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单词 spotlight
释义 spotlight noun¹ 1lamp灯verb + spotlight | spotlight + verb | preposition verb + spotlight➤shine让聚光灯照着◆they shone the spotlight on a woman at the back of the audience.他们把聚光灯照在后排观众席上的一位女子身上。➤step into出现在聚光灯下◆he stepped into the spotlight to the wild applause of the crowd.在观众极度兴奋的欢呼声中,他出现在聚光灯下。spotlight + verb➤be on sb/sth, fall on sb/sth, shine on sb/sth聚光灯照着⋯;聚光灯照在⋯上preposition➤in the spotlight, under the spotlight在聚光灯下◆it was hot under the spotlights.聚光灯下很热。spotlight noun² 2public attention/interest公众的注意力或兴趣adjective | verb + spotlight | spotlight + verb | preposition adjective➤harsh苛责的关注◆after the defeat, he tried to avoid the harsh spotlight of the media.比赛失利后,他试图躲避媒体苛刻的批评。➤international, national, public国际的/国内的/公众的关注▸➤media, political媒体的/政治的聚焦点verb + spotlight➤come into, come under (both especially bre) 成为瞩目的中心◆this issue will come under the spotlight at tomorrow's meeting.这个问题将成为明天会议的焦点。➤be thrust into, step into, take成为焦点◆she was suddenly thrust into the political spotlight.她突然成了政治焦点。➤bring sth into使⋯成为关注焦点▸➤focus, put, shine, throw, turn聚焦;转移焦点◆these revelations threw a spotlight on the shakiness of the economy.这些被披露的内情使经济的不稳定成为公众关注的焦点。➤keep保持关注◆he will want to keep the spotlight on the divisions within the party.他希望能继续关注党内的分歧。➤share分享公众注意力◆the captain had to share the spotlight with the new young star.队长不得不和这名年轻的新星分享公众的关注。➤grab, hog, steal抢风头◆he accused her of hogging the spotlight.他怪她抢风头。➤shun, shy away from避开关注◆the president has never been one to shun the spotlight.总统从来都不是能躲避公众关注的角色。spotlight + verb➤be on sb/sth, fall on sb/sth, shine on sb/sth, turn on sb/sth公众关注⋯;公众的视线落在⋯preposition➤away from the spotlight移出公众的视线▸➤in the spotlight, under the spotlight在公众的瞩目下◆the quality of our food is back in the spotlight.我们的食品质量问题重新引起了公众的关注。➤out of the spotlight不是公众关注的焦点◆the affair is now out of the spotlight.这件事已不再是公众关注的焦点。spotlight/ˈspɒtlaɪt ||; ˈspɑtˌlaɪt/noun1. (also spot) [c] a lamp that can send a single ray of bright light onto a small area. spotlights are often used in theatres. 聚光灯(常用于舞台) ☞picture at light 见light插图 2. the spotlight [sing] the centre of public attention or interest 大家关注的焦点: ◇to be in the spotlight 成为焦点 spotlight• ⇨ be in the spotlight/limelight spot·light /`spɑtˏlaɪt; ˈspɒtlaɪt/n 1. [c] a very powerful light that you can point at different things 聚光灯 2. be in/out of the spotlight to get a lot of attention from newspapers, television etc, or to stop getting this attention 成为/不再成为传媒关注的焦点:◇she's never out of the media spotlight for long. 她离开媒体的视线从来都不会很久。 spotlightv [t]:◇in today's programme we're spotlighting the problem of racism in schools. 在今天的节目里,我们将专门探讨学校的种族歧视问题。




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