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单词 under/below
释义 under/below1 under something that is directly above2 in a lower position or at a lower level than something3 under the ground or under water4 under something such as clothes, skin, or paintrelated wordsoppositeabove,see alsodown,1. under something that is directly above 在某物正下方 under /ˈʌndəʳ/ [preposition] something that is under something else has that thing directly above it 在…下面,在…正下方 the pen fell under the desk. 钢笔掉到桌子下面去了。 if there's no one at home, just shove the letter under the door. 如果家里没人,就把信塞在门下面。 a small dog scampered into the room and dived under the table. 一只小狗蹦蹦跳跳进了房间,一下子钻到桌子底下。 we stood close together under his umbrella, trying to keep dry. 我们紧靠着站在他的雨伞下面躲雨。 underneath /ˌʌndəʳˈniːθ/ [preposition/adverb] directly under another object and close to it 在…下面[并紧贴着];在…正下方 we found your keys in the sofa underneath a cushion. 我们在沙发的一个靠垫下面找到了你的钥匙。 the cats like to sleep underneath the wood stove when it's cold. 天冷的时候,猫咪喜欢睡在柴炉底下。 sheets of newspaper had been laid underneath the carpet. 地毯下面铺了一张张报纸。 a pipe was leaking, so we put a bucket underneath to catch the drips. 一条管道漏水,我们就在下面放了一个水桶接滴下来的水。 beneath /bɪˈniːθ/ [preposition] directly under something - used especially in formal writing or in literature 在…正下方[尤用于正式书面形式或文学作品中] the ship passed beneath the golden gate bridge into san francisco bay. 船从金门大桥下经过,进入圣弗朗西斯科湾。 as he walked across the hall, the boards creaked beneath his feet. 他穿过大厅时,木地板在他脚下吱吱作响。2. in a lower position or at a lower level than something 位置或水平低于某物 below /bɪˈləʊ/ [preposition/adverb] at a lower level 在…的下面;在较低处 john lives on the top floor and julie lives on the floor below. 约翰住顶楼,朱莉住在他楼下。 they looked down from the mountain to the valley far below. 他们从山上俯瞰,下面是深深的山谷。 the dog's leg was broken just below the hip. 小狗的一条腿正好在臀部靠下的位置摔断了。 her hair hangs down below her shoulders. 她秀发垂肩。 our pilot spotted two mig29s flying below us. 我们的飞行员发现两架米格一29型战斗机在我们下面飞行。 beneath /bɪˈniːθ/ [preposition/adverb] at a lower level than something and often a little in front or to one side of it - used especially in formal writing or in literature 在…之下;在下面[通常位置稍微靠前或靠边;尤用于正式书面形式或文学作品中] beneath the east window of the church stands the great altar. 教堂东边的窗户下面是大祭坛。 the army was encamped beneath the castle walls. 部队在城墙下安营。 they stood on the cliff and gazed down at the raging sea beneath. 他们站在悬崖上,凝视着下面汹涌的大海。3. under the ground or under water 在地下或水下 under /ˈʌndəʳ/ [preposition] it is one of the largest mountain ranges under the pacific ocean. 这是太平洋下面最大的山脉之一。 several of the stolen items were found buried under mackie's house. 其中的几件被盗物品被发现埋在麦凯的房子下面。 when the project is finished, most of boston's major roads will run under the city. 这项工程竣工以后,波士顿的大多数主要道路都将引入地下。 beneath /bɪˈniːθ/ [preposition] under - used in formal writing or in literature 在…之下[用于正式书面形式或文学作品中] far beneath the waters of the north atlantic lies the wreck of the great liner, the titanic. 北大西洋的深海底下躺着巨轮“泰坦尼克”号的残骸。 petroleum occurs in natural deposits beneath the surface of the earth. 石油出现在地表下面的天然沉积物中。 underground/below ground /ˌʌndəʳˈgraʊnd◂, bɪˌləʊ ˈgraʊnd/ [adverb] under the ground 在地下 the men work underground for 12 hours a day. 工人们每天在地下工作12小时。 the explosives will be stored below ground in concrete bunkers. 炸药将存放在地下的混凝土掩体里。10 metres underground/two miles underground etc the nuclear waste is buried a half-mile underground. 核废料被埋在地下半英里处。 underground [adjective only before noun] an underground parking garage 地下停车库 subterranean /ˌsʌbtəˈreɪniən◂/ [adjective only before noun] below the ground 地表下的,地下的 a subterranean stream is believed to flow underneath the town. 据认为这个镇下面有地下小河流过。 a subterranean explosion 地下爆炸 electronic sensors have located a huge subterranean cavern in the sierre madre mountain range. 电子感应器在马德雷山脉中发现了一个很大的地下洞穴。 underwater/under water /ˌʌndəʳˈwɔːtəʳ◂/ [adverb] under the water 在水下 i don't like opening my eyes underwater. 我在水下不喜欢把眼睛睁开。 a camera specially designed for use under water 专门为水下使用而设计的照相机 on land the seal is a clumsy creature, but underwater it moves with grace and agility. 海豹在陆上是一种笨拙的动物,可在水中它们的行动却优雅敏捷。 underwater [adjective only before noun] the research is done in underwater laboratories, so that scientists can study the creatures in their natural habitat. 研究在水下实验室进行,这样科学家就可以研究生活在自然栖息地的水下生物。 submerged /səbˈmɜːʳdʒd/ [adjective] just under the surface of the water 水下的,没入水中的 the boat hit a submerged rock. 船撞上了一个暗礁。! sometimes at low tide you can just see the submerged wreck of a large ship. 有时退潮的时候,你正好可以看到水下一艘大船的残骸。partially/partly submerged the flight recorder was found smashed and partially submerged in a creek nearby. 飞行记录仪被发现时已经撞坏,部分没入附近的一条小溪里。4. under something such as clothes, skin, or paint 在衣服、皮肤或涂料等下面 under/underneath /ˈʌndəʳ, ˌʌndəʳˈniːθ/ [preposition] i was wearing a thick sweater under my coat, but i was still cold. 我在外套里面穿了一件厚毛衣,可是仍觉得冷。 scabies is a disease caused by a tiny insect that lays its eggs just underneath the skin. 疥疮是一种由在皮肤表皮下面产卵的小虫子引起的疾病。 underneath [adverb] padding prevents the rug's color from seeping through onto the floor underneath. 铺上垫料可防止地毯的颜色渗到下面的地板上去。 beneath /bɪˈniːθ/ [preposition] under a layer of something - used in formal writing or in literature 在[一层覆盖物]之下[用于正式书面形式或文学作品中] the boy lay trembling beneath the bedclothes. 男孩躺在被子下面瑟瑟发抖。 the inscription was hidden beneath a layer of dirt and grime. 碑文隐藏在一层污垢之下。




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