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单词 solution
释义 solution noun¹ 1to a problem, difficult situation, etc.问题;困境adjective | verb + solution | preposition | phrases adjective➤complete, comprehensive全面的解决方案▸➤partial部份解决方案▸➤effective, good, ideal, neat, optimal, perfect, real有效的/不错的/理想的/巧妙的/最佳的/完美的/真正的解决方法◆his plan does not offer a real solution to the problem.他的计划并未提出一个真正解决问题的方法。➤acceptable可接受的解决方案▸➤satisfactory, workable令人满意的/可行的解决方案▸➤correct, right正确的解决办法▸➤easy, obvious, simple便捷的/显而易见的/简单的解决方法▸➤possible可能的解决方法➤alternative可替代的解决方法▸➤feasible, practical, realistic, viable切实可行的解决方案▸➤cost-effective划算的解决方法▸➤creative, imaginative, ingenious, innovative创造性的/有想像力的/巧妙的/创新的解决方法▸➤drastic, radical极端的解决方法▸➤immediate, instant, quick, speedy即刻/立即/马上/迅速解决◆the un representative stressed the urgency of a speedy solution.联合国代表强调了尽快解决问题的紧迫性。➤final, lasting, long-term, permanent, ultimate最后的/持久的/长远的/永久的/最终的解决方法▸➤interim, short-term, temporary暂时的/短期的/临时的解决方法▸➤proposed拟议中的解决方案▸➤pragmatic务实的解决方法▸➤compromise, negotiated折衷的/协商后的解决方案▸➤diplomatic, peaceful, political外交/和平/政治解决方案▸➤military, security军事/安全解决方案▸➤technical, technological, technology (especially name) 技术解决办法◆the industry needs to look for technological solutions to their problems.该行业需寻求技术手段解决他们的问题。➤software软件解决方法verb + solution➤look for, seek, work towards/toward寻找解决方法;设法得到解决▸➤achieve, agree, agree on, agree upon, arrive at, come up with, find, produce, reach, work out得出解决方案;达成解决方案;找到解决方法◆attempts to find a comprehensive political solution to the crisis为寻求政治手段全面消弭这次危机所作的努力➤develop详细阐述解决方案▸➤propose, put forward, suggest提出解决方案;建议解决方案▸➤adopt采纳解决方案▸➤offer, provide提出解决方法preposition➤solution for针对⋯的解决方案◆a quick solution for dealing with the paper shortage迅速解决纸张短缺的方法➤solution to为⋯的解决方法◆they were seeking an ultimate solution to the city's traffic problem.他们正在寻找一个解决这个城市交通问题的最终方案。phrases➤part of the solution解决方案的一部份◆either you're part of the solution or part of the problem.你如果解决不了问题,就是在制造问题。solution noun² 2liquid in which a solid has been dissolved溶液adjective | solution + verb | preposition adjective➤concentrated, strong浓缩溶液;高浓度溶液▸➤dilute, weak稀溶液;低浓度溶液▸➤saturated饱和溶液▸➤acid酸性溶液▸➤alkaline碱性溶液▸➤aqueous水溶液▸➤saline, salt盐溶液➤buffer缓冲溶液▸➤bicarbonate, sodium chloride, etc.碳酸氢盐、氯化钠等溶液solution + verb➤contain溶液含有⋯preposition➤in solution溶液中◆carbon dioxide in solution溶液中的二氧化碳solution /səluːʃn/ noun [countable] a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation 解决办法;处理手段◆there's no simple solution to this problem. 这个问题没有简单的解决办法。◆they specialize in providing software solutions (= software that will deal with business activities or processes) for small businesses. 他们专门为小企业提供软件解决方案。⨁ a creative / an easy / a good / practical / simple solution创造性的/容易的/很好的/实用的/简单的解决办法 ⨁ a final / long-term / quick-fix solution最终的/长期的/权宜的解决办法 ⨁ business / financial solutions商业/财务解决方案 ⨁ to come up with / find / look for / produce / propose a solution (to sth)提出/找到/寻找/拿出/建议(针对某事物的)解决办法 ☞ solution solution nounsolution ♦︎ answer ♦︎ key ♦︎ resolution ♦︎ remedy ♦︎ way out ♦︎ fixthese are all words for a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.这些词均表示解决方法、处理手段、答案。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆the solution / answer / key / resolution / remedy / fix to sth◆the solution / answer / remedy / fix for sb / sth◆a simple solution / answer / resolution / remedy / fix◆an easy solution / answer / remedy / way out◆a quick solution / answer / resolution / fix◆a satisfactory solution / answer / resolution / remedy◆to look for a solution / an answer / the key / a fix◆to seek a solution / an answer / a resolution / a remedy / a fix◆to find / provide a solution / an answer / the key / a resolution / a remedy◆to offer a solution / an answer / the key / a fix◆to arrive at a solution / an answer / a resolution■ solution [countable] a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation; the act of solving a problem; the correct reply to a puzzle解决(方法);处理手段;答案;谜底◆do you have a better solution?你有更好的解决办法吗?◆will this lead to a peaceful solution of the conflict?这能使冲突和平解决吗?◆the solution to last week's quiz is on page 81.上周测验的答案在第 81 页。■ answer [countable] something that you write or say in reply to a question in a test, exercise or competition; the correct reply to a question in a test, etc.; a way of solving a problem(试题、练习或竞赛的)答案;正确答案;(问题的)解决办法◆write your answers on the sheet provided.把答案写在发给你的答题纸上。◆the sender of the first correct answer to be drawn will receive £100.第一个被抽中并答对的参加者将获得 100 英镑。◆do you know the answer to question 12?你知道第 12 题的答案吗?◆the answers are at the back of the book.答案在书的最后几页。◆this could be the answer to all our problems.这可能就是我们全部问题的解决办法。◆the obvious answer would be to cancel the party.最适当的解决方法是取消这次聚会。■ key [countable, usually singular] something that makes you able to understand, achieve or deal with sth关键;要诀◆the key to success is preparation.成功的关键是有准备。◆the driver of the car probably holds the key to solving the crime.这个汽车司机很可能掌握侦破这一罪案的关键证据。◆ (especially name) the key is, how long can the federal government control the inflation rate?关键在于联邦政府对通货膨胀率的控制能维持多久?■ resolution /rezəluːʃn/ [singular, uncountable] (rather formal) the act of solving or settling a problem or dispute(问题或纠纷的)解决,消除◆the government is pressing for an early resolution of the hostage crisis.政府正在不断敦促早日解决这起人质危机。◆hopes for a peaceful resolution to the conflict were fading.和平解决这次冲突的希望逐渐变得渺茫。 ➡ see also resolve → resolve ■ remedy /remədi/ [countable] (rather formal) a way of dealing with or improving an unpleasant or difficult situation处理方法;改进措施;补偿◆there is no simple remedy for unemployment.失业问题没有简单的解决办法。◆they advised him to exhaust all other remedies before applying to court.他们建议他不到万不得已时不要向法庭提出申请。 ➡ see also remedy → correct verb ■ way out --> [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a way of dealing with a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially one which avoids dealing with the cause of the problem(困境的)出路(尤指藉此避开处理问题的起因)◆a local agreement is the only way out of the current crisis.达成地方性协议是解决当前危机的唯一出路。◆she had taken the easy way out by returning the keys without a message.她采取了简单的办法:归还钥匙但不留言。■ fix [countable] (informal) a way of dealing with a problem, especially an easy or temporary one(尤指简单或暂时的)解决方法◆there is no quick fix for the steel industry.钢铁工业的问题没有即时解决的办法。◆this is nothing other than a short-term political fix.这只不过是政治上的权宜之计。  ➡ see also fix → correct verb solution [countable, uncountable] a liquid in which sth has been dissolved溶液◆stomach ache can often be eased with an alkaline solution such as bicarbonate of soda.胃疼往往可以用碳酸氢钠之类的碱溶液缓解。solution [countable] a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation; the act of solving a problem; the correct reply to a puzzle解决(方法);处理手段;答案;谜底◆do you have a better solution?你有更好的解决办法吗?◆will this lead to a peaceful solution of the conflict?这能使冲突和平解决吗?◆the solution to last week's quiz is on page 81.上周测验的答案在第 81 页。solution/səˈlu:ʃn ||; səˈluʃən/noun1. [c] a solution (to sth) a way of solving a problem, dealing with a difficult situation, etc 解答或解决方法: ◇a solution to the problem of unemployment 解决失业问题的方法 2. [c] the solution (to sth) the answer (to a game, competition etc) (游戏、比赛等的)答案: ◇the solution to the quiz will be published next week. 测验的答案将在下星期公布。 3. [c,u] (a) liquid in which sth solid has been dissolved 溶液: ◇saline solution 盐溶液 4. [u] the process of dissolving a solid or gas in a liquid (固体或气体在液体中的)溶解(作用): ◇the solution of glucose in water 葡萄糖在水中的溶解作用 ☞picture at erode 见erode插图 solutionsee ⇨ answer 8 ⇨ mix 3 ⇨ solve 2     • • •• ⇨ find/come up with a solution so·lu·tion /sə`luʃən; səˈluːʃən/n [c] 1. a solution to a problem or puzzle is a way of dealing with it or an answer [问题、难题的]解决方法; 答案:◇the only solution was to move into a quieter apartment. 唯一的办法是搬到一个安静些的公寓房去。◇the solution to the puzzle is on p.14. 这个游戏的答案在第 14 页。 2. a liquid mixed with a solid or a gas 溶液 ☞ solution




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