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单词 woo
释义 woo /wuː/ verb [transitive] (used especially in newspapers) to try to attract or get the support of a person, a group, an organization, etc. (尤用于报章)拉拢,恳求◆the ads are an attempt to woo younger consumers. 这些广告的目的是吸引年轻消费者。☞ woowoo [transitive] (old-fashioned or literary) (of a man) to try to persuade a woman to love him and marry him(男子)追求(异性);(向女人)求爱◆he wooed her with flowers, poetry and compliments.他奉上鲜花、诗歌,并极尽赞美之词向她求爱。woo/wu: ||; wu/verb[t] 1. to try to get the support of sb 争取…的支持;寻求…的赞同: ◇voters are being wooed with promises of lower taxes. 通过许诺减低税收争取选民。 ◇selected items are being sold at half price to woo customers into the store. 店内精选商品半价出售以吸引顾客。 2. (old-fashioned 旧) (used about a man) to try to persuade a woman to love him and marry him ﹙男子﹚追求﹙异性﹚;向…求爱﹙或求婚﹚ woo /wu; wuː/v [t] 1. to try to persuade someone to support you or vote for you 争取[某人的]支持[选票]:◇politicians were busy wooing voters. 政客们都在忙着争取选民的支持。 2. old-fashioned if a man woos a woman, he spends time with her, hoping to persuade her to marry him 【过时】 [男子]向[女子]求爱,求婚




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