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单词 importance
释义 importance nounadjective | verb + importance | importance + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤cardinal, central, considerable, critical, crucial, enormous, extreme, fundamental, great, high, immense, key, major, outstanding, overriding, overwhelming, paramount, particular, profound, real, special, supreme, tremendous, vital极端重要性;首要;压倒一切的重要性;意义深远的重要性;至关重要▸➤first, greatest, highest, primary, prime, utmost头等重要性;至高无上的重要性◆this information is of the first importance.这条消息重要无比。◆it is of the utmost importance that you arrive on time.最重要的是你要按时到达。➤growing, increased, increasing越来越高的重要性▸➤declining正在减弱的重要性◆the declining importance of manufacturing industry制造业的日趋式微➤lesser, limited, marginal, minor, secondary小的重要性;有限的重要性;次等重要➤general一般的重要性▸➤added附加的重要性▸➤immediate迫切的重要性▸➤continued, continuing, lasting持久的重要性▸➤equal同等的重要性▸➤relative相对的重要性▸➤intrinsic内在的重要性▸➤obvious明显的重要性▸➤perceived认识到的重要性◆differences in the perceived importance of the different subjects in the curriculum对课程设置中不同科目重要性的认识差异➤potential潜在的重要性▸➤public公共重要性▸➤international, national国际重要性;对国家的重大意义▸➤practical实践中的重要性▸➤theoretical理论上的重要性▸➤symbolic象征意义上的重要性◆the symbolic importance of iron in german culture铁在德国文化中重要的象征意义➤archaeological, commercial, constitutional, cultural, ecological, economic, environmental, historic, historical, legal, military, political, social, strategic考古上的/商业上的/宪法方面的/文化上的/生态方面的/经济上的/环境方面的/历史上的/历史学上的/法律上的/军事上的/政治上的/社会上的/战略上的重要意义verb + importance➤have具有重要性◆these finds have considerable scientific importance.这些发现具有相当重大的科学意义。➤assume, take on显示重要性◆education takes on an added importance at a time of economic uncertainty.在经济不稳定时期教育显示出格外重要的意义。➤grow in, increase in, rise in重要性上升▸➤decline in, diminish in, fall in重要性下降◆the overseas markets have now declined in importance.海外市场的重要性现在已经有所下降。➤attach, give sth, place重视;看重◆to what objectives do you attach most importance?你对什么目标最为看重?◆the importance placed on cleanliness对清洁的重视➤accept, acknowledge, appreciate, be aware of, grasp, learn, note, realize, recognize, see, understand认可重要性;意识到重要意义;了解重要性;领会重要意义◆people were aware of the importance of working with nature.人们认识到了顺应自然的重要性。➤demonstrate, illustrate, indicate, point to, reflect, show, suggest表明重要意义;指出重要意义;反映重要性;说明重要意义◆figure 2.2 shows the relative importance of the different service industries.图 2.2 表明了不同服务行业的相对重要性。➤affirm, assert, reaffirm, reiterate肯定重要性;宣称重要意义;重申重要性▸➤deny, discount, dismiss否认/贬低/否定重要性◆i don't discount the importance of theory, but i am really concerned with practice.我不否认理论的重要性,不过我真正关心的是实践。➤confirm, reinforce肯定重要性;加强重要意义▸➤draw attention to, emphasize, highlight, point out, promote, stress, underline, underscore (especially name) 使注意重要性;强调重要性;指出重要意义;宣传重要性◆the manual stresses the importance of regular maintenance.使用手册强调了定期维护的重要性。➤diminish, downplay, minimize, play down (especially bre) 贬低重要性;尽量降低重要性;弱化重要性◆she was inclined to downplay the importance of her own role in the affair.她倾向于淡化自己在此事中的作用。➤exaggerate, overemphasize, overestimate, overstate夸大重要性;过分强调重要性;高估重要性▸➤underestimate低估重要性◆don't underestimate the importance of good presentation.不要低估良好表达的重要性。➤increase增强重要性▸➤reduce降低重要性▸➤assess, consider, discuss, evaluate评估/考虑/讨论/评价重要性▸➤explain阐明重要性▸➤doubt, cast doubt on, question, throw doubt on怀疑重要性;质疑重要性◆no one can seriously question the political importance of the environment.没有人会真正质疑环境的政治意义。➤forget, ignore, overlook忘记重要性;忽视重要性importance + verb➤lie in sth重要意义在于⋯◆the town's importance lies in the richness and quality of its architecture.该镇的重要性在于其建筑丰富多样且品质优良。preposition➤of... importance具有⋯的重要意义◆a figure of crucial importance in the history of design设计史上至关重要的一个人物➤importance for对⋯的重要意义◆an area of enormous importance for wildlife对野生动植物极为重要的一个地区➤importance to对⋯具有的重要意义◆the importance to the country of a healthy economy健康的经济对该国的重要性phrases➤in order of importance分轻重缓急◆deal with the issues in order of importance.按重要程度高排序来处理这些问题。➤a matter of grave importance, a matter of great importance, a matter of importance极为重大的事情;意义重大的事;重要事务 importance nounimportance ♦︎ significance ♦︎ urgency ♦︎ seriousness ♦︎ consequence ♦︎ substance ♦︎ gravitythese are all words for the quality of being important and having an effect on people or things.这些词均表示重要性。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be of importance / significance to sb◆great importance / significance / urgency / seriousness / consequence◆the utmost importance / significance / urgency / seriousness / gravity◆real importance / significance / urgency / consequence◆new / added importance / significance / urgency / substance◆to have / gain importance / significance / substance◆to give sth importance / significance / urgency / substance◆to assume / take on importance / significance / an urgency◆to appreciate / realize / recognize / understand the importance / significance / urgency / seriousness / gravity of sth◆to reflect / show / underline the importance / significance / urgency / seriousness of sth◆to assess / exaggerate / underestimate the importance / significance / seriousness of sth◆a matter of importance / significance / urgency / substance■ importance [uncountable] the quality of being important and having an effect on people or things重要性;重要;重大◆she stressed the importance of careful preparation.她强调了认真准备的重要性。◆they attach great importance to the project.他们高度重视这个项目。◆state your reasons in order of importance.按重要性依次陈述你的理由。◆he was very aware of his own importance (= of his status).他十分清楚自己的重要地位。■ significance /sɪgnɪfɪkəns/ [uncountable, countable] (rather formal, especially written) the importance of sth, especially when this has an effect on what happens in the future(尤指对将来有影响的)重要性,意义◆this is a decision of major political significance.这是个具有重大政治意义的决定。◆the new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease.这种新药对这种疾病的治疗有重大意义。opp insignificance → minor adj. ■ urgency /ɜːdʒənsi; name ɜːrdʒənsi/ [uncountable, singular] (rather formal) the need to deal with sth immediately紧迫性;迫切性◆this is a matter of some urgency.这件事相当紧迫。◆there was a note of urgency in his voice.他的口气有些急切。◆the attack added a new urgency to the peace talks.这次袭击使和平谈判愈显迫切。 ➡ see also urgent → urgent ■ seriousness [uncountable, singular] the need to treat sth as important, especially because there is cause for worry严重性;严肃性;认真◆he had not understood the seriousness of the matter.他尚未认识到这个问题的严重性。◆the problem was not treated with the seriousness it deserved.这个问题未能得到应有的认真对待。  ➡ see also serious → serious 1 ■ consequence /kɒnsɪkwəns; name kɑːnsəkwens/ [uncountable] (formal) importance重要性;重要;重大◆don't worry. it's of no consequence.别担心,这无关紧要。◆his work made him a person of some consequence in the art world.他的作品让他在艺术界有些许分量。ⓘ you can describe things that are not important or not very important as being of some/little/no consequence or as being without consequence. if nothing important happens, you can say that nothing of any consequence happens. you can describe an important person or thing as sb/sth of consequence.表示事情不太重要可以用 of some consequence,表示不重要可以用 of little/no consequence 或 without consequence。nothing of any consequence happens 表示没发生什么重要的事。sb/sth of consequence 指要人、要事。■ substance [uncountable] (often used in negative sentences常用于否定句) (formal, especially written) important information, evidence or work重要信息;根据;实质◆nothing of any substance was achieved in the meeting.会议没有取得任何实质性成果。◆their accusations were without substance.他们的指控没有事实根据。ⓘ a report or rumour is said to have substance if it contains important information, or if there is evidence to support it. if not, it is said to lack substance. you can describe an important point for discussion as sth of substance or as a matter of substance. * have substance 指报道或传闻包含重要信息或有证据支持。lack substance 指缺乏实质性内容或事实根据。可以用 sth of substance 或 a matter of substance 来形容须讨论的重要事项。■ gravity /grævəti/ [uncountable] (formal) seriousness严重性;严肃性◆i don't think you realize the gravity of the situation.我认为你没有意识到形势有多严峻。◆punishment varies according to the gravity of the offence.处罚根据罪行的轻重而有所不同。  ➡ see also grave → serious 1 importance [uncountable] the quality of being important and having an effect on people or things重要性;重要;重大◆she stressed the importance of careful preparation.她强调了认真准备的重要性。◆they attach great importance to the project.他们高度重视这个项目。◆state your reasons in order of importance.按重要性依次陈述你的理由。◆he was very aware of his own importance (= of his status).他十分清楚自己的重要地位。importance/ɪmˈpɔ:tns ||; ɪmˈpɔrtṇs/noun [u] the quality of being important 重要性;重要: ◇the decision was of great importanceto the future of the business. 这个决定对公司的前途非常重要。 importance• ⇨ be of no importance• ⇨ be of secondary/minor/less etc importance• ⇨ of importance im·por·tance /ɪm`pɔrtṇs; ɪmˈpɔːtəns/n [u]the quality of being important 重要(性):◇doctors are stressing the importance of regular exercise. 医生强调经常运动的重要性。◇environmental issues are of great importance. 环境问题至关重要。 ☞ importance




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