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单词 weave
释义 weave verbadverb | preposition adverb➤carefully, skilfully/skillfully (often figurative) 细心地编织;巧妙地编写◆hall skilfully / skillfully weaves the historical research into a gripping narrative.霍尔巧妙地把历史研究揉进了扣人心弦的故事叙述里。➤seamlessly (often figurative) 结合得天衣无缝◆the author seamlessly weaves together the stories of three people's lives.作者将 3 个人物的生活经历完美地结合在一起。➤inextricably, intricately (both figurative) 密不可分地组合在一起;错综复杂地交织在一起◆comedy and tragedy are inextricably woven into her fiction.在她的小说中,喜剧和悲剧错综交织。➤together编织在一起◆the threads are woven together.这些线编织在一起。preposition➤from用⋯编织◆a basket woven from strips of willow用柳条编的篮子➤into编织到◆a pattern is woven into the fabric.在织物上编织出图案。weave(wove, woven) [transitive] (literary) to put facts, events and details together to make a story or a closely connected whole编写,编纂,编造(故事等)◆the author weaves the narrative around the detailed eyewitness accounts.作者根据目击者的详细叙述编出了这个故事。weave/wi:v ||; wiv/verb [i,t] (past tense wove /wəʊv ||; wov/or in sense 2 weaved;past participle woven /ˈwəʊvn ||; ˈwovən/or in sense 2 weaved) 1. to make cloth, etc by passing threads under and over a set of threads that is fixed to a frame (loom) 编织 [t] ◇woven cloth 编织而成的布 2. to change direction often when you are moving so that you are not stopped by anything 穿梭: ◇the cyclist weaved in and out of the traffic. 那个骑自行车的人在车流中穿进穿出。 weavesee ⇨ turn 9 weave /wiv; wiːv/v wove /wov; wəʊv/ or weaved, woven /`wovən; ˈwəʊvən/ or weaved, weaving 1. [i,t] to make cloth by crossing threads under and over each other using a special machine 织,编:◇a beautifully woven carpet 漂亮的织毯 2. [t] to make something by twisting pieces of wood, string etc together 编,编制:◇basket-weaving 编篮筐 3. [i,t] to move somewhere by turning and changing direction a lot 迂回[穿插]行进:◇the snake was weaving its way across the grass towards us. 这条蛇穿过草地朝我们蜿蜒而来。 ☞ weave




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