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单词 overlap
释义 overlap verbadverb | preposition adverb➤almost几乎重叠▸➤partially, partly, slightly, to some extent部份重叠;稍稍重叠;在某种程度上重叠◆put the two pieces of paper together so that they overlap slightly.将这两张纸放在一起让它们稍稍重叠。◆the two categories overlap to some extent.这两个范畴有一定的交叉。➤clearly明显重叠preposition➤in在⋯方面重叠◆terms which overlap slightly in meaning语义略有重叠的术语➤with和⋯重叠◆a world which overlaps with the newspaper world与报界交叉的领域overlap/ˌəʊvəˈlæp ||; ˌovɚˈlæp/verb [i,t] (overlapping;overlapped) 1. when two things overlap, part of one covers part of the other 重迭;复迭: ◇make sure that the two pieces of material overlap. 要确保两块材料迭在一起。 2. to be partly the same as sth 部份相同;部份重复: ◇our jobs overlap to some extent. 我们的工作在某种程度上重迭。 overlap /ˈəʊvəlæp ||; ˈovɚˌlæp/ noun [c,u] o·ver·lap /ˏovə`læp; ˌəʊvəˈlæp/v [i,t] -pped, -pping 1. if two things overlap, part of one thing covers part of the other [两物]部分互叠,叠盖:◇a pattern of overlapping circles 圆形交叠的图案 2. if two subjects, activities, ideas etc overlap, they are similar in some ways, but not in others [两个主题、活动、观念等]部分相同:◇the case i'm working on overlaps with yours. 我正在处理的案件和你那宗有部分相同之处。 overlap /`ovəˏlæp; ˈəʊvəlæp/n [c,u]




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