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单词 worried
释义 worried adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition | phrases verbs➤be, feel, look, seem忧虑;感到担心;看上去发愁;似乎焦虑▸➤get开始担心◆i started to get worried when they didn't arrive home.他们没有到家,我开始担心起来。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常担心▸➤deeply, desperately, genuinely, particularly, seriously, terribly深为担心;非常发愁;极为焦虑;特别担心▸➤increasingly越来越担心▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些担心➤clearly, obviously明显担心◆'what happened?' he asked, clearly worried.“发生了什么?”他问道,显然很担心。preposition➤about为⋯担心◆we were really worried about you!我们确实为你担心!phrases➤worried sick担心死了◆she was worried sick about her son.她为儿子的事愁死了。worried adjective  ➡ see also the entries for afraid and restless另见 afraid 条和 restless 条worried ♦︎ concerned ♦︎ nervous ♦︎ anxious ♦︎ uneasy ♦︎ bothered ♦︎ troubled ♦︎ disturbed ♦︎ apprehensivethese words all describe feeling unhappy and afraid because you are thinking about unpleasant things that might happen or might have happened.这些词均表示担心的、担忧的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be worried / concerned / nervous / anxious / uneasy / bothered / troubled / disturbed / apprehensive about sth◆to be worried / concerned / anxious for sb / sth◆to be worried / concerned / nervous / anxious / bothered / disturbed / apprehensive that ...◆a worried / a concerned / a nervous / an anxious / an uneasy / a troubled / an apprehensive expression / look / smile◆a worried / a concerned / a nervous / an anxious / a troubled voice◆to get worried / nervous / anxious / apprehensive■ worried thinking about unpleasant things that might happen or might have happened and therefore feeling unhappy and afraid担心的;担忧的;发愁的◆don't look so worried!别这么愁眉苦脸的!◆i'm not worried about her-she can take care of herself.我不为她担心 - 她能照顾好自己。◆i was worried (that) i would fail the exam.我担心考试不及格。◆where have you been? i've been worried sick (= extremely worried).你到哪里去了?我都担心死了。  ➡ see also worry → concern noun ▸ worriedly adverb◆he glanced worriedly at his father.他忧心忡忡地瞥了他父亲一眼。■ concerned worried and feeling concern about sth担心的;忧虑的◆the president is deeply concerned about this issue.总统对这个问题深感担忧。◆i was rather concerned at the severity of the punishment.我十分担心惩罚会很重。◆concerned parents held a meeting.忧心忡忡的家长们开了个会。  ➡ see also concern → concern noun note 辨析 worried or concerned? concerned is usually used when you are talking about a problem that affects another person, society, the world, etc.; worried can be used to talk about this or about more personal matters. * concerned 通常指担忧影响到他人、社会或世界的问题。worried 可以指这种担忧,也可指担心更与个人有关的事情。■ nervous feeling worried about sth or slightly afraid of sth焦虑的;担忧的;惶恐的◆consumers are very nervous about the future.消费者对未来非常担忧。◆the horse may be nervous of cars.这匹马可能害怕汽车。◆by the time the police arrived, i was a nervous wreck.警察赶到时,我紧张得都崩溃了。opp relaxed → calm , confident → confident  ➡ see also nervous → nervous , nerve-racking → stressful ▸ nervously adverb◆she smiled nervously.她惶恐地笑了笑。■ anxious feeling worried or nervous about sth焦虑的;忧虑的;担心的◆he grew increasingly anxious as time went on.时间一分一秒地过去,他越来越焦躁不安。  ➡ see also anxious → stressful , anxiety → concern noun ▸ anxiously adverb◆to ask / look / wait anxiously焦急地询问/注视/等待◆residents are anxiously awaiting a decision.居民焦急地等待着作出决定。note 辨析 worried, nervous or anxious? worried is the most frequent word to describe how you feel when you are thinking about a problem or sth bad that might happen. anxious can describe a stronger feeling and is more formal. nervous is more often used to describe how you feel before you do sth very important such as an exam or interview, or sth unpleasant or difficult. nervous can describe sb's personality: a very nervous girl is often or usually nervous; a worried girl is worried on a particular occasion or about a particular thing: worried describes her feelings, not her personality. anxious can describe feelings or personality. * worried 是最常见的词,指担心问题或令人不悦的事会发生。anxious 可描述更强烈的忧虑,用法较正式。nervous 较常用于描述要做某件重要事情如考试、面试,或要做令人不快或难度大的事情前的焦虑。nervous 可以形容人的性格。a very nervous girl 指一个常常紧张焦虑的女孩; a worried girl 则指女孩在某一场合或对某一事情感到担忧,即 worried 形容感觉,不描述性格。anxious 可以形容感觉也可以描述性格。■ uneasy feeling worried or unhappy about a particular situation, especially because you think sth bad may happen or because you are not sure that what you are doing is right担心的;忧虑的;不安的◆he had an uneasy feeling that something terrible was going to happen.他有些不安,预感有糟糕的事要发生。◆she felt uneasy about leaving the children with him.把孩子托付给他,她心里七上八下的。 opp easy → easy 2  ➡ see also unease → concern noun ▸ uneasily adverb◆i wondered uneasily what he was thinking.我惴惴不安,不知道他到底在想什么。■ bothered (often used in negative sentences常用于否定句) (rather informal) worried, upset or annoyed about sth烦恼的;担心的;生气的◆you don't sound too bothered about it. don't you mind?听起来你对此并不太在意。你不介意吗?■ troubled (written) worried or anxious忧虑的;烦恼的;不安的◆she looked into his troubled face.她打量着他那布满愁容的脸。ⓘ troubled is used especially to describe people's expressions, faces or eyes. * troubled 尤用于描述人的表情、脸或眼睛。■ disturbed (rather formal, especially written) anxious and unhappy about sth心神不安的;烦恼的◆i was deeply disturbed and depressed by the news.这个消息让我深感不安和沮丧。■ apprehensive /æprɪhensɪv/ (formal) slightly afraid that sth bad might happen担心的;害怕的◆i was a little apprehensive about the effects of what i had said.我有点担心我说的话带来的后果。 ➡ see also apprehension → concern ▸ apprehensively adverb◆he was looking at me apprehensively.他惴惴不安地看着我。worriedthinking about unpleasant things that might happen or might have happened and therefore feeling unhappy and afraid担心的;担忧的;发愁的◆don't look so worried!别这么愁眉苦脸的!◆i'm not worried about her-she can take care of herself.我不为她担心 - 她能照顾好自己。◆i was worried (that) i would fail the exam.我担心考试不及格。◆where have you been? i've been worried sick (= extremely worried).你到哪里去了?我都担心死了。  ➡ see also worry → concern noun ▸ worriedly adverb◆he glanced worriedly at his father.他忧心忡忡地瞥了他父亲一眼。worried/ˈwʌrid ||; ˈwɝɪd/adj worried (about sb/sth);worried (that...) thinking that sth bad might happen or has happened 担忧的;担心的;发愁的: ◇don't look so worried. everything will be all right. 别这么忧心忡忡的,一切都会没事的。◇i'm worried sick about the exam. 我为这次考试担心死了。◇we were worried stiff (= extremely worried) that you might have had an accident. 我们怕你出了意外,担心死了。 ☞ worried/worrying wor·ried /`wɜɪd; ˈwʌrid/adjnot feeling happy or relaxed, because you keep thinking about a problem or something that might happen 担忧的,焦虑的:◇+ that doctors are worried that the drug may have serious side-effects. 医生担心这种药会产生严重的副作用。 ☞ worried




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