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单词 undercut
释义 undercut /ʌndəkʌt; name -dərk-/ verb [transitive] (undercutting, undercut, undercut) sell goods or services at a lower price than your competitors 以低于竞争对手的价格出售;廉价出售◆the bank says it will undercut rivals' rates and services. 这家银行称它将把利率和服务费降至低于竞争对手。◆the scale of the company allows them to undercut prices. 公司的规模使他们能够以低价销售。 make sth weaker or less likely to be effective 削弱◆unions claim that the legislation undercuts workers' rights. 工会声称这项立法削弱了工人的权利。☞ undercut☞ undercut☞ undercutundercut/ˌʌndəˈkʌt ||; ˌʌndɚˈkʌt/verb [t] (present participle undercutting;past tense past participle undercut) to sell sth at a lower price than other shops, etc 以低于竞争对手的价格出售货物 un·der·cut /ˏʌndə`kʌt; ˌʌndəˈkʌt/v [t]to sell something more cheaply than someone else 削价与…抢生意:◇we've undercut our competitors by 15%. 我们削价 15% 与竞争者抢生意。




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