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单词 similarity
释义 similarity nounadjective | ... of similarity | verb + similarity | similarity + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤close, considerable, great, remarkable, strong非常接近;相当类似;极大的相似性;极其相似◆the close similarity in our ages我们的年龄非常接近➤clear, marked, obvious明显的类似▸➤eerie, striking, uncanny离奇的/惊人的/出奇的相似▸➤significant值得注意的相似点▸➤certain某种类似▸➤basic, fundamental基本相似▸➤apparent, perceived, superficial表面的/注意到的/外表的相似▸➤broad, general大体相似➤cultural, physical, structural文化的/客观存在的/结构的相似性... of similarity➤degree相似度verb + similarity➤bear, have具有相似处◆the area bears a superficial similarity to tokyo.该地区看上去和东京有些类似。➤reveal, show显露/显示相似处➤find, note, notice, see, spot发现相似处;注意到相似处➤highlight, point out突出/指出相似处➤recognize认识到相似处▸➤share共有相似处◆these theories share certain similarities.这些理论有某些相似之处。➤explain解释相似处◆a route across the pacific which may explain the similarity between the two cultures也许可以解释两种文化相似性的横跨太平洋的路线similarity + verb➤exist相似处存在▸➤end相似处不复存在◆here the similarity with western politics ends.和西方政治的相似点到此为止。preposition➤similarity between⋯之间的相似性▸➤similarity in在⋯方面的相似处◆the striking similarity in their appearance他们的相貌惊人地相似➤similarity to与⋯的相似◆the chimpanzee's similarity to humans黑猩猩与人类的相似之处➤similarity with与⋯的相似◆the panel shows marked similarities with mosaics found elsewhere.这块嵌板和在其他地方找到的镶嵌图案有明显的相似之处。phrases➤a point of similarity相似点◆there are several points of similarity between the two cases.这两个案子有一些相似之处。 similarity noun  ➡ see also the entry for comparison另见 comparison 条similarity ♦︎ resemblance ♦︎ uniformity ♦︎ equivalence ♦︎ likeness ♦︎ parallel ♦︎ affinity ♦︎ correspondence ♦︎ there's no comparisonthese are all words for the state of being similar or the same.这些词均表示相似或相同。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a similarity / a resemblance / an equivalence / a likeness / a parallel / an affinity / a correspondence / no comparison between a and b◆a similarity / a resemblance / an equivalence / a likeness / a parallel to sth◆similarity / uniformity / equivalence / a parallel in sth◆a similarity / equivalence / a parallel / an affinity / a correspondence / no comparison with sth◆a close similarity / resemblance / likeness / parallel / affinity / correspondence◆a strong similarity / resemblance / likeness / parallel / affinity◆(a) remarkable similarity / resemblance / uniformity / parallel / affinity / correspondence◆(a) great similarity / resemblance / uniformity / affinity◆broad similarity / uniformity / equivalence◆a direct equivalence / parallel / correspondence◆a superficial / physical similarity / resemblance / likeness◆to bear a similarity / a resemblance / a likeness / an affinity / no comparison◆to have similarities / uniformity / a parallel / an affinity / a correspondence◆to show a similarity / a resemblance / uniformity / a likeness / an affinity / a correspondence◆to see a similarity / resemblance / likeness / parallel■ similarity /sɪməlærəti/ [uncountable, countable] the state of being like sb/sth but not exactly the same; a feature that things or people have that makes them like each other相像(处);相似(点);类似(的地方)◆there is some similarity in the way they sing.他们的演唱风格有点儿像。◆they are both doctors but that is where the similarity ends.他们俩都是医生,但他们的相似之处仅此而已。◆we carried out a study of the similarities and differences between the two countries.我们对这两个国家的异同进行过研究。opp difference → difference  ➡ see also similar → like prep. adj. ■ resemblance /rɪzembləns/ [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) the fact of looking or being similar to sb/sth相似;相像◆the resemblance between the two signatures was remarkable.这两个签名的相似之处非常明显。◆she bears a striking resemblance to the queen.她长得和女王非常相似。◆the movie bears little resemblance to the original novel.这部影片与原著相去甚远。ⓘ resemblance is most often used to talk about appearance. * resemblance 最常指外表相像。  ➡ see also resemble → look like sb/sth ■ uniformity /juːnɪfɔːməti/ [uncountable, singular] (rather formal) the state of everything being the same in all parts at all times一致;一律;统一◆they tried to ensure uniformity across the different departments.他们设法保证各部门之间的统一。◆the drab uniformity of the houses depressed me.这些房子千篇一律,让我感到腻烦。  ➡ see also uniform → equal adj. ■ equivalence /ɪkwɪvələns/ [uncountable, countable] (formal) the quality of being equal in value, amount, meaning or importance(价值、数量、含义或重要性)相等,相同◆there is no straightforward equivalence between economic progress and social well-being.经济进步与社会福利之间绝非简单等同。  ➡ see also equivalent → equivalent noun , equivalent → equivalent adj. ■ likeness [countable, uncountable] the fact of looking similar to sb/sth相像;相似◆there's a superficial likeness, but they're really very different.它们表面上有相似之处,其实很不一样。◆i can't see any likeness between her children.我看不出她的孩子们哪儿长得像。  ➡ see also like → like prep. adj. note 辨析 resemblance or likeness? resemblance is a much more frequent and general word. likeness is mostly used to talk about physical appearance, especially comparing members of the same family; typical collocates include physical and family. a likeness is also a painting or drawing of a person, especially one that looks very like them. * resemblance 常用得多且含义广泛。likeness 主要用于指长相或样子相像,特别是与家庭成员比较而言,常见搭配词有 physical 和 family。likeness 还可指某人的肖像或画像,尤指画得很像的◆the drawing is said to be a good likeness of the girl's attacker.据说那幅嫌犯的画像画得很像袭击女孩的歹徒真人。■ parallel [countable, usually plural] (rather formal) a similar feature相似特征;相似特点◆there are interesting parallels between the 1960s and the first decade of this century.20 世纪 60 年代与本世纪开头的 10 年存在着有趣的相似之处。◆it is possible to draw a parallel between (= find similar features in) their experience and ours.在他们的经历和我们的经历之间可以找到相似之处。  ➡ see also parallel → equivalent noun ■ affinity /əfɪnəti/ [uncountable, countable] (formal) a close relationship between two people or things that have similar qualities, structures or features(两个相似的人或事物的)密切关系,类同◆there is a close affinity between italian and spanish.意大利语和西班牙语关系密切。■ correspondence /kɒrəspɒndəns; name kɔːrəspɑːndəns, kɑːrəspɒndəns/ [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a connection between two things; the fact of two things being similar相关;相似◆there is a close correspondence between the two extracts.这两段摘录如出一辙。ⓘ in this meaning, correspondence is used especially in the phrases a/an close/direct/exact/one-to-one correspondence between a and b.表达此义时,correspondence 尤用于短语 a/an close/direct/exact/one-to-one correspondence between a and b (a 和 b 之间密切相关/直接相关/完全相符/一一对应)。  ➡ see also correspond → match 1 , corresponding → equivalent adj. ■ there's no comparison -->idiomused to emphasize the difference between two people or things that are being compared(强调差别之大)无法相比,不能相提并论◆in terms of price there's no comparison (= one thing is much more expensive than the other).在价格方面无法相比。◆the education system bears no comparison with that in many eastern european countries (= it is not as good).这种教育制度根本不能与许多东欧国家的教育制度相提并论。similarity /sɪməlærəti/ [uncountable, countable] the state of being like sb/sth but not exactly the same; a feature that things or people have that makes them like each other相像(处);相似(点);类似(的地方)◆there is some similarity in the way they sing.他们的演唱风格有点儿像。◆they are both doctors but that is where the similarity ends.他们俩都是医生,但他们的相似之处仅此而已。◆we carried out a study of the similarities and differences between the two countries.我们对这两个国家的异同进行过研究。opp difference → difference  ➡ see also similar → like prep. adj. similarity/ˌsɪməˈlærəti ||; ˌsɪməˈlærətɪ/noun (plural similarities) 1. [u] [sing] similarity (to sb/sth);similarity (in sth) the state of being like sb/sth but not exactly the same 相似;类似: ◇she bears a remarkable/striking similarityto her mother. 她跟她的母亲很相像。 2. [c] a similarity (between a and b);a similarity (in/of sth) a characteristic that people or things have which makes them similar 相似之处: ◇although there are some similarities between the two towns, there are a lot of differences too. 两个市镇虽然有些相似,但也有许多不同之处。◇similarities in/of style 风格上的相似之处 sim·i·lar·i·ty /ˏsɪmə`lærətɪ; ˌsɪmɪˈlærɪti/n [c,u]when people or things are similar, or a way in which they are similar 相似,类似; 相似之处:◇+ between there is some similarity between the styles of the two authors. 两位作家的风格有点相似。◇+ with/to english has many similarities with german. 英语和德语有许多相似之处。




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