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单词 must/don't have to
释义 must/don't have to1 when a situation forces you to do something2 when a rule or law forces you to do something3 when you feel that you should do something because it would be right4 when a job, plan etc includes something that you must do5 when you do not have to do something6 when you must not do somethingrelated wordssee alsoforce sb to do sth,should/ought to,insist,forbid,1. when a situation forces you to do something 某一情况迫使你去做某事 must do something/have to do something /ˌmʌst ˈduː something, ˌhæv tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] we must get this work finished today. 今天我们必须把这件工作做完。 must you leave so soon? 你一定得这么快就走吗? before we go and see ian there's something i have to do. 我们去看伊恩以前,我还有些事要做。 do we have to stay for the whole show? 我们一定要留下来看完整场演出吗?have got to do something i've got to go to london tomorrow for a meeting. 我明天得去伦敦参加会议。must/have to i didn't really want to go by train, but i had to because my car was still being repaired. 我其实不想乘火车去,但不得不这样,因为我的汽车还在修理。 i hate to make the trip this time of year, but i really must. 我很讨厌一年中这个时候出行,可我真的只能这样。 need to do something /ˌniːd tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have to do something because you think it is necessary or someone else thinks it is necessary 需要做某事 we need to buy some more potatoes. 我们得再买些马铃薯了。 simon knew that he needed to raise the money quickly. 西蒙知道他得快点筹集到这笔钱。 do i really need to go to this meeting? 我确实一定要去参加这个会吗? be forced to do something /be compelled to do something/be obliged to do something /biː ˌfɔːʳst tə ˈduː something, biː kəmˌpeld tə ˈduː something, biː əˌblaɪdʒd tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to have to do something that you do not want to do because you are in a situation that makes it impossible to avoid 被迫做某事;不得不做某事 she was forced to retire early due to ill health. 她因健康不佳不得不提前退休了。 we may be obliged to scrap the project if we don't get more funding. 要是得不到更多资金的话,我们可能只得放弃这一项目了。 organizers were compelled to cancel the event after the sponsors pulled out. 赞助人退出以后,组织者被迫取消了该项活动。 have no alternative /hæv ˌnəʊ ɔːlˈtɜːʳnətɪv/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have to do something, even though you do not want to, because there is nothing else you can possibly do in the situation 没有选择;别无他法 the authorities say that they had to close the hospital - they had no alternative. 当局说他们只得关闭那家医院,别无选择。have no alternative but to do something he had no alternative but to resign. 他别无选择,只好辞职。2. when a rule or law forces you to do something 规则或法律强制你做某事 must do something/have to do something /ˌmʌst ˈduː something, ˌhæv tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] all competitors must arrive by 10:00 a.m. 所有参赛者必须在上午10:00前到达。 all visitors have to sign in at the main reception desk. 所有来访者都要在总接待处登记。 i'm not sure what the procedure is -- you might have to make a written complaint. 我不确定具体的程序—也许你必须写一份书面投诉。must/have to i don't want to get rid of the animals, but we have to. 我不想送走这些动物,但我们只能这么做。 be obliged to do something /biː əˌblaɪdʒd tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] formal to have to do something, because of a legal or professional rule 【正式】必须做某事;有责任做某事[因法律或职业规定] doctors are obliged by law to try to keep their patients alive. 医生按法律有责任想方设法让病人活下去。 members of parliament are obliged to declare all their financial interests. 国会议员必须申报所有的利益关系。 be required to do something /biː rɪˌkwaɪəʳd tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] formal to have to do something - used especially in written notices and official documents 【正式】必须做某事[尤用于书面通告或官方文件] visitors are required to register their names on arrival. 来访者必须在到达时登记姓名。 under the law the president is required to notify congress when us troops are likely to be involved in hostilities. 法律规定,美国军队可能介入战斗时,总统必须通知国会。 companies are legally required to keep records of all their financial transactions. 法律规定公司必须保存其所有金融交易的记录。 have an obligation to do something/be under an obligation to do something /hæv ən ɒblɪˌgeɪʃən tə ˈduː something, biː ʌndər ən ɒblɪˌgeɪʃən tə ˈduː- something ǁ-ɑːb-/ [verb phrase] to have to do something because it is the duty of someone in your position to do it, or because you have officially agreed to do it 有责任做某事 anyone who rents a house is under an obligation to keep it clean and tidy. 任何租房者都有责任保持房屋的干净和整洁。 having promised to cut taxes, the government now has an obligation to do so. 政府曾经许诺要减税,现在有责任那样做。 compulsory /kəmˈpʌlsəri/ [adjective] something that is compulsory must be done, used, or provided because of a rule or law 强制的;必须做[使用,提供]的 smoke detectors are compulsory in all new buildings. 所有新建筑物内都必须安装烟雾探测器。 compulsory education when all children have to go to school was introduced in 1870. 义务教育最初于1870年开始实行。compulsory for maths and english are compulsory for all students. 数学和英语是所有学生的必修课。it is compulsory (for somebody) to do something it is now compulsory for anyone claiming state benefit to register with a job centre. 现在凡向国家申请救济金的人都必须到职业中心去登记。 mandatory /ˈmændətəriǁ-tɔːri/ [adjective] something that is mandatory must be done because of the law 法律规定的;强制性的 drug smuggling carries a mandatory death sentence. 走私毒品依法必须判处死刑。mandatory for in some countries, wearing helmets is mandatory for all cyclists. 有些国家规定骑自行车者必须戴头盔。 obligatory /əˈblɪgətəriǁ-tɔːri/ [adjective] something that is obligatory must be done because of a rule or law, or because it is expected that you will do it 必须的;强制性的 evening dress is usual, but not obligatory. 通常都穿晚礼服,但并不是非穿不可。obligatory for military service is obligatory for all men between 18 and 27. 18到27岁的男青年必须服兵役。it is obligatory (for somebody) to do something it is now obligatory for all competitors to wear face protectors. 现在所有参赛者都必须戴防护面罩。3. when you feel that you should do something because it would be right 由于某种做法是对的而感觉应该去做 must do something/have to do something /ˌmʌst ˈduː something, ˌhæv tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] everyone will be expecting me so i have to go. 大家都会在等我,所以我只得去。 i must write and thank her for the lovely flowers she sent me. 我一定得写信去感谢她送我美丽的鲜花。must/have to i don't really want to spend christmas with my family, but i suppose i have to. 我其实不想和家里人一起过圣诞,但我想也只能这样。 feel obliged to do something /fiːl əˌblaɪdʒd tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to feel that you should do something because other people expect you to do it and will be disappointed or upset if you do not 觉得应该要做某事[因为别人都期望你这么做] i felt obliged to invite all my family, although i didn't really want to. 我得把全家人都请来,尽管我并不情愿这么做。 feel compelled to do something /fiːl kəmˌpeld tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] formal to feel very strongly that you must do something, because it is the right thing to do and people expect you to do it 【正式】觉得很有必要做某事 no one should feel compelled to take part. it should be voluntary. 谁都不必觉得非参加不可。这项活动应该是自愿的。 i felt compelled to say something in henry's defence. 我觉得必须为亨利说几句话。 feel impelled to do something /fiːl ɪmˌpeld tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] formal to feel that it is your moral duty to do something 【正式】觉得有义务做某事 i feel impelled to write and tell you how disappointed i am with your newspaper. 我觉得有义务写信告诉你,我对你们的报纸是多么失望。 sarah felt impelled to stay at home and look after her parents. 萨拉感到有义务留在家里照顾父母。4. when a job, plan etc includes something that you must do 工作、计划等中包含必须做的事 entail /ɪnˈteɪl/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if a job, plan, piece of work etc entails something, you have to do it because this is part of the job, plan etc 要求,需要 i didn't want to take on a job that would entail a lot of travelling. 我不想找一份要花大量时间旅行的工作。entail doing something the job entailed being on call twenty-four hours a day. 这份工作要求在一天二十四小时内随叫随到。 involve /ɪnˈvɒlvǁɪnˈvɑːlv/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if something such as a job, plan, decision etc involves something, you have to do it because it is part of the job, plan etc 需要;使必须 community service can involve anything from gardening to helping in old people's homes. 社区服务范围很广,从园艺到去老人院帮忙,包罗万象。involve doing something the plan involves converting the old canteen into a sports hall. 这项计划包括把一间旧食堂改造成体育馆。5. when you do not have to do something 不必做某事 not have to do something /nɒt ˌhæv tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase not in progressive] if you do not have to do something, you can do it if you want, but you are not forced to do it, either by a rule or by another person, or by the situation you are in 不必做某事;不一定要做某事 paola was fortunate in that she came from a wealthy family and didn't have to work. 葆拉很幸运,因为她来自富裕家庭,所以不必去工作。 you don't have to go if you don't want to. 你要是不想去就不必去。 there is no need to do something /ðeər ɪz ˌnəʊ niːd tə ˈduː something/ spoken say this to tell someone that it is not necessary for them to do something 【口】没有必要做某事 there's no need to do the dishes - i'll do them in the morning. 这些碗碟不必洗了,明天早晨我会洗的。there's no need for somebody to do something there's no need for you to bring any food - it's all being provided. 你不必带东西来吃,一切都有供应。 unnecessary/not necessary /ʌnˈnesəsəriǁ-seri, nɒt ˈnesəsəriǁ-seri/ [adjective] if something is unnecessary or not necessary, it is not needed or there is no good reason for you to do it 不必要的,没有必要的 they want to build another shopping mall here, but we think it's completely unnecessary. 他们要在这里再建一个大商场,但我们觉得这毫无必要。it is unnecessary/not necessary to do something it's not necessary to wash your hair every day. 你没必要每天都洗头发。 not need to do something/needn't do something /nɒt ˌniːd tə ˈduː something, ˌniːdnt ˈduː something/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to not have to do something, because it is not necessary 不需要做某事,不必做某事 you don't need to tell sandy - she already knows. 你不必告诉桑迪,她已经知道了。 you needn't come with me - i can find my own way to the station. 你不必和我一起走,我自己能找到去火车站的路。 marian was one of those lucky students who didn't need to work hard to do well. 玛丽安属于那种不需要很努力就能得到优良成绩的幸运学生。 be under no obligation to do something /biː ʌndəʳ nəʊ ɒblɪˌgeɪʃən tə ˈduː something ǁ-ɑːb-/ [verb phrase] to not have to do something if you do not want to, especially in a situation where you might feel that you have to because other people will be upset or disappointed if you do not 没有义务[不一定要]做某事[尤指自己觉得必须做的境况下] the firm is under no obligation to offer you a job. 本公司并无义务一定得给你一份工作。not be under any obligation to do something you are not under any obligation to buy anything. 你不一定要买什么东西。 optional /ˈɒpʃənəlǁˈɑːp-/ [adjective] if something is optional, you do not have to do it or use it but you can if you want to 随意的;可选择的;非强制的 you don't have to do french - it's optional. 你不一定要学法语,它是选修课。 the holiday price includes entertainment in the evenings, and there are optional excursions on offer every day. 度假费用包含晚上的娱乐活动,而且每天都有自愿参加的短途游览。optional for general studies is optional for sixth-form students. 对六年级学生来说常识课是选修的。 voluntary /ˈvɒləntəriǁˈvɑːlənteri/ [adjective] a voluntary activity is one that you do because you want to do it, especially because you believe it is useful or will help other people, and not because you have to 自愿的;志愿的,义务的 the council is trying to get more young people involved in doing voluntary work. 该委员会在设法让更多的年轻人来参加志愿工作。 we get all our money from voluntary contributions. 我们收到的钱全部来自志愿捐款。6. when you must not do something 不可以做某事 must not/mustn't /ˈmʌst nɒt, ˈmʌsənt/ [verb] use this to tell or order someone not to do something 不可以,决不可 this book must not be removed from the library. 这本书不可以拿出图书馆。must not/mustn't do something remember, you mustn't tell anyone about this. 记住,你决不可以把这件事告诉任何人。 can't /kɑːntǁkænt/ [verb] spoken use this to say that someone is not allowed to do something 【口】不可以,不能 ‘ben wants to borrow the car.’ ‘well tell him he can't.’ “本要借用汽车。”“告诉他不借。”can't do something i'm sorry, you know i can't discuss my work - it's confidential. 很抱歉,要知道我不能谈论自己的工作,那是保密的。




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