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单词 less
释义 less /les/ prepositionused before a particular amount that must be taken away from the amount just mentioned 减去;扣除◆a monthly salary of €2 500 less tax and insurance 月薪 2500 欧元,从中扣除所得税和保险费◆send a cheque for the catalogue price, less 10% discount. 寄一张按目录价格打九折的支票。 syn minus  ➡  plus ☞ lessless¹/les ||; lɛs/det pronoun adv 1. (used with uncountable nouns 与不可数名词连用) a smaller amount (of) 较少(的): ◇it took less time than i thought. 所花的时间比我预计的要少。◇i'm too fat -- i must try to eat less. 我太胖了,一定要设法节食。◇it's not far -- it'll take less than an hour to get there. 到那儿不远,用不了一个小时。 some people use less with plural nouns less cars, but fewer is the form which is still considered to be correct fewer cars. 有些人把less跟复数名词连用:less cars。不过,fewer后接复数名词仍被视为规范的用法:fewer cars。2. not so much (as) 不如…那么多: ◇he's less intelligent than his brother. 他没有他哥哥聪敏。◇it rains less in london than in manchester. 伦敦下雨下得比曼彻斯特少。◇people work less well when they're tired. 人累了,事情就会做得比较差。 [opp] more 反义词为moreless and less becoming smaller and smaller in amount or degree 越来越少 more or less→more²less²/les ||; lɛs/prep taking a certain number or amount away; minus 减去: ◇you'll earn £10 an hour, less tax. 扣税后,每小时你可以挣10英镑。 less1 a smaller amount or number2 less than a number or amount3 less interesting, expensive, difficult, exciting etc4 when something happens less than before5 when prices, numbers etc become less6 when feelings, qualities etc become less strongrelated wordsoppositemore,see alsoreduce,least,1. a smaller amount or number 较小的量或数 less /les/ [quantifier] a smaller amount of something. less is used with uncountable nouns 更少的;较少的[less与不可数名词连用] i earn less money now than i did then. 我现在赚的钱比那时候少了。 surgery patients now spend much less time in the hospital. 动手术的病人现在住院时间短多了。 statistics show that nowadays people drink less beer and smoke fewer cigarettes than they used to. 统计显示,现在的人喝啤酒和抽烟比以前少了。less than he always travels by bus because it costs less than travelling by train. 他总是乘公共汽车,因为这比乘火车便宜。 clive knows even less than i do about this business. 关于这件事,克莱夫知道的甚至比我还少。 it's a bit less than a mile from here to the station. 从此地到车站差一点才足一英里。far less/a lot less as a result of these improvements, the car uses far less fuel. 经过这些改良,这种车耗油少多了。less of studies show that people who receive medication when their pain first starts need less of it than people who wait longer. 研究表明,疼痛初发就接受药物治疗者,所需药物少于时间拖得较长的人。less and less when an amount keeps getting smaller as time passes 越来越少 as the drought became worse, there was less and less food available. 随着旱情越来越严重,食品越来越短缺。 fewer /ˈfjuːəʳ/ [quantifier] a smaller number of people or things. fewer is used with countable nouns [人或物]更少的;较少的[fewer与可数名词连用] schools in the suburbs have fewer discipline problems and better student attitudes. 郊区的学校纪律问题较少,学生的学习态度也较好。 spending cuts will mean fewer social workers. 削减开支意味着社会工作者人数要减少。fewer than no reservations are needed for groups of fewer than 15. 15.15人以下的团体无需预订。far fewer/a lot fewer there were far fewer women at the conference this year than last. 今年参加会议的女性比去年少多了。fewer and fewer since 1985, fewer and fewer people have been drinking decaffeinated coffee, and the trend shows no signs of halting. 1985年以来,越来越少的人喝脱咖啡因的咖啡,而且这种势头尚无停止的迹象。 not as much/not so much /nɒt əz ˈmʌtʃ, nɒt səʊ ˈmʌtʃ/ [quantifier] less than an amount. not as much and not so much are used with uncountable nouns. 没有那么多[与不可数名词连用] there's a lot of snow on the upper slopes of the mountain, but there's not so much down here. 上面的山坡上积雪很多,但这下面就没有那么多。not as much/not so much as the chinese don't eat as much meat as americans do. 中国人吃肉没有美国人多。 jim worked hard, but didn't earn as much money as he wanted. 吉姆很努力工作,但是赚的钱没有他想要的多。not as much/not so much of i didn't eat as much of the fish as al, but i still got sick. 我吃的鱼没有阿尔多,但还是生病了。 not as many/not so many /nɒt əz ˈmeni, nɒt səʊ ˈmeni/ [quantifier] fewer than a number of people or things. not as many and not so many are used with countable nouns 没有那么多[与可数名词连用] ‘last year our gift shop did very well,’ said amy. ‘but this year we haven't had as many customers coming through the door.’ “去年我们的礼品店生意很好。”埃米说,“但是今年我们就没有那么多顾客了。” law firms aren't hiring as many associates this year. 今年,律师事务所雇的人没以往的多。 i don't own nearly as many clothes as my sister. 我的衣服远远没有我姐姐的多。 if i get milk and orange juice from the milkman, i don't need to make as many trips to the grocery store. 如果我叫送奶工送牛奶和橙汁,我就不用往杂货店跑那么多趟了。 lower /ˈləʊəʳ/ [adjective] less than another number or level - use this about prices, wages, temperatures, grades, and other things that can be measured on a scale from high to low [数]较小的;[水平]较低的[用于指价格、工资、气温、成绩等可以从高到低衡量的东西] foreign workers have fewer rights and get lower wages. 来自国外的工人享有的权益较少,所得的薪水较低。 the program is broadcast in the morning, a time when advertising rates are much lower. 这个节目在上午播出,这个时间的广告费要低很多。lower than i got lower grades than the other students in my class. 我的成绩比班上其他同学低。 be in the/a minority /biː ɪn ðə, ə maɪˈnɒrə̇ti ǁ-mə̇ˈnɔː-/ [verb phrase] if people of a particular type are in the minority in a particular group, they form less than half of the total group [某类人]占少数 in the boardrooms of most big corporations, women are in the minority. 在多数大公司的董事会里,女性都是占少数。 quentin's supporters were clearly in a minority as the city council heard arguments for his dismissal. 在市政会听取有关昆廷被开除的辩论时,支持昆廷的人显然只有少数。2. less than a number or amount 少于某个数或量 less than /ˈles ðən/ [preposition] some of the miners were earning less than $2 an hour. 有些矿工一小时赚的钱还不到两美元。 there she was, less than ten feet away from me, walking past with the other guests of honour. 她就在那里,在离我不到10英尺的地方,和其他贵宾一起走过。for less than the average income here is far less than the national average. 这里的平均收入远远低于全国平均水平。 under /ˈʌndəʳ/ [preposition] less than a particular age, price, amount, or number [年龄、价格或数量]在…以下,低于 children under 16 will not be admitted without an adult. 16岁以下的儿童无大人陪同不得入内。 where can you get a meal for under $5? 你在哪里能吃到5美元以下的一顿饭?well under the stock market's highest point this week was well under what was predicted. 本周股市最高点远远低于预测的水平。 below /bɪˈləʊ/ [preposition] less than a particular temperature, speed, limit, or level [气温、速度、限额或水平等]在…以下,低于 at night, the temperature is often below freezing. 夜间气温往往在零度以下。fall below something become less than 跌至某事物以下 the inflation rate has fallen below 6%. 通货膨胀率已经跌至6%以下。far/well below the school's test scores are far below average. 该校的考试成绩远远低于平均成绩。 lower /ˈləʊəʳ/ [adjective] a lower figure, amount, rate, level etc is less than the one you have already mentioned 较低的[数目、数量、数率、水平等] they rejected our estimate and suggested a lower figure. 他们拒绝接受我们的估价,提出了一个较低的数目。 there's no doubt that lower energy prices are having some short-term impact on the stock market. 能源价格降低无疑对股市造成了短期冲击。lower than the divorce rate in japan is much lower than in the u.s. 日本的离婚率比美国的低很多。 within /wɪðˈɪnǁwɪðˈɪn, wɪθˈɪn/ [preposition] at some point that is less than a particular period of time, distance, or limit [时间、距离或限度]在…之内;不到 the top prize is a trip to hawaii, which must be taken within a year of the prize drawing. 头等奖是去夏威夷旅行,得奖后必须在一年之内出发。 pupils living within two miles of the school are expected to pay their own bus fares. 住在离开学校不到两英里的学生车费自理。 minus /ˈmaɪnəs/ [preposition] minus five/ten/twenty etc use this about numbers that are less than zero or temperatures that are below zero degrees 负[零下]5/10/20等 when we take away points for hitting obstacles, you get a final score of minus seven. 我们扣去碰到障碍物的分数,你最后的得分是负七分。 tonight's low temperatures could reach minus twenty degrees in some areas. 今晚气温低,有些地区可能降到零下20度。3. less interesting, expensive, difficult, exciting etc 没有那么有趣、贵、困难、刺激等 not as /ˈnɒt əz/ [adverb] their first album sold over a million copies, but the second one wasn't as popular. 他们的第一张专辑售出了一百多万张,但是第二张就没有那么受欢迎了。not as ... as it's not as cold as it was yesterday. 今天没昨天冷。 the beef was good, but it wasn't as tender as the chicken. 牛肉好吃,但没有鸡肉那么嫩。 ‘how was the test?’ ‘not as bad as i expected.’ “考得怎么样?”“没有我想的那么糟。” less /les/ [adverb] of course, it would be less expensive to use frozen fish. 当然,使用冷冻的鱼会比较便宜。less ... than i want something less formal than a traditional wedding dress. 我要随便一些的,不要像传统的婚纱那么正式。less and less becoming less interesting, expensive etc all the time 越来越少 with the growth of telecommunications, the location of a company's headquarters is becoming less and less important. 由于电信的发展,一个公司总部在哪里设址越来越不重要了。4. when something happens less than before 某事比以前发生少了 less /les/ [adverb] less than this type of problem still occurs, but less than it did in the past. 这类问题依然出现,但比过去少了。a lot less since we got the car, we walk a lot less than we used to. 我们自从有了汽车,走路比以前少多了。less and less when something keeps getting less as time passes 越来越少 he seemed to care less and less about the band, and eventually decided to leave. 他对乐队似乎越来越不关心,最后决定离开。 not as much /nɒt əz ˈmʌtʃ/ stan probably won't need to travel as much in his new job. 斯坦从事的新工作可能不需要出差那么多了。not as much as ‘do you still go swimming?’ ‘not as much as i used to.’ “你还去游泳吗?”“没有以前多了。]5. when prices, numbers etc become less 价格、数量等下降 go down/come down /ˌgəʊ ˈdaʊn, ˌkʌm ˈdaʊn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to become less 下降 attendance at the school's basketball games has gone down significantly in the last few years. 在过去几年里,参加学校篮球赛的人数大大减少。 i'm hoping the price will come down if i wait a while. 我希望再等一会价格就会下降。 fall/drop /fɔːl, drɒpǁdrɑːp/ [intransitive verb] to become less, especially by a large amount [尤指数量大幅地]下降,减少 sales have fallen dramatically in houston and toronto. 休斯敦和多伦多的销售量大幅下降。fall/drop to at night, the temperature drops to -20°c. 夜间,气温降至-20℃。fall/drop from something to something profits fell from £98.5 million to £76 million. 利润从9,850万英镑下降到7,600万英镑。 fall/drop [singular noun] fall/drop in the airline may be forced to make cutbacks because of a 15 percent fall in revenue revenue has gone down by 15%. 因为收益减少了15%,该航空公司可能要被迫削减开支。 a sudden drop in the number of student nurses 见习护士人数的骤减a sharp fall/drop when an amount goes down a lot and very suddenly 锐减,骤降 a sharp fall in profits 利润的锐减 decrease /dɪˈkriːs/ [intransitive verb] to become less - used especially in writing about business or technical subjects 降低,减少[尤用于商业或技术方面的文章中] experts say that the time parents spend with their children is decreasing. 专家说家长陪伴孩子的时间在减少。decrease to the speed of rotation gradually decreases to zero. 转速渐渐降至零。 decrease /ˈdiːkriːs/ [countable noun] decrease in a 5 percent decrease in the value of the dollar it goes down by 5% 美元币值5%的跌幅a significant/marked decrease when something happens much less than it used to 显著的减少 a significant decrease in the number of deaths from heart disease 心脏病死亡人数的大大减少 decreasing [adjective only before noun] decreasing levels of carbon dioxide in the air 空气中越来越少的二氧化碳含量 decline /dɪˈklaɪn/ [countable noun usually singular] a gradual decrease in the number or amount of something good or important so that the situation becomes worse [好的或重要的事物数量的]减少,下降 firms with large debts may not have the financial strength to survive a prolonged sales decline or a recession. 负债多的公司可能缺乏经济实力承受销量长时间下降或经济衰退。decline in we can expect a further decline in job vacancies. 可以预计,就业机会将进一步减少。 reduction /rɪˈdʌkʃən/ [countable noun] when a price, level etc is reduced - use this when something is reduced deliberately [价格、水平等的]下降,减少[用于指某物被故意减少] new production methods led to a cost reduction of about 50 percent. 新的生产方式使成本下降了50%左右。reduction in cleaner fuel has contributed to a reduction in air pollution. 更清洁的燃油使空气污染程度减低。 a reduction in working hours 工作时间的缩短 cut /kʌt/ [countable noun] a reduction in the amount or size of something made by a government or large organization - use this especially when talking about politics or business [数量或大小的]削减,缩减[尤在谈到政治或生意方面时使用] cut in cuts in the education budget have led to fewer teachers and larger classes. 教育经费预算的缩减使得教师少了,班级大了。pay/job/tax cuts cuts in wages, number of jobs, or taxes 薪酬/工作/税款削减 the whole team agreed to take pay cuts, rather than see their colleagues lose their jobs. 全组的人都同意减薪,而不愿看到同事失业。 some senators have called for huge tax cuts to stimulate the economy. 一些参议员呼吁大幅减税,以刺激经济。 plummet/plunge /ˈplʌmɪt, ˈplʌmət, plʌndʒ/ [intransitive verb] to drop very rapidly and by a large amount 急剧下跌 as soon as the sun went down, the temperature plummeted. 太阳一下山,气温便急剧下跌。 the drought has caused the price of hay to soar, and the price of cattle has plummeted. 干旱的天气造成草价飞升,牛的价格因此大跌。plummet/plunge 20 degrees/thirty points etc the stock market plunged 30 points when the news was announced. 这个消息一经宣布,股市指数猛跌30点。 taper off /ˌteɪpər ˈɒf/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a number or the amount of activity happening tapers off, it gradually decreases 逐渐减少;逐渐减弱 towards sunset, the rain began to taper off. 近日落时分,雨渐渐减弱了。 dwindle /ˈdwɪndl/ [intransitive verb] if supplies or numbers of something dwindle, they gradually decrease [某物的供应量或数量]逐渐减少 the country's foreign currency reserves have dwindled over the past few years. 国家的外汇储备在过去几年里逐渐减少了。dwindle to the original platoon of 30 men had dwindled to 12. 原先30个人的排已缩减到12人。 dwindling [adjective only before noun] what can be done to preserve the world's dwindling natural resources? 可以采取什么措施来保护这个世界日益减少的自然资源? slide /slaɪd/ [intransitive verb] if a price or value slides it gradually decreases in a way that causes problems - used especially in news reports [价格或水平]下滑,逐渐下跌[尤用于新闻报道中] prices will continue to slide unless production is reduced. 如果不减产,价格会持续下滑。 the dollar fell in late trading in new york yesterday and slid further this morning. 昨天在纽约的逾时交易中美元下跌,并于今天早晨继续下滑。 take a nosedive also nosedive /ˌteɪk ə ˈnəʊzdaɪv, ˈnəʊzdaɪv/ [intransitive verb] informal if the price or value of something takes a nosedive, it becomes lower very quickly and causes problems. if an economy takes a nosedive it become worse very quickly 【非正式】[价格或价值]猛跌;[经济]骤然衰退 since january, sales of cars and trucks, including minivans, have nosedived. 1月份以来,汽车、卡车,包括小型货车的销量骤减。 shares on the stock exchange took another nosedive friday. 星期五证交所的股票再次暴跌。6. when feelings, qualities etc become less strong 感情、品质等减弱 lessen /ˈlesən/ [intransitive verb] over time, the pain usually lessens, but this may take several months. 渐渐地,疼痛通常会减轻,但这需要几个月的时间。 my love for the countryside has never lessened. 我对乡村的热爱从来没有减少过。 subside /səbˈsaɪd/ [intransitive verb] if something such as fear, anxiety, trouble or laughter subsides, it gradually decreases [恐惧、忧虑、麻烦或笑声等]消退,逐渐减弱;逐渐减少 after the rebel leaders were captured or killed, the trouble subsided. 叛乱领袖被抓的抓,杀的杀,之后,骚乱平息了下来。 the speaker puffed on his cigar while he waited for the laughter to subside. 演讲者抽了口雪茄烟,等待笑声平息下来。 wane /weɪn/ [intransitive verb] if something such as people's liking or support for something or someone wanes, that feeling gradually becomes slightly less and will probably continue to decrease [感情或支持]减弱;降低 his popularity in the state began to wane almost immediately after the election. 几乎是选举一结束,他在州里的支持率就开始下降了。 some countries’ taste for purely american pop culture has waned. 一些国家对于纯美国流行音乐文化的喜爱已经减弱了。 recede /rɪˈsiːd/ [intransitive verb] if a possibility or chance recedes, it gradually becomes less and less likely [可能性或机会]变得越来越渺茫,逐渐减少 since donald lost his job, the hopes of our buying a house have receded even further. 唐纳德失业后,我们买房子的希望变得更渺茫了。 as the threat of nuclear war receded, other things began to worry us. 核战争的威胁已减弱,其他的事情却开始困扰我们。☞ less¹☞ less²




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