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单词 simplistic
释义 simplistic adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤appear, be, look, seem, sound显得过于简单;过分简单化;看起来过于简单;似乎过于简单;听起来过于简单adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常简单化◆the graphics are somewhat simplistic.这些图表显得有点儿过于简化了。➤grossly, highly, incredibly, overly极度简化;过度简单化◆a highly simplistic generalization过于简化的泛泛之论➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些过于简单➤dangerously过于简化并可能引起麻烦的◆this interpretation of the history is dangerously simplistic.这样解释历史过于简单化,十分危险。simplistic/sɪmˈplɪstɪk ||; sɪmˈplɪstɪk/adj making a problem, situation, etc seem less difficult and complicated than it really is 使显得简单的 simplisticsee ⇨ simple 4 sim·plis·tic /sɪm`plɪstɪk; sɪmˈplɪstɪk/adjmaking something seem less complicated than it really is 简单化的,幼稚的:◇a rather simplistic view of life 相当简单化的人生观




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