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单词 president
释义 president noun¹ 1leader of a republic总统;国家主席adjective | verb + president | president + verb | preposition adjective➤american, french, etc.美国、法国等总统▸➤democrat, democratic, republican民主党总统;共和党总统▸➤vice (name) (vice-president in bre) 副总统▸➤president elect (usually president-elect) 候任总统▸➤incoming, outgoing即将上任的/即将卸任的总统▸➤current, incumbent, sitting现任总统▸➤former, previous前总统▸➤lame-duck即将届满卸任的总统▸➤acting, interim, provisional代理/过渡/临时总统▸➤civilian, military平民/军人总统verb + president➤elect, elect sb (as), re-elect, swear sb in as选举(某人为)总统;重选总统;使某人宣誓就职为总统◆he was sworn in as president on august 31.他于 8 月 31 日宣誓就职总统。➤advise, brief向总统提议/简要汇报▸➤run for参加总统竞选▸➤serve as任总统▸➤impeach, oust, remove, topple, unseat (especially name) 弹劾总统;罢黜总统;罢免总统;推翻总统▸➤assassinate暗杀总统president + verb➤appoint sb, nominate sb总统任命某人/提名某人▸➤authorize sth, sign sth总统授权⋯/签署⋯▸➤announce sth, declare sth, propose sth总统宣告⋯/宣布⋯/提议⋯▸➤veto sth总统否决⋯▸➤intervene (in sth)总统干预(⋯)preposition➤president of⋯的总统◆the president of the united states美国总统president noun² 2person in charge of an organization机构的主席adjective | verb + president | president + verb | preposition adjective➤acting, honorary, interim代理/名誉/临时主席▸➤founding首任主席▸➤deputy, vice (vice-president in bre) 副主席▸➤incoming, outgoing即将上任的/即将卸任的总裁▸➤former, past前任主席▸➤company (name) 公司总裁▸➤association, club, party, team (name) 协会会长;俱乐部主席;政党主席;球队队长▸➤borough, council (both name) 自治市镇镇长;理事会主席▸➤college, university (both name) 学院院长;大学校长▸➤national国家主席◆bill crane, national president of omega psi phi fraternity全国欧米加珀西菲联谊会主席比尔・克兰verb + president➤appoint, appoint sb (as), name sb (as)任命(某人为)主席;提名某人为总裁◆in 2007 raymonds was appointed (as) president of pswa.2007 年雷蒙被任命为西澳大利亚药剂师协会主席。president + verb➤resign总裁辞职preposition➤president of⋯的主席◆she is president of the irish olympic council.她是爱尔兰奥林匹克理事会主席。president /prezɪdənt/ alsopresident) noun [countable] (also company president) (both especially name) the person who leads a company and is responsible for deciding on policy, especially one who leads a group of people (vice-presidents) that manage different parts of it, usually under the authority of a chief executive officer (公司的)董事长,总裁◆she was named president and ceo of the company last week. 上周她获任命为公司的总裁兼首席执行官。  ➡  chairman (1) ⨁ to appoint sb (as) / make sb / name sb (as) / promote sb to president任命/指定/提名/提拔某人当总裁 ⨁ to be / become / retire as / serve as president当/当选总裁;从总裁位子上退下;担任总裁 ⓘ in some companies the president is the same person as the chief executive officer.在某些公司,总裁(president)和首席执行官(chief executive officer)是同一个人。 (especially name) in some large companies, a person who is responsible for a part of the business (负责大公司某部分业务的)总经理◆aol's president of/for technology 美国在线服务公司技术部总经理◆her new title will be president, eastern europe. 她的新头衔将是东欧区的总经理。3.the person in charge of some organizations, clubs, colleges, etc. (机构、俱乐部、学院等的)负责人,会长,院长,主席◆he was made president of the european central bank in 2003. 他于 2003 年获任命为欧洲中央银行的行长。 executive vice-president ◇ vice-president ☞ president president nounpresident ♦︎ prime minister ♦︎ governor ♦︎ chancellor ♦︎ premier ♦︎ head of statethese are all words for leaders of countries or governments.这些词均表示国家或政府的首脑。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a strong president / prime minister◆the acting / deputy president / prime minister / governor / premier / head of state◆the interim / incoming / outgoing president / prime minister / governor◆to elect sb / serve / be sworn in as president / prime minister / governor / chancellor / head of state◆sb's term as president / prime minister / governor / chancellor◆the president's / prime minister's / governor's / chancellor's office■ president (also president) [countable] the leader of a republic, such as the united states; often used as a title总统,国家主席(常用作称谓)◆several presidents attended the funeral.几位总统出席了葬礼。◆president bush is due to visit the country next month.布什总统定于下月访问该国。◆do you have any comment, mr president?总统先生,您有何评论?■ prime minister (also prime minister) [countable] the main minister and leader of the government in some countries首相;总理◆she soon emerged as a strong prime minister.她很快成为一个有实力的首相。◆the prime minister is coming under yet more pressure over the issue.首相在这个问题上将面临更多的压力。ⓘ in british english, prime minister is not used as a title.在英式英语中,prime minister 不用作称谓◆i had a meeting with the prime minister, gordon brown.我与首相戈登布朗进行了会面。however, in american english it can be used as a title in the same way as president.但是在美式英语中,prime minister 与 president 一样可用作称谓◆ (name) i would like to welcome prime minister brown.请允许我向布朗首相表示欢迎。■ governor (also governor) [countable] a person who is the official leader of a country or region that is politically controlled by another country; the leader of the government of a state in the us; used as a title管辖者,总督,(美国的)州长(可用作称谓)◆the report was written by chris patten, the former governor of hong kong.这份报告由前任香港总督彭定康撰写。◆a provincial / state governor省长;州长◆governor jon corzine of new jersey新泽西州的乔恩 • 科尔津州长■ chancellor (also chancellor) /tʃɑːnsələ(r); name tʃænsələr/ [countable] the leader of the government in germany or austria; used as a title(德国或奥地利的)总理(可用作称谓)◆helmut kohl was the first chancellor of a united germany.赫尔穆特 • 科尔是德国统一后的第一任总理。◆the talks will be headed by germany's chancellor merkel.会谈将由德国总理默克尔主持。■ premier /premiə(r); name prɪmɪr, prɪmjɪr/ [countable] (journalism新闻) the leader of the country, state or province, especially a prime minister(国家、地区或省的)总理;首相◆he expressed his concerns in a letter to the irish premier.他在给爱尔兰总理的信中表达了他的担忧。■ head of state (plural heads of state) [countable] the official leader of a country who is sometimes also the leader of the government国家元首◆the queen was joined by the us president and other heads of state from around the world.英女王由美国总统和世界其他国家的首脑陪同。president (also president) [countable] the person in charge of some organizations, businesses, clubs or colleges(机构、企业、俱乐部或学院的)会长,董事长,主席,院长◆she was elected president of the student's union.她当选为学生会主席。◆ (especially name) he was appointed as vice president of business development the following year.第二年他被任命为商务发展部副部长。ⓘ the title of president for heads and senior managers in commercial organizations is more frequent in american english than in british english. * president 作为商业机构负责人或高级经理这个头衔更常用于美式英语而非英式英语。president (also president) [countable] the leader of a republic, such as the united states; often used as a title总统,国家主席(常用作称谓)◆several presidents attended the funeral.几位总统出席了葬礼。◆president bush is due to visit the country next month.布什总统定于下月访问该国。◆do you have any comment, mr president?总统先生,您有何评论?president/ˈprezɪdənt ||; ˈprɛzədənt/noun[c] 1. (also president) the leader of a republic 总统: ◇the president of france 法国总统◇the us president 美国总统 2. the person with the highest position in some organizations 总裁;董事长 ➔presidential /ˌprezɪˈdenʃl ||; ˌprɛzəˈdɛnʃəl/ adj presidential elections 总统选举 presidentsee ⇨ leader 1 ⇨ manager 2     • • •• ⇨ vice president pres·i·dent /also 又作 president /`prɛzədənt; ˈprezɪdənt//n [c] 1. the official leader of a country that does not have a king or queen 总统:◇president lincoln 林肯总统 2. someone who is in charge of a large organization, company, club etc 总裁; 董事长; 主席; 大学校长:◇the president of brown university 布朗大学校长 ☞ president




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