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单词 exit
释义 exit noun¹ 1way out出口adjective | verb + exit | exit + noun | preposition adjective➤back, rear后出口➤side侧面出口➤east, south, etc.东面、南面等出口◆he left through the south exit.他从南面出口离开了。➤main主要出口◆i walked through the school's main exit.我步行穿过了学校的大门。➤airport, school, etc.机场、学校等出口➤emergency, fire紧急出口;消防通道▸➤the nearest最近的出口◆she headed for the nearest exit.她奔向最近的出口。➤secret秘密出口◆i remember that there's a secret exit here.我记得这里有一个秘密出口。verb + exit➤head for, make for向出口而去;走向出口➤bolt for, make a beeline for, make a dash for, run for, rush for冲向出口;直奔出口➤reach到达出口▸➤bar, block拦住出口;阻塞出口◆do not leave bags lying around which could block the emergency exits.不要把袋子随处乱放,这会阻塞紧急出口。➤guard, watch把守/看守出口➤seal, seal off封闭出口exit + noun➤sign出口标记▸➤door, gate, point出口门;出口➤route出口路线preposition➤to the exit, towards/toward the exit朝出口◆they moved towards / toward the exits.他们朝出口走去。➤exit from⋯方向的出口◆the exit from the hall大厅出口➤exit to通往⋯的出口◆an exit to the street通往大街的出口exit noun² 2act of leaving离开adjective | verb + exit | exit + noun | preposition adjective➤fast, hasty, quick, rapid, speedy, swift快速退出;匆忙离开;迅速退出➤abrupt, sudden突然离开◆carole's abrupt exit from their lives卡萝尔突然从他们的生活中消失了➤easy方便的离开◆emergency doors providing for easy exit in the event of a fire在发生火灾时方便逃离的紧急救生门➤dignified有尊严的离开➤graceful不失体面的离开◆she was trying to make a graceful exit from public life.她在设法不失体面地走出公众的视野。➤grand华丽的退出◆then we made our grand exit.之后我们华丽退场。➤dramatic突然的离开◆the students made a dramatic exit toward the end of his speech.这些学生在他演讲快结束的时候突然离场。➤early, premature提早/提前退出◆her early exit from the tournament, in only the second round她在锦标赛只进行到第二轮时便提早出局➤mass大规模退场➤play-off (name, sport体育) 加时赛出局◆the team is likely to make a quick play-off exit.这支队伍可能会在加时赛中很快出局。➤first-round, second-round, etc. (sport体育) 第一轮、第二轮等退出verb + exit➤make退出◆she turned on her heel and made what she hoped was a dignified exit.她转过身以尽可能体面的方式退了出去。exit + noun➤visa出境签证➤poll投票后民意调查◆exit polls showed that more than 70% of voters opposed the proposal.投票后民意调查显示,超过 70% 的选民反对这项提议。➤plan, strategy退出计划/策略◆he was searching for an exit strategy.他正在寻找一个退出的策略。➤exam (name) 毕业考试◆you have to pass the exit exam in order to graduate.必须通过毕业考试才能毕业。➤interview (especially name) 离职面谈◆we go back and look at our exit interviews as to why people leave.我们回过头来看一下员工离职时对其进行的面谈,以便弄清人们离开的原因。preposition➤exit from从⋯退出◆a mass exit of members from the party成员大规模退党exit noun³ 3for traffic交通  ➡ see also junction adjective | verb + exit | exit + noun | preposition adjective➤freeway, highway, interstate (all in the us) 高速公路/公路/州际公路出口▸➤motorway (in the uk) 高速公路出口▸➤northbound, southbound, etc. (bre) 北行、南行等出口➤the next下一个出口◆i pulled off the road at the next exit.我在下一个出口处把车停在了路边。verb + exit➤get off at, take从出口出去◆you need to get off at the next exit.你需要从下一个出口出去。◆take the first exit over the bridge.过桥后从第一个出口出去。exit + noun➤ramp (especially name) 出口匝道➤point出口点◆the number of entry and exit points on the main road network主干道网上标注的出入口的号码preposition➤exit for往⋯的出口◆the driver took the exit for laguardia.司机从通向拉瓜迪亚的出口出去。➤exit to通往⋯的出口◆they took the exit to the hospital.他们从通往医院的出口出去。 exit /eksɪt; egzɪt/ noun [countable] 1.a way out of a public building or vehicle 出口;通道;太平门◆if the alarm sounds, leave by the nearest fire exit. 如果警报响起,应从最近的消防通道离开。 act of leaving, especially when sb leaves a job, or a business or an investor leaves a market 离去;退出;离职;(尤指企业或投资者)退出市场◆her exit has been a blow to the company. 她的离职对公司是一个打击。◆the group's exit from the insurance business 这个集团退出保险业务⨁ to find / look for / make an exit (from sth)找到/寻找(离开某物的)退路;退出(某物) ⨁ sth provides an exit (from sth)某物提供了(离开某物的)退路 3.a way of ending an agreement, a contract, a loan, etc.; an act of doing so 终止(协议、合同、贷款等)◆we must make sure that we have an exit from the contract. 我们必须确保拥有终止合同的权利。◆you pay a 25% exit penalty if you cash in the policy early. 如果你提前兑现保单,必须支付 25% 的终止罚金。⨁ an exit charge / cost / fee / penalty终止费用/代价/费/罚金 barrier to exit exit /eksɪt; egzɪt/ verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to go out; to leave a building, vehicle, etc. 出去;退场◆we exited via the fire escape. 我们从消防通道离开了。 2. [transitive] to leave a job; to stop being involved in sth, such as a type of business or an investment 离职;退出(业务或投资)◆he is the latest in a series of senior executives to exit the company. 他是接连离职的高管中最近的一个。◆the group is considering exiting television. 这个集团正考虑退出电视广播业。3. (it 信息技术) [transitive] to finish using a computer program or a part of it 退出(计算机程序)◆press ‘esc’ to exit the program. 按 esc 键退出程序。☞ exit☞ exitexit [countable, usually singular] an act of leaving a room, building, stage, country or competition离去;退出;退场◆he made a quick exit to avoid talking to her.他快速离去以免跟她说话。◆the dancers made their exits and entrances with perfect timing.舞蹈演员出场和退场的时间拿捏得很精准。◆they were disappointed by the team's early exit from the cup.他们对该队在优胜杯比赛提前出局感到失望。◆an exit visa (= an official stamp in your passport giving you permission to leave) 出境签证opp entrance → arrival 1  ➡ see also exit → leave 1 exit /eksɪt, egzɪt/ [countable] (rather formal) a way out of a public building or vehicle出口;通道;太平门◆where's the exit?出口在哪儿?◆there is a fire exit on each floor of the building.这栋楼每一层都有个消防通道。◆the emergency exit is at the back of the bus.紧急出口在公共汽车的尾部。 opp entrance exit /eksɪt, egzɪt/ [countable] a place where vehicles can leave a road to join another road(车辆从一道路驶出进入另一道路的)出口,出路◆take the exit for trento.从通往特伦托的出口驶出。exit [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to leave a building, room, stage, vehicle or other place出去;离开;退场◆the bullet entered his chest and exited through his back.子弹从他的前胸射入,从后背穿出。◆we exited via a fire door.我们从防火安全门走了出去。◆exit hamlet.(= used in the text of a play to say who should come off the stage) 哈姆雷特退场。◆passengers exited the aircraft through the rear door.乘客从后门下了飞机。opp enter → enter  ➡ see also exit → departure noun 1 exit¹/ˈeksɪt;ˈegzɪt ||; ˈɛksɪt; ˈɛgzɪt/noun[c] 1. a door or way out of a public building or vehicle (公共建筑物或车辆的)出口: ◇the emergency exit is at the back of the bus. 紧急出口在公共汽车后部。 2. the act of leaving sth 离开: ◇if i see her coming i'll make a quick exit. 要是我见她过来,我会赶快走开。◇an exit visa (= one that allows you to leave a country) 出境签证 [opp] for senses 1 and 2 entrance 第1及2义的反义词皆为 entrance 3. a place where traffic can leave a road or a motorway to join another road (道路、高速公路跟另一条道路相接的)出口: ◇at the roundabout take the third exit. 在环形交叉路选择第三个出口。 exit²/ˈeksɪt;ˈegzɪt ||; ˈɛksɪt; ˈɛgzɪt/verb [i,t] (formal 正式) to leave a place 走出;离开: ◇he exited through the back door. 他从后门走了。◇i exited the database and switched off the computer. 我退出数据库,关掉了计算机。 ☞ exit¹☞ exit²




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