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单词 worry
释义 worry nounadjective | verb + worry | worry + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, considerable, great, main, major, serious大心事;极度烦恼的事◆paying the mortgage is a big worry for many people.偿付抵押贷款对许多人来说是一件很头痛的事。◆her mother's poor health caused her considerable worry.她母亲身体状况欠佳让她相当忧虑。◆my greatest worry is that he'll do something stupid.我最担心他会去做蠢事。➤genuine, real真正的烦恼▸➤growing, increasing与日俱增的烦恼▸➤slight小烦恼▸➤day-to-day日常的烦恼▸➤constant持续的烦恼◆the money side of things has been a constant worry.资金方面一直令人苦恼。➤unnecessary不必要的担心◆she gave her parents unnecessary worry when she forgot to call them.她忘记给父母打电话,引起他们不必要的担心。➤immediate当前的烦恼◆my immediate worry is money.我当前的烦恼就是钱。➤nagging, niggling挥之不去的忧虑◆i had a nagging worry that we weren't going to get there.我有个忧虑挥之不去,就是担心我们到不了那里。➤secret内心的担忧◆it was a relief to share my secret worries with him.把心中的担忧告诉他后,我如释重负。➤business, economic, financial, money生意上的/经济上的/财政上的/金钱上的担忧▸➤health健康方面的担心verb + worry➤have有烦心事◆that year he had major health worries.那一年他健康“亮红灯”,令他大为担忧。➤be beset by受烦心事的困扰◆she wanted to enjoy her retirement without being beset by financial worries.她想享受退休生活而不必为金钱担忧。➤be frantic with, be out of your mind with, be sick with担心得发狂;愁得要命◆i didn't know where he was and i was frantic with worry.我不知道他在哪里,担心得都要发疯了。➤express, voice表示/表达担心▸➤share分担忧虑▸➤cause (sb), give sb令(某人)担忧;让某人担忧▸➤add to, increase增加忧虑◆the fact that she heard nothing from him only increased her worry.听不到他的任何消息加重了她的担心。➤forget忘记烦恼◆try and forget your worries for a little while.试着暂时忘掉你的烦恼。➤alleviate, assuage, ease, soothe减轻忧虑▸➤remove, take away, take out of sth排除忧虑◆take the worry out of flying with our travel insurance offer.有我们提供的旅游保险您可安心乘飞机。➤dismiss对担忧不理会◆for years, the government has dismissed our worries as unfounded.多年来,政府一直认为我们是瞎担心而不予受理。worry + verb➤disappear, melt担心消失▸➤prove groundless, prove unfounded担忧被证明是无根据的◆most of nigel's worries proved groundless.奈杰尔的大部份担心被证明是毫无根据的。➤plague sb担忧折磨着某人◆these worries plagued him constantly.这些担忧不断地折磨着他。preposition➤amid worries在忧虑中◆the dollar has fallen to a new low amid worries that the american economy is heading for trouble.由于人们普遍担心美国经济将陷入困境,美元汇率再创新低。➤worry about, worry over为⋯担心◆they will not have worries over money.他们将不必为金钱担心。➤worry to对⋯而言的心事◆his mother's health is an enormous worry to him.他母亲的健康状况是他的一大心事。phrases➤cause for worry担心的原因◆there is no immediate cause for worry.目前没有什么可担心的。➤free from worry无忧无虑➤have no worries on that score (bre) 那方面不用担心◆the staff all work very hard-we've no worries on that score.全体员工工作都非常卖力 - 我们对此不必担心。➤the least of your worries最不愁的事◆at the moment, the car is the least of my worries.目前,汽车是我最不发愁的事。➤no worries! (especially bre) 不要担心!◆no worries-there's plenty of time.不要担心 - 时间足够了。➤a source of worry忧虑的来源◆money is a constant source of worry.金钱永远是件让人头痛的事。worry verbadverb | verb + worry | preposition | phrases adverb➤a lot, particularly, really, terribly很担心;非常烦恼;极为焦虑◆she worries a lot about crime.她为犯罪活动忧心忡忡。◆what really worries me is what we do if there's nobody there.我真正担心的是,假如那儿没有人,我们怎么办。➤slightly稍有些担心▸➤excessively, needlessly, too much, unduly, unnecessarily过度担心;不必要地担心;过分焦虑;多余地担心◆you do worry unnecessarily, you know.你应该明白,你的担心纯粹是多余的。➤not too much不要过于担心◆don't worry too much about it.不要对此过于担心。➤constantly始终担心verb + worry➤not let sth, not need to不让⋯烦扰;没必要担心◆don't let it worry you unduly.不要让此事过于困扰你。➤begin to开始担忧▸➤tell sb not to告诉某人不要担心preposition➤about为⋯担心◆don't worry about me, i'll be fine.不要为我担心,我不会有事的。➤for为⋯担心◆we can't help worrying for your safety.我们禁不住担心你的安全。➤with以⋯烦扰◆don't worry the driver with unnecessary requests.不要提些没必要的要求打扰驾驶员。phrases➤can't help worrying禁不住担心◆i can't help worrying about the future.我禁不住担心未来。➤enough to worry about, nothing to worry about担心的事够多的;没什么可担心的◆don't bother harry-he has enough to worry about as it is.不要打扰哈里 - 他的烦心事已经够多了。➤stop worrying停止发愁◆stop worrying, dad, we'll be fine.别发愁了,爸爸,我们不会有事的。◆how can i make her stop worrying so much?我怎样才能让她不再这么发愁呢?➤worry yourself sick, worry yourself to death (both informal) 愁得要死worry verb 1➤you worry too much.你太多虑了。➤this did not worry me.这并未使我不安。worry ♦︎ fret ♦︎ agonize ♦︎ sweatthese words all mean to spend time thinking about a difficult situation or problem and feel worried or unhappy about it.这些词均表示担忧、焦虑。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to worry / fret / agonize about sth◆fret / agonize / sweat over sth◆don't worry / fret.■ worry [intransitive] to keep thinking about unpleasant things that might happen or might have happened担心;担忧;发愁◆don't worry about me. i'll be fine.别为我担心,我会没事的。◆i worry that i won't get into college.我担心不能上大学。◆you worry too much.你太多虑了。■ fret (-tt-) [intransitive] (especially bre) to be worried or unhappy and unable to relax苦恼;焦躁;焦虑不安◆fretting about it won't help.苦恼于事无补。■ agonize (bre also agonise) [intransitive] to spend a long time thinking and worrying about a difficult situation, problem or decision苦苦思索;焦虑不已◆i spent days agonizing over whether to take the job or not.我好几天苦苦思考是否该接受这个工作。■ sweat /swet/ [intransitive, transitive] (informal) to worry or feel anxious about sth担心;焦虑;不安◆they really made me sweat during the interview.面试过程中,我被他们弄得紧张死了。◆ (name) don't sweat it (= don't worry). we'll be fine.别担心,我们会没事的。worry verb 2➤you worry too much.你太多虑了。➤this did not worry me.这并未使我不安。worry ♦︎ bother ♦︎ concern ♦︎ trouble ♦︎ disturb ♦︎ unsettlethese words all mean to make sb feel anxious or worried.这些词均表示使担忧、使发愁。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达让人担忧的程度bother ○ concern ○ disturb ○ unsettle ○ worry ○ troublepatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆it worries / bothers / concerns / troubles / disturbs sb that ...◆is there something worrying / bothering / troubling you?◆to worry / bother / concern / trouble sb with sth◆to worry / bother / concern / trouble yourself about sth◆sth doesn't worry / bother / concern sb in the slightest / least◆what worries / bothers / concerns / troubles / disturbs me is...■ worry [transitive] to make sb feel anxious about sth; to annoy sb使担心;使发愁;烦扰◆what worries me is how i'm going to get another job.让我发愁的是怎么能再找到工作。◆he's worried himself sick about his daughter.他为女儿的事愁坏了。◆the noise never seems to worry her.她好像从来不受那噪音的干扰。■ bother [transitive] (rather informal) to annoy, worry or upset sb使烦恼;使担忧;使不安◆does it bother you that she earns more than you?她挣钱比你多,你会不会觉得不自在?◆it bothers me to think of her alone in that big house.想到她孤零零地待在那所大房子里,我便坐立不安。◆'i'm sorry he was so rude to you.' 'it doesn't bother me.'“对不起,他对你太没有礼貌了。”“没关系。”■ concern [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to worry sb使担忧;使担心◆what concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change.让我担心的是我们对事态的变化缺乏准备。 ➡ see also concern → concern noun ■ trouble [transitive] to worry or upset sb使忧虑;使烦恼◆what is it that's troubling you?是什么事让你心烦?■ disturb [transitive] to make sb worry使焦虑;使不安;使烦恼◆the letter shocked and disturbed me.这封信让我感到震惊和不安。◆it disturbed her to realize that she was missing him already.她意识到自己已经在想念他,心里焦虑不安。note 辨析 worry, bother, concern, trouble or disturb?these words all have very similar meanings. there are slight differences in strength, frequency and register. bother is the most informal, especially in spoken phrases such as it doesn't bother me and i'm not bothered. concern is the most formal and is not usually used in the progressive tenses.这些词的含义很相近,仅在强烈程度、使用频率和语体风格上略有不同。bother 最不正式,尤用于口语表达中,如 it doesn't bother me. (没关系。)和 i'm not bothered. (我不在乎。) concern 最正式,通常不用于进行时◆what is it that's concerning you? ■ unsettle [transitive] to make sb feel upset or worried, especially because a situation has changed(尤指因情况有变)使心神不宁,使担忧◆changing schools might unsettle the kids.转学会让孩子们心神不安。worry [uncountable, countable] the state of worrying about sth; sth that worries you担忧;忧虑;令人担忧(或发愁)的事◆he claims the illness was caused by stress and worry.他声称这个病是由压力和忧虑引起的。◆he was sick with worry.他担心得要命。◆financial / family worries财务上的/家庭中的烦恼 ➡ see also worried → worried worry [intransitive] to keep thinking about unpleasant things that might happen or might have happened担心;担忧;发愁◆don't worry about me. i'll be fine.别为我担心,我会没事的。◆i worry that i won't get into college.我担心不能上大学。◆you worry too much.你太多虑了。worry[transitive] to make sb feel anxious about sth; to annoy sb使担心;使发愁;烦扰◆what worries me is how i'm going to get another job.让我发愁的是怎么能再找到工作。◆he's worried himself sick about his daughter.他为女儿的事愁坏了。◆the noise never seems to worry her.她好像从来不受那噪音的干扰。worry¹/ˈwʌri ||; ˈwɝɪ/verb (present participle worrying third person singular present worries;past tense past participle worried) 1. [i] worry (about sb/sth) to think that sth bad might happen or has happened 担忧;担心: ◇don't worry -- i'm sure everything will be all right. 别担心,我敢担保一切都会没事的。◇there's nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。◇he worries if i don't phone every weekend. 每个周末我不打电话给他,他就担心。 2. [t] worry sb/yourself (about sb/sth) to make sb/yourself think that sth bad might happen or has happened 使担心;使担忧: ◇what worries me is how are we going to get home? 我担心的是我们怎么回到家?◇she worried herself sick when he was away in the army. 他离家当兵期间,她担心死了。 3. [t] worry sb (with sth) to disturb sb; to bother sb 烦扰;打扰: ◇i'm sorry to worry you with my problems but i really do need some advice. 对不起,我拿自己的问题来烦你,但我真的想听听别人的意见。 not to worry it is not important; it doesn't matter 不重要;没关系 ➔worrying adj ◇a worrying situation 令人担心的局势worry²/ˈwʌri ||; ˈwɝɪ/noun (plural worries) 1. [u] the state of worrying about sth 担心;担忧: ◇his son has caused him a lot of worry recently. 他的儿子最近令他很担心。 2. [c] something that makes you worry; a problem 令人担心的事;难题: ◇crime is a real worry for old people. 犯罪确实令老年人很担心。◇financial worries 经济困难 worrysee ⇨ worried/worrying 2,3,6,7     • • •• ⇨ don't worry• ⇨ nothing to worry about☞ worry¹☞ worry²




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