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单词 slight
释义 slight adjective¹ 1very small in degree微小verbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤appear, be, seem显得微小;微小;似乎微不足道adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常微小▸➤comparatively, relatively比较/相对微小phrases➤the slightest of...一点点⋯◆she gave the slightest of smiles.她微微笑了一下。slight adjective² 2thin and delicate瘦小;纤细verbs | adverb verbs➤be, look瘦小;看起来纤弱◆she looked very slight, almost fragile.她看起来非常瘦小,甚至可以说是弱不禁风。adverb➤very非常瘦小▸➤physically身材纤细 slight adjective  ➡ see also the entry for minor另见 minor 条slight ♦︎ small ♦︎ modest ♦︎ little ♦︎ marginal ♦︎ minimal ♦︎ negligiblethese words all describe things that are not very important or serious in degree.这些词均表示不太重要的、不严重的、轻微的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a slight / small / modest / little / marginal / minimal change / difference / improvement◆a small / modest / minimal / negligible amount◆a slight / small / little error / mistake / defect / accident / problem◆a slight / small / minimal chance◆a modest / marginal / minimal / negligible effect / impact◆a small / modest / minimal investment / outlay / sum / charge■ slight not very important or serious; small in degree不太重要的;轻微的;略微的◆i woke up with a slight headache.我醒来时有点头痛。◆the picture was at a slight angle.这幅画稍微有点歪。◆a slight breeze was blowing.微风习习。◆the damage was slight.损坏很轻微。◆she takes offence at the slightest thing (= is very easily offended).她动辄就生气。◆there was not the slightest hint of trouble.当时丝毫没有出乱子的迹象。▸ slightly adverbto a small degree; not very or not very much略微;稍微◆this author takes a slightly different approach.这位作者采用了一种稍微不同的方法。◆it will make the cost slightly higher.这将会使成本略微上升。◆the door was slightly ajar.门打开了一点点。■ small [usually before noun] not very important, serious or difficult不太重要的;不严重的;不困难的◆i made only a few small changes to the report.我对报告只做了几处小改动。◆can i ask you a small favour?你能帮我个小忙吗?◆everything had been planned down to the smallest detail.一切都已做了细致入微的安排。◆it was no small achievement getting her to agree to the deal.能让她同意那笔交易可是个不小的成就。note 辨析 slight or small?you can use either word to talk about changes or problems.这两个词都可指变化不大或问题不严重◆a slight / small adjustment / alteration / amendment / change / improvement / reduction / rise / variation略微的调整/改动/修改/变化/改进/降低/上升/变更◆a slight / small mistake / error / defect / flaw / blemish / discrepancy / problem / snag / accident小错误;小差错;小缺点;小瑕疵;小斑点;小差异;小问题;小麻烦;小事故use slight but not small to talk about medical problems, feelings or things that affect the senses.谈论疾病、感觉或影响感官的事情时要用 slight 而不用 small◆a slight cold / headache / movement / noise / touch轻微的感冒/头痛/活动/噪音/触摸◆slight discomfort / embarrassment轻微的不安/尴尬use small but not slight to talk about amounts or numbers.谈论数量或数目时要用 small 而不用 slight◆a small amount / number / quantity / degree / proportion / minority少量;少数;小量;轻度;小部份;极少数both words are often used in the superlative, but especially slightest, often in negative sentences.二者都常用于最高级,特别是 slightest,常用在否定句中◆he is, without the slightest doubt, the greatest living novelist.毫无疑问,他是当世最伟大的小说家。◆i did not feel the slightest inclination to hurry.我一点也不着急。■ modest /mɒdɪst; name mɑːdɪst/ not very large, expensive or grand不太大的;不太贵的;不太显著的◆there has been a modest improvement in the situation.形势有了些许的改善。◆he charged a relatively modest fee.相对来说他的收费不算高。◆she grew up in a modest little house in the suburbs.她是在郊区一所简朴的小房子里长大的。◆the research was carried out on a modest scale.这项研究开展的规模不算太大。ⓘ modest is used especially to talk about aims and achievements * modest 尤用于修饰目标和成就◆a modest aim / achievement / ambition / goal / success不太高的目标;不显著的成就;不太大的抱负;不太高的目标;一般的成功amounts of money that people spend or earn或修饰花费或赚的钱◆a modest contribution / expenditure / fee / gain / investment / outlay / profit / sum不多的捐款/开支/收费/回报/投资/费用/利润/一笔钱buildings that are not very expensive or grand或指房子不太贵或不太富丽堂皇◆a modest house / flat / villa简朴的房子/公寓/别墅◆modest premises规模不大的营业场所and the size of sth.或修饰某物的大小、尺寸◆a modest size / amount / quantity / scale / share / proportion不大的尺码/数额/数量/规模/一份/份额▸ modestly adverb◆modestly priced goods定价不算贵的商品■ little [usually before noun] (rather informal, especially spoken) not very important; not serious微不足道的;不严重的◆i can't remember every little detail.我不可能记得住每一个微小的细节。◆you'll soon get used to these little difficulties.你很快就会习惯这些小小的不便。◆we had a little adventure yesterday.昨天我们经历了一次小小的冒险。ⓘ little is often used to talk about problems, events or mysteries that are not very serious or important. * little 常指问题、事件或迷团不太严重或不太重要◆a little error / mistake / defect / problem / argument / accident / incident / adventure / mystery / quirk / secret小差错;小错误;小瑕疵;小问题;小争执;小事故;小事件;小冒险;小迷团;小怪癖;小秘密■ marginal /mɑːdʒɪnl; name mɑːrdʒɪnl/ (rather formal) only slight小的;微不足道的;不重要的◆the story will only be of marginal interest to our readers.我们的读者对这则故事不会很感兴趣。◆the difference between the two estimates is marginal.这两种估计差别很小。▸ marginally adverb◆he's in a new job but he's only marginally better off.他换了新工作,但也多挣不了多少钱。■ minimal /mɪnɪməl/ very small in size or amount; as small as possible极小的;极少的;最小的◆the work was carried out at minimal cost.这项工作是以极少的开销完成的。◆the damage to the car was minimal.汽车受到的损坏很小。■ negligible /neglɪdʒəbl/ (especially written) so small or unimportant that it is not worth considering微不足道的;不值一提的◆the cost was negligible.费用不多,无关紧要。◆tests found only a negligible amount of the chemical in the product.测试发现该产品中这种化学物质的含量很低,不碍事。ⓘ when you use negligible, you mean that an amount of the thing described exists or is present, but that there is not enough of it to have an effect. * negligible 表示所描述的事物存在一定的数量,但不足以产生影响。slightnot very important or serious; small in degree不太重要的;轻微的;略微的◆i woke up with a slight headache.我醒来时有点头痛。◆the picture was at a slight angle.这幅画稍微有点歪。◆a slight breeze was blowing.微风习习。◆the damage was slight.损坏很轻微。◆she takes offence at the slightest thing (= is very easily offended).她动辄就生气。◆there was not the slightest hint of trouble.当时丝毫没有出乱子的迹象。▸ slightly adverbto a small degree; not very or not very much略微;稍微◆this author takes a slightly different approach.这位作者采用了一种稍微不同的方法。◆it will make the cost slightly higher.这将会使成本略微上升。◆the door was slightly ajar.门打开了一点点。slight(of a person) small and thin(人)个子小的,纤细的,瘦小的◆he was of slight build.他体格瘦小。◆she was smaller and slighter than i had imagined.她比我想像的个子更小更瘦。ⓘ slight is not usually used for describing parts of the body, but it is often used with words describing the general shape of sb's body such as build, figure and physique. * slight 通常不修饰身体部位,而常与描述人体型的词连用,如 build、figure 和 physique。slight/slaɪt ||; slaɪt/adj1. very small; not important or serious 微小的;轻微的;不足道的: ◇i've got a slight problem, but it's nothing to get worried about. 我有个小问题,但没什么值得担心。◇a slight change/difference/increase/improvement 细微的改变╱差别╱增加╱改善◇i haven't the slightest idea (= no idea at all) what you're talking about. 我一点也不知道你在说什么。 2. (used about a person's body) thin and light (指人的身体)纤瘦的: ◇his slight frame is perfect for a long-distance runner. 他身材纤瘦,当长跑运动员正合适。 not in the slightest not at all 一点也不: ◇‘are you angry with me?’ ‘not in the slightest.’ “你生我的气吗?”“一点也不生气。” slightsee ⇨ small 4 ⇨ thin 1☞ slight¹☞ slight²




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