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单词 folly
释义 folly nounadjective | verb + folly | phrases adjective➤pure, sheer完全/十足愚蠢的行为▸➤ultimate极端的愚蠢➤youthful年轻人的荒唐事➤human人的愚昧▸➤economic, political经济上的/政治上的愚行verb + folly➤realize, recognize, see意识到愚蠢;认识到愚蠢◆suddenly she saw the folly of it all.她突然意识到这一切是多么愚蠢。➤demonstrate, expose, show显示出/暴露出/表现出愚蠢◆these facts demonstrate the folly of the policy.这些事实显示出政策上的愚昧。➤underline凸显出愚蠢phrases➤an act of folly愚行◆that would be an act of sheer folly!那纯属愚蠢行为!➤the folly of your ways做法愚蠢◆they have finally seen the folly of their ways.最终他们看到了他们做法的荒谬之处。➤the height of folly愚蠢之极◆to sign away his rights to the book would have been the height of folly.他签字放弃著作权真是愚蠢之极。➤your own folly你自己的愚蠢行为◆she laughed bitterly at her own folly.对自己的愚蠢行为,她苦笑了之。folly/ˈfɒli ||; ˈfɑlɪ/noun [c,u] (plural follies) (formal 正式) an act that is not sensible and may have a bad result 愚蠢的行为: ◇it would be folly to ignore their warnings. 谁不理会他们的警告,谁就是傻瓜。 fol·ly /`fɑlɪ; ˈfɒli/n [c,u]formal if something is folly, it is very stupid 【正式】 蠢事,荒唐事:◇an act of sheer folly 荒唐透顶的行为




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