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单词 let
释义 let /let/ verb [transitive] (letting, let, let) (especially bre) let sth (out) (to sb) to allow sb to use rooms, a building, etc. in return for regular payments 出租(房屋、房间等)◆they decided to let out the smaller offices at low rents. 他们决定以低廉的租金将那些较小的办公室租出去。 ●let sb go (informal) to make sb have to leave their job 解雇;开除◆they're having to let 100 employees go because of falling profits. 由于利润下降,他们不得不解雇 100 名员工。◆i'm going to have to let you go (=dismiss you). 我要开除你。 let /let/ noun [countable] (bre) an act of renting a home, etc. 出租;租借◆we have three industrial units available on a short-term let. 我们有三家工业单位可供短期出租。☞ let☞ let☞ let☞ letlet(letting, let, let) [transitive] to allow sb to do sth or allow sth to happen without trying to stop it允许;让◆they never let the children play outside.他们从不让孩子到外边玩耍。◆i wanted to drive but she wouldn't let me.我想开车,但她不让。◆don't let it upset you.别让那件事搅得你心烦。◆let me help you with your luggage.让我帮你提行李吧。ⓘ when it means 'allow' let is not used in the passive.表示允许之义时,let 不用于被动语态◆the children are never let play outside. however, let can also mean 'to open a door so that sb can go in or out' and in this meaning it can be active or passive.但是 let 还有“开门准许进出”之义,这时,主动语态和被动语态都可以使用◆i'll give you a key so you can let yourself in.我给你一把钥匙,你可以自行进入。◆the cat wants to be let out.这只猫想要出去。note the difference between let sb out (= open the door for them) and allow sb out (= give them permission to go out).注意区分 let sb out (打开门让某人出去)和 allow sb out (准许某人出去)。let/let ||; lɛt/verb [t] (present participle letting;past tense past participle let) 1. let sb/sth do sth to allow sb/sth to do sth; to make sb/sth able to do sth 准许;使…能做某事: ◇my parents let me stay out till 11 o'clock. 父母允许我在外面待到11点才回家。◇i wanted to borrow dave's bike but he wouldn't let me. 我想跟戴夫借自行车,可是他不肯。◇this ticket lets you travel anywhere in the city for a day. 有了这张票,你一天当中可以去这个城市的任何地方。 you cannot use let in the passive here. you must use allow or permit and to they let him take the exam again. he was allowed to take the exam again. look at the note at allow. 这个义项,被动语态不能用let,得用allow或permit,再加上to:they let him take the exam again.他们允许他重考。 · he was allowed to take the exam again.他获准重考。参看allow的注释。2. to allow sth to happen 允许某事发生: ◇he's let the dinner burn again! 他又把晚饭烧焦了!◇don't let the fire go out. 别让火熄了。 3. used for offering help to sb (用于表示可给予帮助): ◇let me help you carry your bags. 让我来帮你提袋子吧。 4. to allow sb/sth to go somewhere 允许…去某处: ◇open the windows and let some fresh air in. 打开窗,让新鲜空气进来。◇she was let out of prison yesterday. 她昨天获释出狱。 5. used for making suggestions about what you and other people can do (用于提出建议)让,任由: ◇‘let's go to the cinema tonight.’ ‘yes, let's.’ “我们今晚去看电影吧。”“好的。” the negative is let's not or (in british english only) don't let's let's not/don't let's go to that awful restaurant again. 否定式是let's not,也可以是don't let's(限于英国英语):let's not/don't let's go to that awful restaurant again.我们可别再到那家糟糕透顶的餐馆去。6. let sth (out) (to sb) to allow sb to use a building, room, etc in return for rent 出租(房屋、房间等): ◇they let out two rooms to students. 他们把两个房间租给学生。◇there's a flat to let in our block. 我们那座大厦有一套公寓出租。 ☞look at the note at hire. 参看hire的注释。 let alone and certainly not 更不用说;遑论: ◇we haven't decided where we're going yet, let alone booked the tickets. 我们还未决定到哪里去,更不用说订票了。 let sb/sth go;let go of sb/sth to stop holding sb/sth 放开某人或某物: ◇let me go. you're hurting me! 放开我,你弄得我好痛!◇hold the rope and don't let go of it. 抓紧绳子,不要放手。 let sb know→know¹let me see;let's see used when you are thinking or trying to remember sth (用于表示正在思考或回忆)让我想想: ◇where did i put the car keys? let's see. i think i left them by the telephone. 我把车钥匙搁到哪儿去了?让我想一想。大概就搁在电话旁边。 let sth slip to accidentally say sth that you should keep secret 无意中说出(秘密) let's say for example 比如: ◇you could work two mornings a week, let's say tuesday and friday. 你可以每星期工作两个上午,比如说星期二和星期五的上午。 let yourself go 1. to relax without worrying what other people think 放松自己(无须担心别人的看法): ◇after work i like to go out with friends and let myself go. 下班后,我喜欢跟朋友出去,放松一下。 2. to allow yourself to become untidy, dirty, etc 不修边幅 let sb down to not do sth that you promised to do for sb; to disappoint sb 食言;使某人失望: ◇rob really let me down when he didn't finish the work on time. 罗布没有按时完成工作,真叫我失望。 let on (about sth) (to sb) to tell sb a secret 把秘密告诉(某人): ◇he didn't let on how much he'd paid for the vase. 他没有说花多少钱买了这个花瓶。 let sb off to not punish sb, or to give sb a less serious punishment than expected 饶恕某人;从宽处理: ◇he expected to go to prison but they let him off with a fine. 他本来以为要坐牢,但他们罚了他一笔款就放过了他。 let sth out to make a sound with your voice 发出声音: ◇to let out a scream/sigh/groan/yell 尖叫╱长叹╱呻吟╱大喊一声 ☞ let/allow let /lɛt; let/v [t] let, let, letting 1. to give someone permission to do something 允许:◇i'll come if my dad lets me. 爸爸允许的话我就来。◇let sb do sth "let him speak," said ralph. “让他讲。”拉尔夫说道。◇let sb go (=to give permission for someone to leave a place) 允许某人离开 2. to allow something to happen任,让[某事发生]:◇she let the handkerchief fall to the ground. 她任由手帕掉在地上。◇let me through, i'm a doctor! 让我过去,我是医生! 3. let's spoken used to suggest to someone that you should do something together 【口】 让我们…[用于建议一起做某事]:◇i'm hungry — let's eat. 我饿了 — 我们一起吃饭吧。 4. let's see spoken used when you are trying to remember or find something 【口】 让我想想,让我找找[努力记起或寻找某物时说的话]:◇now let's see, where did i put it? 好吧,让我想想,我把它放到哪里去了? 5. let go to stop holding something 放手; 放开:◇+ of "let go of me!" ben shouted. “放开我!”本大声叫道。 6. let sb know to tell someone something 告诉某人:◇let me know when you're ready. 你准备好了告诉我一声。 7. let me do sth spoken used when you are offering to help someone 【口】 让我来做某事[用于主动帮助别人时]:◇let me carry that for you. 让我来帮你拿吧。 8. to allow someone to use a room or building in return for money 出租[房屋等]:◇we're letting our spare room to a student. 我们要把空房间租给一个学生。 9. let alone used to say that one thing is not true or does not happen, so another thing cannot possibly be true or happen 更不用说,更谈不上:◇davey can't even crawl yet, let alone walk! 戴维连爬都不会,更谈不上走了! 10. let sth go/pass/ride to not react to something annoying that someone has said or done 对某事不计较:◇we'll let it go this time, but don't be late again. 这次我们就算了,但以后不能再迟到。 11. let fly to suddenly start shouting at someone or hitting them, especially because you feel angry [尤因气愤而]破口大骂; 击打usage note 用法说明: let us1 let us is usually shortened to let's when it is used in conversation to make a suggestion that includes the person you are speaking to. 在表示所作的建议包括说话的对象时,let us 常缩略成 let's:◇come on, jim, let's go and have lunch. 来吧,吉姆,我们去吃午饭吧。◇let's have a party at the end of term. 学期结束时,我们开个派对吧。2 let's can be used by itself to show that you agree with someone else's suggestion. let's 可单独使用,表示同意别人的建议:◇"shall we go to the cinema tonight?" "oh, yes, let's!" “我们今晚去看电影好吗?”“哦,好的,我们去吧!”3 the negative of let's is let's not. let's 的否定形式为 let's not:◇let's not waste any more time on this. 让我们别在这上面浪费时间了。(in british english don't let's is also possible. 在英国英语中也可以用 don't let's。)let sb downto disappoint someone, especially by not doing what you promised 让[某人]失望[尤指失信]:◇you won't let me down, will you? 你不会让我失望的,是吗?let sb in/intoto allow someone to enter a building or room 允许[某人]进入[建筑物或房间]let sb in on sthto tell someone a secret 把秘密告诉[某人]let sb offto not punish someone or not make them do something that they should have done 宽恕; 免除[某人应做的事]:◇i'll let you off this time, but don't do it again. 这次我就饶了你,但不要再这么做了。let onto show that you know a secret 泄露[秘密]; 透露:◇+ (that) i won't let on i know anything about it. 我不会透露我知道这件事。let out1 [t let sb out] to allow someone to leave a building or room 放…出去; 释放2 let out a scream/cry etc to make a sound, especially a loud one 发出尖叫/叫喊等:◇suddenly, ben let out a yell and jumped up. 突然,本大叫一声,跳了起来。let upif rain or snow lets up, it stops or there is less of it [雨、雪]停止; 减弱 ☞ let




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