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单词 truly
释义 truly (rather formal) used to emphasize a particular quality, especially a good or impressive quality真正,确实(尤用于强调美好或印象深刻的性质)◆it was a truly memorable occasion.这的确是一件值得纪念的盛事。◆they gave a truly magnificent performance.他们的演出真精彩。trulyadverb◆he started the first truly international ballet company.他创办了第一个真正的国际芭蕾舞团。trulyadverb◆he started the first truly international ballet company.他创办了第一个真正的国际芭蕾舞团。truly/ˈtru:li ||; ˈtrulɪ/adv1. (used to emphasize a feeling, statement) really; completely (用于强调感觉、言语等)确实地,完全地: ◇we are truly grateful to you for your help. 我们衷心感谢你相助。 2. used to emphasize that sth is correct or accurate (用于强调正确或准确)确切地,精确地: ◇i cannot truly say that i was surprised at the news. 我真说不上我给那消息吓了一跳。 ☞ yours truly is often used at the end of a formal letter. yours truly常用于正式书信的末尾。 well and truly→well¹trulysee ⇨ real 3 ⇨ true 6 tru·ly /`trulɪ; ˈtruːli/adv 1. used to emphasize your description of something 真正地,确实地[用于强调对某事物的描述]:◇a truly amazing story 确实令人惊异的故事◇well and truly (=completely) 完全地: by now we were well and truly lost. 那个时候我们完全迷路了。 2. used to emphasize that something is really true about someone or something in every way 准确地,确切地:◇a truly democratic country 真正民主的国家◇she truly loved him. 她确实爱他。→ see also 另见 yours (truly) (yours)




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