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单词 terms
释义 terms /tɜːmz; name tɜːrmz/ noun [plural] 1.the conditions that people offer, demand or accept when they make an agreement, an arrangement or a contract 条件;条款◆the board has now agreed the terms of the deal. 目前董事会已经批准了这笔交易的条件。◆ under the terms of the agreement, their funding of the project will continue for some time. 根据协议条款,他们会在一段时间内继续为这个项目提供资金。◆the terms and conditions of employment are changing. 雇用条件在发生变化。⨁ to accept / agree (on) / negotiate terms接受/同意/协商条件 ⨁ to give sb / offer / set terms给予某人/提供/设定条件 ⨁ attractive / better / favourable terms诱人的/较好的/优惠的条件 (commerce 商业) conditions that you agree to when you buy, sell, or pay for sth; a price or cost (买卖的)条件;价格◆to buy sth on easy terms (= paying for it over a long period) 以分期付款方式购买某物◆attractive credit terms offered by car companies 汽车公司提供的有吸引力的信贷条件◆our terms are 30 days (= payment must be made in 30 days). 我们的条件是在 30 天内付款。⨁ attractive / easy / favourable terms吸引人的/优厚的/优惠的条件 ⨁ cash / payment / trade terms付现/支付/贸易条件 3.a way of saying sth or of expressing yourself 表达方式◆i'll try to explain in simple terms. 我将设法用简单的语言解释。⨁ in broad / general / simple / strong terms宽泛地说;一般而言;简而言之;说得重一点  ➡  term ●be on good, friendly, bad, etc. terms (with sb)to have a good, friendly, etc. relationship with sb 与(某人)关系好、友好、不好等◆i'm on first-name terms with my boss (= we call each other by our first names). 我和老板关系密切。●in terms of sth ●in …termsused to show what aspect of a subject you are talking about or how you are thinking about it 根据;按照;用…的话来说;在…方面◆success is not just measured in financial terms. 成功不能只用金钱来衡量。●on your own terms ●on sb's termsaccording to the conditions that you or sb else decides 按照自己或他人决定的条件◆i'll only take the job on my own terms. 我只会按照自己的条件接受这份工作。  ➡  idiom at equal ◇ account terms ◇ credit terms ◇ easy terms ◇ trade terms ☞ termsterms [plural] the conditions that people offer, demand or accept when they make an agreement or contract(协议或合同的)条件,条款◆under the terms of the agreement, their funding of the project will continue until 2009.根据协议条款,他们为这个项目提供资金,直到 2009 年为止。◆you should check your terms and conditions of employment.你应当核实你的聘用条件。 ➡ see also terms → rate 2 terms [plural] a way of expressing yourself or of saying sth表达方式;措辞;说法◆i'll try to explain in simple terms.我会尽量讲得通俗易懂。◆she spoke of you in glowing terms (= expressing her admiration of you).她对你赞誉有加。◆ (rather formal) we wish to protest in the strongest possible terms (= to say that we are very angry).我们想尽可能以最强硬的措辞来抗议。 ➡ see also term → word terms [plural] conditions that you agree when you buy, sell or pay for sth; a price or cost(交易的)条件;价钱;费用◆to buy sth on easy terms (= paying for it over a long period) 分期付款购买◆my terms are £20 a lesson.我每教一课收费 20 英镑。  ➡ see also terms → condition termssee ⇨ condition 8     • • •• ⇨ be on good terms• ⇨ in layman's terms• ⇨ in no uncertain terms• ⇨ not be on speaking terms terms /tɜmz; tɜːmz/n [plural 复数] 1. the parts of an agreement, legal document etc [协议、法律文件等的]条款:◇sign here to say you agree to the terms and conditions. 在这里签名,表示你同意这些条款和条件。 2. in terms of used to explain which part of something you are talking about 就…而言; 在…方面:◇in terms of sales, the book hasn't been very successful. 从销售的角度来看,该书并不很成功。◇in financial/artistic etc terms (=considering something in a financial etc way) 从经济/艺术等的角度看: a million years isn't a very long time in geological terms. 从地质学角度看,一百万年并不是很长的一段时间。 3. come to terms with to understand and deal with a difficult situation 接受[困难的情况]:◇it was hard to come to terms with marie's death. 玛丽去世这一现实很难接受。 4. in no uncertain terms in a clear and usually angry way 明确地,直截了当地[通常带有怒气]:◇he told me in no uncertain terms not to come back. 他直截了当地叫我别回来。 5. be on good/bad/friendly etc terms to have a good, bad, friendly etc relationship with someone 相处得很好/相处得不好/友好相处等:◇we're on good terms with most of the people who live here. 我们与住在这儿的大多数人和睦相处。 6. be on speaking terms to be able to talk to someone and have a friendly relationship with them 能友好地交谈,关系好:◇we're barely on speaking terms now. 我们现在相互之间几乎不说话。→ see also 另见 on equal terms (equal¹)




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