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单词 follower
释义 follower nounadjective | ... of followers | verb + follower | preposition adjective➤ardent, close, enthusiastic, keen (especially bre) 热情的追随者;紧密的追随者◆an ardent follower of the sport热衷于该项运动的人➤dedicated, devoted, devout, faithful, loyal, true忠实的追随者;虔诚的信徒;忠诚的追随者;真正的信徒◆a true follower of islam伊斯兰教的虔诚信徒➤camp(组织或政党的)追随者... of followers➤band一群追随者verb + follower➤be, become是追随者;成为追随者▸➤have拥有追随者◆she still has many loyal followers.她仍然有很多忠实的追随者。➤attract吸引追随者➤lead引导追随者◆he led a small band of followers to form their own community.他带领一小群追随者成立了自己的团体。preposition➤among sb's follower在某人的追随者中◆he was not powerful enough to command respect among his followers.他的权力不够大,不足以赢得追随者的尊敬。➤follower of⋯的信徒◆followers of christ基督的信徒 follower /fɒləʊə(r); name fɑːloʊ-/ noun [countable] 1.a company that only produces new products, uses new technologies, etc. once others have tried to do so; a company that enters a market after others (市场)追随者,跟随者◆their company is a follower rather than an innovator. 他们的公司是追随者,而不是创新者。◆they entered the electronics industry as a market follower, producing cheap versions of established products. 他们效仿其他公司进入电子业,模仿知名产品生产廉价货。2.a person who is very interested in a particular activity and is aware of all the recent news about it 爱好者◆followers of the company think that it is heading for good results. 喜爱这家公司的人认为其前途光明。  ➡  leader ☞ followerfollower [countable] a person who is very interested in a particular activity and follows all the recent news about it爱好者;追随者◆he is a keen follower of both football and cricket.他既是足球迷,又是板球迷。◆a follower of fashion赶时髦者  ➡ see also follow → follow 4 follower [countable] a person who supports and admires a particular person or set of ideas(个人或观点的)拥护者,追随者,信徒◆he is often referred to as a follower of darwin.他常被称作达尔文的信徒。◆she still has many loyal followers.她仍有很多忠实的追随者。 ➡ see also follow → follow 4 follower/ˈfɒləʊə(r) ||; ˈfɑloɚ/noun [c] a person who follows or supports a person, belief, etc 追随者;信徒 followersee ⇨ support 2 fol·low·er /`fɑloə; ˈfɒləʊə/n [c]someone who believes in or supports someone or something such as a set of ideas or a religion 支持者,追随者,信徒:◇a follower of karl marx 卡尔·马克思的一名追随者




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