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单词 mandatory
释义 mandatory /mændətəri; name -tɔːri; bre also mændeɪtəri/ adjectiveif a particular action is mandatory then you must do it, usually because it is required by law 强制的;法定的◆retirement is mandatory for pilots at 60. 飞行员的法定退休年龄为 60 岁。◆it is mandatory for companies to change their auditors regularly. 公司必须定期更换审计师。◆mandatory price cuts 强制性降价◆the meeting is mandatory. 这个会议必须参加。☞ mandatorymandatory /mændətəri; name mændətɔːri, bre also mændeɪtəri/ (formal) that must be done because of a law(按法律)必须做的,强制的◆it is mandatory for blood banks to test all donated blood for the virus.血库一律要按规定检查所有捐献的血液是否含有这种病毒。◆the offence carries a mandatory life sentence.这种罪行依照法律要判无期徒刑。mandatory/ˈmændətəri;mænˈdeɪtəri||; ˈmændəˌtɔrɪ/adj (formal 正式) that you must do, have, obey, etc 强制的;必须做、有或服从的: ◇the crime carries a mandatory life sentence. 这种罪行必须判处无期徒刑。 [syn] obligatory 同义词为obligatory [opp] optional 反义词为optionalmandatorysee ⇨ must/don't have to 2 man·da·to·ry /`mændəˏtɔrɪ; ˈmændətəri/adjsomething that is mandatory must be done because of a rule or law 强制的; 必须履行的:◇mandatory safety inspections 强制性的安全检查




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