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单词 the first person
释义 the ˌfirst ˈpersonnoun [sing] 1. (grammar语法) the set of pronouns and verb forms used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself, or to a group including himself or herself 第一人称: ◇‘i am’ is the first person singular of the verb ‘to be’. i am是动词to be的第一人称单数形式。◇‘i’, ‘me’, ‘we’ and ‘us’ are first-person pronouns. i、me、we及us是第一人称代词。 2. the style of writing a novel, telling a story, etc as if it happened to you 第一人称叙述: ◇the author writes in the first person. 作者用第一人称叙述。 ☞look at the second person and the third person. 参看the second person及the third person。




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