求复职。◆there is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart.有充分证据证明锻炼有益于心脏健康。opp weak → unlikely 2 ■ forceful (of opinions or arguments) expressed firmly and clearly in a way that makes other people believe them(观点或论据)有说服力的◆the minister launched a forceful defence of the policy.部长对政策作了有说服力的辩护。■ cogent /kəʊdʒənt; name koʊdʒənt/ (formal) (of an argument, a reason or evidence) expressed firmly and clearly in a way that influences what people believe(论据、理由或证据)有说服力的,令人信服的◆his criticisms still seem cogent today as they did twenty years ago.他的评论至今仍有说服力,一如二十年前一样。 convincing /kənvɪnsɪŋ/ (of an argument, a reason or evidence) that makes sb believe that sth is true(论据、理由或证据)令人信服的,有说服力的◆this explanation is not entirely convincing.这个解释不完全令人信服。◆she sounded very convincing to me (= i believed what she said).我觉得她的话很有说服力。opp unconvincing → unlikely 2 ▸ convincingly adverb◆her case was convincingly argued.她的辩词很有说服力。convincing/kənˈvɪnsɪŋ ||; kənˈvɪnsɪŋ/adj1. able to make sb believe sth 令人信服的: ◇her explanation for her absence wasn't very convincing. 她对自己缺席的解释并不太令人信服。 2. (used about a victory) complete; clear (指胜利)完全的,彻底的: ◇a convincing win 彻底的胜利 ➔convincingly adv convincingsee ⇨ believe 5 ⇨ persuade 6 con·vinc·ing /kən`vɪnsɪŋ; kənˈvɪnsɪŋ/adjmaking you believe that something is true or right 令人信服的,有说服力的:◇a convincing argument 令人信服的理由 ☞ convincing




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