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单词 put sth down
释义 ☞ putput sth downphrasal verb(putting, put, put) (disapproving) (of a government or the authorities) to use force to stop sth, such as a group or activity which is opposing authority(政府或当局用武力)镇压,平定◆troops loyal to the president put down an attempted coup.效忠于总统的军队镇压了一场未遂政变。put sth downphrasal verb(putting, put, put)to write sth down写下;记录下◆the meeting's on the 23rd. put it down in your diary.会议日期是 23 号,把它记在你的记事本里。◆one day i'm going to put it all down on paper.总有一天我会把所有这一切写下来。note 辨析 write sth down or put sth down?there is no real difference in meaning between these two verbs. put sth down is usually used with a prepositional phrase to show where or how sth is written.这两个动词在含义上没有实质差别。put sth down 通常与介词短语连用,表示在哪里写或如何写◆put it down in your diary / on paper / in writing.把它记在你的记事本里/纸上;把它写下来。 put sth down 1. to stop holding sth and put it on the floor, a table, etc 把某物放在地板、桌子等上: ◇the policeman persuaded him to put the gun down. 警察劝他把枪放下。 2. to write sth 书写: ◇i'll put that down in my diary. 我会把那个写在记事簿里。 3. to pay part of the cost of sth 支付部份费用: ◇we put down a 10% deposit on a car. 我们付一成订金买了一辆车。 4. (used about a government, an army or the police) to stop sth by force (指政府、军队或警察)用武力阻止或镇压: ◇to put down a rebellion 镇压叛乱 5. to kill an animal because it is old, sick or dangerous (因其年老、生病或有危险性而)杀死动物: ◇the dog was put down after it attacked a child. 那条狗给杀掉了,因为它袭击过一个小孩。




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