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单词 talented
释义 talented adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem有才能;似乎有才干adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常有才▸➤amazingly, enormously, exceptionally, extraordinarily, highly, hugely, immensely, incredibly, prodigiously, supremely, truly, wonderfully才华惊人的;才华横溢的;才华绝伦的;才华出众的;才高八斗的;非常有才干的;格外有才干的;异常有才干的;极有才干的;确实有才干的◆an extraordinarily talented designer一位才华出众的设计师◆some of these young musicians are hugely talented.这些年轻的音乐家中有些极有才华。➤not particularly并非特别有才能的▸➤precociously (especially bre) 早慧的◆a precociously talented youngster早慧的少年➤artistically, musically有艺术天分的;有音乐天分的talented /tæləntɪd/ having a natural ability to do sth well, especially sth connected with art, music, literature, drama or sport(尤指在文艺或运动方面)有才能的,天才的,有才干的◆we're looking for talented young designers to join our team.我们在寻找有才华的年轻设计师加入我们的团队。◆the kids at this school are all exceptionally talented in some way.这所学校的孩子都在某一方面有卓越才能。 ➡ see also talent → skill 1 talentedsee ⇨ good at 4 tal·ent·ed /`tæləntɪd; ˈtæləntɪd/adjhaving the natural ability to do something well 有天资的,有才能的:◇talented young players 天赋很高的年轻运动员




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