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单词 yardstick
释义 yardstick nounadjective | verb + yardstick | preposition adjective➤good, reliable, useful不错的/可靠的/有用的标准▸➤common共同的标准➤traditional传统的标准➤moral道德标准verb + yardstick➤have有标准◆we don't have a common yardstick by which to compare the two cases.我们没有一个共同的标准来比较这两种情况。➤apply, use (sth as)应用标准;用(⋯作为)标准▸➤give sb, provide (sb with), serve as给某人提供标准;(向某人)提供标准;作为标准▸➤measure sth against, measure sth by用标准衡量⋯preposition➤against a yardstick以标准◆the new test provides a yardstick against which to measure children's learning.新型测试为检测儿童的学习提供了标准。➤by a yardstick用标准◆by any yardstick, that's a large amount of money.用任何标准衡量,那都是一大笔钱。◆the goal is to create a yardstick by which to measure the progress.旨在创建一个衡量进步的标准。➤yardstick for衡量⋯的标准◆a yardstick for measuring growth衡量增长的标准➤yardstick of⋯的标准◆the yardstick of success成功的标准 yardstick /jɑːdstɪk; name jɑːrd-/ noun [countable] a standard used for judging how good or successful sth is 尺度;衡量标准;准绳◆gdp is not the only yardstick of economic success. 国内生产总值不是衡量经济成就的唯一标准。☞ yardstickyardstick /jɑːdstɪk; name jɑːrdstɪk/ [countable] something that can be measured and used as a standard that other things can be compared with衡量标准;准绳◆exam results are not the only yardstick of a school's performance.考试成绩并非衡量学校水平的唯一标准。◆rates of progress are difficult to compare without a common yardstick.没有共同的标准,进步的快慢不好比较。note 辨析 benchmark or yardstick?a benchmark is usually the particular standard that is used or recommended for measuring a particular thing; a yardstick is more often one of several possible standards that can be used. * benchmark 通常指衡量特定事物的特定标准; yardstick 则多指可以采用的几种标准之一。yardstick/ˈjɑ:dstɪk ||; ˈjɑrdˌstɪk/noun [c] a standard with which things can be compared (比较或衡量用的)标准,尺度: ◇exam results should not be the only yardstick by which pupils are judged. 考试成绩不应成为评价学生的唯一标准。 yardsticksee ⇨ judge 7 yard·stick /`jɑrdˏstɪk; ˈjɑːdˌstɪk/n [c]something that you compare another thing with, to show how good it is [与另一物作比较的]衡量标准,评判尺度:◇he used jill's career as a yardstick for his own achievements. 他把吉尔的事业作为标准来衡量他自己所取得的成就。




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