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单词 tribute
释义 tribute noun¹ 1sth you say/do to show you respect/admire sb/sth致敬;颂词adjective | verb + tribute | tribute + verb | tribute + noun adjective➤anniversary, birthday, memorial周年纪念日颂词;生日祝词;纪念祝词▸➤final最后的致敬▸➤fine, fitting恰当的致敬▸➤lasting永久的称赞▸➤affectionate, emotional, heartfelt, moving, touching, warm热情的赞颂;感人的赞颂▸➤generous, glowing, loving, special慷慨的赞美;热情的赞誉;特殊的赞誉▸➤silent (especially bre) 默哀◆thousands of people stood in silent tribute to the dead.数以千计的人为逝者肃立默哀。➤musical赞乐▸➤floral (bre) 献花◆floral tributes were piled up outside the church.教堂外面放满了敬献的鲜花。verb + tribute➤pay赞扬;致敬◆the couple paid tribute to the helicopter crew who rescued them.这对夫妇向救了他们性命的直升机机组人员表示敬意和感谢。➤give, write致敬;写颂词▸➤lead (especially bre) 带领众人致敬◆the president led the tributes to 'a great statesman and a decent man'.总统带领大家向“一位伟大的政治家和正直的人”致敬。tribute + verb➤flood in, pour in (both especially bre) 致辞的表示如潮水涌来◆tributes flooded in when her death was announced.她去世的消息公布后,人们纷纷表示哀悼。tribute + noun➤album, concert, show致敬唱片/音乐会/演出➤act, band演出助兴;致敬乐队◆he'll be on the road with a beatles tribute band.他将参加披头士致敬乐队的巡演。tribute noun² 2sign of how good sb/sth is某人或某物优秀的标志adjective | preposition adjective➤great, remarkable充分的证明;非凡的标志preposition➤tribute to⋯的证明◆the bridge is a remarkable tribute to the skill of the early engineers.这座桥标志着早期工程师们的杰出技艺。 tribute nountribute ♦︎ compliment ♦︎ homage ♦︎ toast ♦︎ accolade ♦︎ eulogythese are all words for sth that you say, write or do to show your respect or admiration for sb.这些词均表示充满敬意的言辞或举动。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a tribute / compliment / homage / toast / eulogy to sb / sth◆to do sth in tribute / homage◆to do sth as a tribute / compliment◆a great tribute / compliment◆to pay tribute / a compliment / homage (to sb / sth)◆to receive a tribute / a compliment / homage / an accolade■ tribute /trɪbjuːt/ [uncountable, countable] something that you say, do or offer to show your respect or admiration, especially for a dead person(尤指对死者的)致敬,颂辞;悼念;吊唁礼物◆at her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work.在她的葬礼上,她相识最久的朋友对她的一生和工作给予了高度赞扬。◆the crowd stood in silent tribute to those who had died in the war.人群向那些在战争中死去的人默哀。◆this book is a fitting tribute to the bravery of the pioneers.本书是对先驱们大无畏精神恰如其分的献礼。■ compliment [countable] something you say that expresses praise or admiration of sb赞扬;称赞◆she always paid me compliments on my hair and my clothes.她经常称赞我的头发和着装。◆'you understand the problem because you're so much older.' 'i'll take that as a compliment!'“您能理解这个问题,因为您年纪要大得多。”“我会把这话当成是赞美。”ⓘ compliment is the only word in this group that does not suggest a public display of praise or respect. it is most often used to describe words spoken between individuals rather than a public announcement or event.本组词中只有 compliment 不表示公开表露的赞美或尊敬。它最常指个人之间的口头赞扬,而非公开的宣告或活动。  ➡ see also compliment → praise verb , complimentary → good 6 ■ homage /hɒmɪdʒ; name hɑːmɪdʒ/ [uncountable, countable, usually singular] (formal) something that is said or done to show respect for sb, especially in a formal or serious way(尤指正式或严肃场合中的)敬辞,致礼◆the kings of france paid homage to no one.法国国王不向任何人致敬。◆he describes his book as a 'homage to my father'.他说他的书是“献给父亲”的。■ toast [countable] the act of a group of people wishing sb happiness or success by drinking a glass of sth, especially alcohol, at the same time干杯;祝酒;敬酒◆i'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.我提议为新娘新郎干杯。◆the committee drank a toast to the new project.委员会为这个新项目干杯。▸ toast verb [transitive] ◆we toasted the success of the new company.我们为新公司的成功干杯。■ accolade /ækəleɪd/ [countable] (formal) praise or an award for an achievement that people admire赞扬;奖励;荣誉◆he was finally awarded the ultimate accolade-british hairdresser of the year-in 2007.2007 年,他终于获得了最高奖项 - 英国年度发型师奖。■ eulogy /juːlədʒi/ [countable, uncountable] a speech or piece of writing praising sb/sth very much; a speech given at a funeral praising the person who has died颂辞;颂文;(颂扬死者的)悼辞,悼文◆the poem is a eulogy to marriage.那首诗是婚礼颂辞。◆he gave the eulogy at aunt louise's funeral.他在路易丝姨妈的葬礼上致悼辞。tribute /trɪbjuːt/ [uncountable, countable] something that you say, do or offer to show your respect or admiration, especially for a dead person(尤指对死者的)致敬,颂辞;悼念;吊唁礼物◆at her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work.在她的葬礼上,她相识最久的朋友对她的一生和工作给予了高度赞扬。◆the crowd stood in silent tribute to those who had died in the war.人群向那些在战争中死去的人默哀。◆this book is a fitting tribute to the bravery of the pioneers.本书是对先驱们大无畏精神恰如其分的献礼。tribute/ˈtrɪbju:t ||; ˈtrɪbjut/noun1. [c,u] tribute (to sb) something that you say or do to show that you respect or admire sb/sth, especially sb who has died 礼赞,赞辞(尤指对死者的敬意): ◇a special concert was held as a tribute to the composer. 举行了专场音乐会,向这位作曲家表示敬意。 2. [sing] a tribute (to sb/sth) a sign of how good sb/sth is (某人或某物)优秀质量的展现: ◇the success of the festival is a tribute to the organizers. 艺术节办得成功显示出筹备者的办事能力强。 pay tribute to sb/sth→pay¹tribute• ⇨ be a tribute to• ⇨ pay tribute to trib·ute /`trɪbjut; ˈtrɪbjuːt/n 1. [c,u] something that you say or do to show how much you admire and respect someone 致敬; [向某人表示景仰的]颂辞; 礼物:◇the concert was held as a tribute to bob dylan. 这场音乐会是为了向鲍勃 · 迪伦表示敬意而举办的。◇pay tribute to sb (=praise and thank someone publicly) [公开]赞扬和感谢某人 2. be a tribute to to be a sign of how good, effective etc someone or something is [某人或某物优良的]证明,说明




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