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单词 shopper
释义 shopper nounadjective | ... of shoppers | verb + shopper | shopper + verb | phrases adjective➤average普通购物者◆what the average shopper spends her money on普通购物者花钱选购的商品➤frequent, regular (especially bre) 经常购物的人➤local当地购物者➤disabled, elderly (both especially bre) 残疾/老年购物者➤late-night, morning, saturday, weekend晚间/早上/星期六/周末购物者▸➤christmas, festive, holiday (name) 圣诞节/节日/假期购物者➤last-minute最后一分钟购物者◆last-minute shoppers on christmas eve于圣诞夜最后时刻前来购物的人➤city-centre, downtown, town-centre (bre) 市中心购物者▸➤personal (= sb you pay to do your shopping) 代人购物者➤mystery, secret (= person who pretends to be a customer) (name) 神秘顾客◆a mystery shopper visits each branch every two weeks.每两周就有一名神秘顾客光顾一个分店。➤internet, online, web因特网/在线/网络购物者➤grocery, mall, supermarket (especially bre) 杂货店/大型商场/超市购物者◆we are a nation of supermarket shoppers.我们的国人习惯到超市购物。➤savvy, smart (both especially name) 精明的购物者◆a savvy shopper can purchase the gem for about €2 000 per carat.精明的购物者能以约 2,000 欧元一克拉的价钱买下这颗宝石。➤compulsive, frantic, frenzied购物狂➤serious热衷购物的人◆if you're a serious shopper, this is the credit card for you.如果你很爱购物的话,这个信用卡适合你。➤happy快乐的购物者➤fellow其他购物者◆i observed my fellow shoppers rushing from store to store.我观察到和我一样的购物者匆忙赶往一家又一家商店。... of shoppers➤crowds, throngs成群的购物者◆the cheap deals brought out big crowds of shoppers.低廉的价格吸引了众多的购物者。verb + shopper➤be crowded with, be filled with, be packed with, be thronged with挤满了购物者◆the street was thronged with shoppers.街上挤满了购物的人群。➤attract, draw, encourage, lure, persuade, tempt吸引顾客;鼓励购物者;诱惑购物者;说服顾客◆special offers designed to tempt shoppers吸引购物者的特价品➤deter, discourage, drive away, put off (especially bre) 使购物者驻足不前;使购物者打消念头;使购物者离开;使购物者失去兴趣shopper + verb➤rush购物者涌现◆shoppers rushed to catch the sales.购物的人赶去买促销商品。phrases➤attractive to shoppers对购物者有吸引力◆window displays are intended to be attractive to shoppers.橱窗陈列是为了吸引顾客。 shopper /ʃɒpə(r); name ʃɑːp-/ noun [countable] a person who buys goods from shops/stores 顾客;购货者◆competition between stores can result in big savings for shoppers. 商家之间的竞争可以为顾客节省大量开支。◆last year the average shopper spent $700 online. 去年人均在线消费 700 元。⨁ holiday / home / last-minute / online shoppers假日购物者;足不出户购物的人;拖到最后才去采购的人;网络买家 ⨁ to attract / draw in / lure / woo shoppers吸引/招徕/诱惑/拉拢购物者 ⨁ shoppers buy / choose / look for / pay for sth购物者购买/选择/寻找/付钱买某物 mystery shopper ☞ shoppershopper [countable] a person who buys goods from a shop购物者;(商店的)顾客◆crowds of shoppers had to be evacuated from the store after the bomb threat.收到炸弹威胁后,一群群顾客必须从商店疏散。◆competition between stores can result in big savings for shoppers.商店间的竞争可以使购物者省很多钱。ⓘ shopper is most often used in the plural, after words relating to large numbers such as hundreds/thousands/crowds of or words relating to times when large numbers of people buy things in shops. * shopper 常用复数形式,用在表示较大数量的词后,如 hundreds/thousands/crowds of,或表示购物高峰期的词后◆christmas / saturday-morning shoppers圣诞节/周六早晨的购物者  ➡ see also shop → buy shoppern [c]shop aroundto compare the price and quality of different things before you decide which to buy 逛多家商店[以比较价格和质量]:◇it's a good idea to shop around before buying a laptop. 买手提电脑最好多跑几家店比较一下。




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