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单词 length
释义 length noun¹ 1distance from one end to the other长度adjective | verb + length | preposition | phrases adjective➤entire, full, maximum, whole整个长度;全部长度;最大长度;全长◆there is a maximum length of 2 500 words.篇幅不得超过 2,500 个单词。◆a long veranda runs the whole length of the building.一条长廊贯通整栋建筑。➤great非常长的长度◆a ditch of great length and width又长又宽的沟➤medium中等长度▸➤overall, total总长度▸➤average平均长度verb + length➤estimate, measure估计/测量长度◆he measured the length and width of the table.他量了桌子的长和宽。➤have有⋯长◆the vehicle has an overall length of 12 feet.这辆车总长 12 英尺。➤grow to, reach增加到/达到⋯长度◆these fish can reach a length of over five feet.这些鱼身长可超过 5 英尺。➤double in, increase in长度加倍;增加长度▸➤cut sth to将⋯减到⋯长度◆measure the size of the window and cut the cloth to length.量好窗户的尺寸,然后按尺寸裁布。➤drive, extend, run, swim, travel, walk, etc.行驶、延伸、跑、游、旅行、走等某一距离◆the fence runs the length of the footpath.篱笆沿整条小路延伸。preposition➤along the length of沿着◆there were lights along the whole length of the street.整条街上都有灯。➤in length长度为◆the pipe was six feet in length.管道长 6 英尺。phrases➤at arm's length以一臂之距;以一定距离◆he has to hold newspapers at arm's length to focus on the print.他必须将手臂伸直拿着报纸才能看清上面的字。◆she kept him at arm's length until he stopped smoking. (figurative) 在他戒烟以前,她一直与他保持一定距离。➤double, twice, three times, half, etc. the length of sth⋯两倍、三倍、一半等的长度◆the queen bee is twice the length of a worker bee.蜂王的体长为工蜂的两倍。length noun² 2amount of time that sth lasts持续时间adjective | verb + length | length + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤considerable, great, inordinate相当长的时间;极长的时间;过长的时间▸➤reasonable合适的时长verb + length➤cut, reduce, shorten缩短时间▸➤increase延长时间length + verb➤increase时间延长▸➤decrease时间缩短preposition➤at length详细地◆he told me at length about his new job.他向我详细地说了他新工作的情况。➤in length时长为◆each lesson was an hour in length.每节课时长是一小时。phrases➤length of time时间长度◆they complained about the inordinate length of time they had to wait.他们抱怨等的时间太长。length noun³ 3length of a swimming pool泳池长度verb + length➤do, swim游⋯距离◆i did 20 lengths today.我今天在游泳池里游了 10 个来回。 length nounlength ♦︎ height ♦︎ depth ♦︎ width ♦︎ diameter ♦︎ thicknessthese are all words for a measurement of distance between two ends or sides of sth.这些词均表示两端或两侧之间的长度或距离。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆sth has a length / height / depth / width / diameter / thickness of 20 cm / 30 m, etc.◆sth is / measures 20 cm / 30 m, etc. in length / height / depth / width / diameter / thickness◆sth is of a particular length / height / depth / width / diameter / thickness◆a great length / height / depth / width / thickness◆an average length / height / depth / width / diameter / thickness◆a standard length / height / width◆a maximum / minimum length / height / depth / width / diameter / thickness◆the full length / height / width / thickness of sth◆the total length / height / depth / width / thickness of sth◆to measure the length / height / depth / width / diameter / thickness of sth◆to calculate the length / height / depth / diameter of sth■ length [uncountable, countable] the distance or measurement along sth from one end to the other长;长度◆this room is twice the length of the kitchen.这个房间的长度是厨房的两倍。◆the river is 300 miles in length.这条河长 300 英里。◆the snake usually reaches a length of 100 cm.这种蛇一般可长到 100 厘米。◆he ran the entire length of the beach (= from one end to the other).他从海滩的头跑到尾。▸ long adjective◆long hair长发◆a long corridor / bridge长廊;长桥◆the table is six feet long.那张桌子长 6 英尺。 opp short → short 2 ■ height [uncountable, countable] the measurement of how tall a person or thing is(人的)身高;(物体的)高度◆please state your height and weight.请注明你的身高和体重。◆he is of medium height and slim build.他中等身材,体形修长。◆you can adjust the height of the chair.你可以调节椅子的高度。◆the table is available in several different heights.这款桌子有几种不同的高度可供选择。 ➡ see also high → high 2 ■ depth [uncountable, countable] the distance or measurement from the top or surface to the bottom of sth向下的距离;深(度);纵深◆what's the depth of the water here?这儿的水有多深?◆water was found at a depth of 30 metres.在 30 米深处找到了水。◆they dug down to a depth of two metres.他们挖到了两米深。ⓘ depth can also be the distance from the front to the back of sth. * depth 也可表示向里的距离或进深◆the depth of the shelves is 30 centimetres.这些书架的深度为 30 厘米。▸ deep adjective◆a deep hole / well / river很深的洞/井/河◆deep water / snow深水;厚雪◆a deep cut / wound / space很深的刀口/伤口;深邃的空间◆the water is only a few inches deep.这水只有几英寸深。 opp shallow ⓘ the opposite is shallow. * deep 的反义词是 shallow◆they were playing in the shallow end (= of the swimming pool).他们在游泳池的浅水区玩耍。◆these fish are found in shallow waters around the coast.这些鱼生长在海边的浅水水域。■ width [uncountable, countable] the distance or measurement across sth from one side to the other宽度;广度◆it's about 10 metres in width.宽约 10 米。◆the terrace runs the full width of the house.露台和房子一般宽。◆the carpet is available in different widths.这款地毯有各种宽度可供选择。 ➡ see also wide → wide 2 ■ diameter /daɪæmɪtə(r)/ [uncountable] the length of a straight line going from one side of a circle or any other round object to the other side, passing through the centre直径;对径◆the radius of a circle is half its diameter.圆的半径是直径的一半。◆the dome is 42.3 metres in diameter.这个穹顶直径为 42.3 米。■ thickness [uncountable, countable] the distance through sth between its closest opposite surfaces or sides厚;厚度;粗◆use wood of at least 12 mm thickness.使用至少 12 毫米厚的木材。◆roll the pastry to a thickness of about 5 mm.将油酥面皮擀成大约 5 毫米厚。◆the board is available in four thicknesses.有四种不同厚度的木板可供选择。 ➡ see also thick → wide 2 length [uncountable, countable] the distance or measurement along sth from one end to the other长;长度◆this room is twice the length of the kitchen.这个房间的长度是厨房的两倍。◆the river is 300 miles in length.这条河长 300 英里。◆the snake usually reaches a length of 100 cm.这种蛇一般可长到 100 厘米。◆he ran the entire length of the beach (= from one end to the other).他从海滩的头跑到尾。▸ long adjective◆long hair长发◆a long corridor / bridge长廊;长桥◆the table is six feet long.那张桌子长 6 英尺。 opp short → short 2 length [countable] (always followed by of 总是后接 of) a long thin piece of sth细长的一段(或一节、一根)◆carry a whistle and a spare length of rope.带上哨子和一根备用绳子。◆the timber is sold in lengths of 2, 5 or 10 metres.木料按 2 米、5 米或 10 米出售。length/leŋθ ||; lɛŋθ/noun1. [u] [c] the size of sth from one end to the other; how long sth is 长度: ◇to measure the length of a room 测量房间的长度◇it took an hour to walk the length of oxford street. 在牛津街从头走到底得花一个小时。◇the tiny insect is only one millimetre in length. 这只小昆虫的长度只有一毫米。◇this snake can grow to a length of two metres. 这种蛇可以长到两米长。 ☞look at width and breadth. 参看width及breadth。 2. [u] the amount of time that sth lasts 时间的长短;持续的时间: ◇many people complained about the length of time they had to wait. 很多人埋怨等得太久了。◇the length of a class/speech/film 课时╱演讲╱电影的长度 3. [u] the number of pages in a book, a letter, etc (书、信等的)篇幅 4. [c] the distance from one end of a swimming pool to the other 游泳池的长度: ◇i can swim a length in thirty seconds. 我能在三十秒钟内从这一头游到那一头。 5. [c] a piece of sth long and thin 一段(细长的东西): ◇a length of material/rope/string 一块材料;一段绳索;一根细绳 at length for a long time or in great detail 长时间;详尽: ◇we discussed the matter at great length. 我们详谈了此事。 go to great lengths to make more effort than usual in order to achieve sth 不遗余力: ◇i went to great lengths to find this book for you. 我不遗余力为你找到这本书。 the length and breadth of sth to or in all parts of sth 到处;处处: ◇they travelled the length and breadth of india. 他们走遍了印度。 lengthsee ⇨ long 5 length /lɛŋθ; leŋθ/n 1. [c,u] how long something is from one end to the other 长,长度:◇what's the length of the room? 这间房长度是多少?◇in length the whale measured three metres in length. 那条鲸长三米。 2. [c,u] the amount of time that something continues for 时间的长度:◇i'm writing to complain about the length of time it's taken them to do the survey. 我在写信投诉他们完成这项调查所需的时间。 3. go to any/great lengths to do sth to do everything you can to achieve something, or try very hard to do something 竭尽所能/十分努力做某事:◇she went to great lengths to help us. 她竭尽全力来帮助我们。 4. at length a) for a long time 长时间地:◇he spoke at length about the time he spent in beirut. 就自己在贝鲁特的日子,他讲了很长时间。 b) literary after a long pause or period of time 【文】 [在停顿很长时间后]终于:◇at length, anna spoke, "what's your name?" 终于,安娜说:“你叫什么名字?” 5. [c] a piece of something that is long and thin [窄长的]一段,一节:◇two lengths of rope 两段绳索 ☞ length




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