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单词 worth
释义 worth nounadjective | verb + worth | preposition | phrases adjective➤real, true真实的价值◆they don't appreciate her real worth.他们不了解她的真正价值。➤inherent, intrinsic内在价值◆study has an intrinsic worth, as well as helping you achieve your goals.学习不仅帮助你实现目标,而且还有内在的价值。➤human, individual, own, personal, self人的价值;个人价值;自我价值;自身价值▸➤moral道德价值▸➤proven已被证明的价值◆they are looking for a new sales manager of proven worth.他们正在寻找一名新的有出色业绩的销售经理。➤economic, financial, market经济/金融/市场价值◆some experts doubt the economic worth of the project.一些专家怀疑该项目的经济价值。◆the insurance company agreed to pay the car's current market worth.保险公司同意按照那辆汽车目前的市值支付赔偿金。➤estimated估值▸➤net净值▸➤literary, musical文学/音乐价值verb + worth➤have有价值▸➤demonstrate, prove表明/证明价值◆the emergency lighting has proved its worth this year.今年应急照明设备已经证明是有用的。➤appreciate, determine, judge, know, measure了解/决定/判断/知道/衡量价值◆they don't appreciate her true worth.他们不了解她的真正价值。◆she knows her own worth.她知道自己的价值。➤doubt, question怀疑/质疑价值▸➤find out, learn, realize, recognize寻找/了解/实现/承认价值◆i only found out its real worth when i tried to buy another one.我试图再买一件时,才发现它竟是那么珍贵。➤assess, estimate评估/估计价值➤increase增加价值◆cutting out the debts will increase your net worth.削减债务将会增加你的净值。preposition➤of worth有价值◆he never contributed anything of worth to the conversation.交谈中他从没有说过任何有价值的话。➤worth to对⋯的价值◆this necklace isn't worth anything in money terms, but its worth to me is incalculable.这条项链不值什么钱,但对我来说却是无价之宝。phrases➤a sense of (your own) worth(自我)价值意识◆she has no sense of her own worth.她没有意识到自己的价值。worth adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, prove有价值;证明有价值▸➤become变得有价值➤seem似乎有价值▸➤make sth使⋯有价值➤find sth发现⋯有价值▸➤consider sth, think sth认为⋯有价值◆most of the candidates were not considered worth interviewing.大多数求职者被认为不够面试资格。adverb➤really, well确实值得;很值得◆this book is well worth reading.这本书很值得一读。➤certainly, definitely当然/肯定值得▸➤barely, hardly, scarcely几乎不值得◆it's so unimportant it's hardly worth mentioning.那不重要,几乎不值得一提。➤almost几乎值得▸➤potentially有可能值得➤probably很可能值得▸➤reportedly据说值得▸➤always总是值得◆it's always worth seeing if you can get a cheap last-minute deal.看看能不能在最后时刻以便宜的价格成交总是值得的。preposition➤to对⋯有价值◆this order is potentially worth millions of pounds to the company.对公司来说,这份订单有可能价值数百万英镑。worth /wɜːθ; name wɜːrθ/ adjective [not before noun] (usually used like a preposition 常作介词使用) 1.having a value in money, etc. 有…价值;值…钱◆the deal is worth about $28 million. 这笔交易价值约 2 800 万元。◆how much is the information worth? 这则信息值多少钱?◆my shares aren't worth much now. 我的股票现在不值多少钱。2.used to recommend the action mentioned because you think it may be useful, enjoyable, etc. (指行动)值得,有价值◆their website is worth a look. 他们的网站值得看一看。◆this idea is well worth considering. 这个想法很值得考虑。3.important, good or enjoyable enough to make sb feel satisfied, especially when some difficulty or effort is involved 值得(费周折)◆i took a salary cut when i changed jobs, but it was worth it. 我换工作后工资减少了,但是值得。 ●not worth the paper it's written/printed on (informal) (used about an agreement or official document) having no value, especially legally, or because one of the people involved has no intention of doing what they said they would (协议或正式文件)毫无价值  ➡  idiom at job nounworth /wɜːθ; name wɜːrθ/ noun [uncountable] ten dollars', €40, etc. worth of sth an amount of sth that has the value mentioned 价值(十元、40 欧元等)的东西◆$30 million worth of advertising space 价值 3000 万元的广告版面a week's, month's, etc. worth of sth an amount of sth that lasts a week, etc. 能用(一个星期、一个月等)的东西◆3 months' worth of stock 能用 3 个月的存货3.the financial, practical or moral value of sb/sth 价值;意义;作用◆a personal net worth of $10 million 价值 1000 万元的个人净资产◆a good interview should enable candidates to show their worth (= show how good they are). 好的面试应当可以让求职者展示他们的自身价值。 comparable worth ◇ high net worth ◇ net worth ◇ tangible net worth ☞ worth☞ worthworth /wɜːθ; name wɜːrθ/ [uncountable] the financial value of sb/sth价值◆he has a personal net worth of $10 million.他有 1 000 万元的个人净资产。ⓘ worth, as a noun, is more often used to mean the practical or moral value of sth. * worth 作名词时更常表示实际作用或道德意义。  ➡ see also worth → value 1 ▸ worth adjective◆our house is worth about $300 000.我们的房子大约值 30 万元。◆how much is this painting worth?这幅画值多少钱?◆to be worth a bomb / packet / fortune (= a lot of money) 值一大笔钱◆it isn't worth much.这不值多少钱。▸ worthless adjective◆shares in the company are now almost worthless.公司的股票现在几乎毫无价值。opp valuable → valuable 1 worth [uncountable] the practical or moral value of sb/sth价值;意义;作用◆the children here quickly gain a sense of their own worth.这里的孩子很快便获得了自我价值感。◆a good job interview should help candidates prove their worth.好的面试可以让求职者证明自己的价值。ⓘ worth can also mean the financial value of sth. * worth 还可表示某物的金钱价值。  ➡ see also worth → price noun , worthless → despicable worthadjective◆our house is worth about $300 000.我们的房子大约值 30 万元。◆how much is this painting worth?这幅画值多少钱?◆to be worth a bomb / packet / fortune (= a lot of money) 值一大笔钱◆it isn't worth much.这不值多少钱。worthadjective◆our house is worth about $300 000.我们的房子大约值 30 万元。◆how much is this painting worth?这幅画值多少钱?◆to be worth a bomb / packet / fortune (= a lot of money) 值一大笔钱◆it isn't worth much.这不值多少钱。worth¹/wɜ:θ ||; wɝθ/adj1. having a particular value (in money) 有某(金钱上的)价值: ◇how much do you think that house is worth? 你认为那幢房子值多少钱? 2. worth doing, etc used as a way of recommending or advising (用于提出建议)值得做: ◇that museum's well worth visiting if you have time. 有时间的话,那个博物馆很值得参观。◇the library closes in 5 minutes -- it's not worth going in. 图书馆再过5分钟就要关门,现在进去意义不大。 we can say either it isn't worth repairing the car or the car isn't worth repairing. 我们可以说:it isn't worth repairing the car.或the car isn't worth repairing. 3. enjoyable or useful to do or have, even if it means extra cost, effort, etc 值得(即使要付出代价): ◇it takes a long time to walk to the top of the hill but it's worth the effort. 走到山顶要花很长时间,但还是值得努力一下。◇don't bother cooking a big meal. it isn't worth it -- we're not hungry. 别费工夫弄太多吃的。实在没必要,我们也不饿。 get your money's worth→moneyworth sb's while helpful, useful or interesting to sb 对某人有利、有用或有意义worth²/wɜ:θ ||; wɝθ/noun[u] 1. the value of sb/sth; how useful sb/sth is 价值;用处: ◇she has proved her worth as a member of the team. 她已证明自己作为队员所能发挥的作用。 2. the amount of sth that the money mentioned will buy 值某金额的量: ◇ten pounds' worth of petrol 价值十英镑的汽油 3. the amount of sth that will last for the time mentioned 能维持某段时间的量: ◇two days' worth of food 足够吃两天的食物 worth• ⇨ be worth• ⇨ be worth a fortune• ⇨ be worth a lot• ⇨ it's worth• ⇨ not be worth anything☞ worth¹☞ worth²




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