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单词 unofficial
释义 unofficial /ʌnəfɪʃl/ adjective1.that does not have permission or approval from sb in authority 非官方的◆unofficial estimates put the figure at over 2 million. 非官方估计数字为 200 多万。◆the unofficial exchange rate is 2 000 dinar to the dollar. 非官方汇率为 1 美元兑换 2000 第纳尔。2.that is not part of sb's business 非正式的◆the prime minister is on an unofficial visit to spain. 首相正在西班牙进行非正式访问。 opp official ▸ unofficially /ʌnəfɪʃəli/ adverb☞ unofficial unofficial adjective  ➡ see also the entry for irrational另见 irrational 条unofficial ♦︎ unauthorized ♦︎ unlicensed ♦︎ off the recordthese words all describe things that are not approved by sb in authority.这些词均表示非官方的、未经许可或批准的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an unofficial / unauthorized biography / copy■ unofficial that does not yet have permission or approval from sb in authority未经正式批准的;非官方的;非正式的◆according to unofficial estimates about 200 died.据非官方的估计,约有 200 人死亡。◆there will be a review of the law on unofficial action and strikes in essential services.将对重要职能部门擅自行动和举行罢工的相关法律进行检讨。◆the result for the athlete was an unofficial world best of 2 minutes 27 seconds.该运动员的比赛结果是非官方的世界最好成绩 2 分 27 秒。◆it's one of numerous unofficial harry potter websites / fan clubs.那是无数非官方的哈利 • 波特网站/俱乐部之一。 opp official → official adj. ▸ unofficially adverb◆the cost was unofficially estimated at £2 million.据非官方的估计,花费为 200 万英镑。■ unauthorized (bre also unauthorised) /ʌnɔːθəraɪzd/ (formal) without official permission未经许可(或批准)的◆there are special precautions to prevent unauthorized personnel from gaining access.有特殊的措施防止未经允许的人员进入。◆failure to complete the form will result in absences being regarded as unauthorized.不填这张表格的后果是被视为擅自缺席。opp authorized → official adj. note 辨析 unofficial or unauthorized?an action or statement that is unofficial has not yet been approved or confirmed by sb in authority, but may be approved or confirmed later. if an action is unauthorized, permission for it has not been given and may even have been refused: it is not simply a question of waiting for confirmation. statements cannot usually be described as 'unauthorized'. * unofficial 指行动或声明尚未获得当权者批准或认可,但也许以后会被批准或认可。unauthorized 指行动未获许可,甚至已遭拒绝,而不仅仅是等待认可的问题。通常不用 unauthorized 修饰声明。■ unlicensed /ʌnlaɪsnst/ (rather formal) without a licence (= an official document that gives you permission to do or own sth) 无执照的;无许可证的◆tourists were warned never to use unlicensed taxis.游客受到警告不要乘坐无正规许可的出租车。◆the act prohibits the unlicensed disposal of controlled waste.该法案禁止未经许可处理受管制的废料。opp licensed → official adj. ■ off the record idiomtold to sb, usually a journalist, although you do not want them to repeat it publicly, either because it is not yet official or because you do not want people to know that it was you who said it非正式的;私下透露的;不得发表的◆stop the tape. this is off the record.别录了,这不能播出。◆can i tell you something strictly off the record?我可以告诉你一些绝对不可引用的东西吗?unofficialthat does not yet have permission or approval from sb in authority未经正式批准的;非官方的;非正式的◆according to unofficial estimates about 200 died.据非官方的估计,约有 200 人死亡。◆there will be a review of the law on unofficial action and strikes in essential services.将对重要职能部门擅自行动和举行罢工的相关法律进行检讨。◆the result for the athlete was an unofficial world best of 2 minutes 27 seconds.该运动员的比赛结果是非官方的世界最好成绩 2 分 27 秒。◆it's one of numerous unofficial harry potter websites / fan clubs.那是无数非官方的哈利 • 波特网站/俱乐部之一。 opp official → official adj. ▸ unofficially adverb◆the cost was unofficially estimated at £2 million.据非官方的估计,花费为 200 万英镑。unofficial/ˌʌnəˈfɪʃl ||; ˌʌnəˈfɪʃəl/adj not accepted or approved by a person in authority 未经批准的;非官方的;非正式的: ◇an unofficial strike 未经工会同意的罢工◇unofficial reports say that four people died in the explosion. 非官方的报道说,有四人在爆炸中死亡。 [opp] official 反义词为official➔unofficially /-ʃəli ||; -ʃəlɪ/ advunofficialsee ⇨ official 3 un·of·fi·cial /ˏʌnə`fɪʃəl; ˌʌnəˈfɪʃəl◄/adj 1. not approved or done by someone in authority 非正式批准的; 非官方的:◇unofficial reports say about 25 people are dead. 非官方报道说有 25人死亡。 2. not done as part of someone's official duties 非正式的:◇the senator is in berlin on an unofficial visit. 那位参议员正在柏林进行非官式访问。




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