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单词 rife
释义 rife /raɪf/ [not before noun](of sth bad) very common in a particular place(坏事)盛行,普遍◆rumours have been rife in media circles all summer.整个夏天,谣言在媒体圈里四处传播。◆speculation is rife that the company is about to be sold.大家纷纷猜测那家公司要被卖掉。rife/raɪf ||; raɪf/adj (not before a noun 不用于名词前) (formal 正式) (used especially about bad things) very common (尤指坏事)普遍,流行: ◇rumours are rife that his wife has left him. 盛传他的妻子已经离他而去。 rife• ⇨ be rife rife /raɪf; raɪf/adjif something bad is rife, it is very common [坏事]流行的,普遍的:◇corruption is rife. 贪污腐败非常普遍。




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