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单词 beat/defeat
释义 beat/defeat1 to beat someone in a game, competition, election etc2 to beat someone very easily in a game, competition, election etc3 to defeat an enemy in war4 to beat someone by using your intelligence5 when someone is beatenrelated wordsto win a game or competition 赢得比赛 win,to hit someone or something 击打某人或某物 hit,see alsocompete with,fight,war,1. to beat someone in a game, competition, election etc 在比赛、竞争、竞选等中打败某人 beat /biːt/ [transitive verb] to get more points, votes etc than an opposing team or political party 打败,战胜 do you think the socialists will beat the liberals in the election? 你认为社会党能在大选中击败自由党吗? brazil beat italy in the final. 巴西队在决赛中击败了意大利队。 lewis was a tough boxer, and a hard man to beat. 刘易斯是个很难对付的拳击手,也是个难以打败的人。beat somebody at something my father used to let me beat him at chess. 父亲以前和我下棋时常让我赢。beat somebody by 20 points/5 seconds/50 votes etc the swedish runner beat the canadian by just under two seconds. 瑞典选手仅以领先不到两秒钟的优势击败了加拿大选手。beat somebody 3-1/84 to 61/etc the red sox beat the yankees 6-3. 红袜队以6比3击败了洋基队。 defeat /dɪˈfiːt/ [transitive verb] especially written to get more points, votes etc than an opposing team, person, or political party. defeat is more formal than beat. 【尤书面】击败,战胜[defeat 比beat更为正式] for the sixth consecutive year, oxford defeated cambridge today in the annual boat race. 在今天举行的一年一度的划船比赛中,牛津大学连续第六年击败了剑桥大学。 polk of california was defeated by a democratic challenger in the last election. 在最后一次竞选中,加州的波尔克被民主党的一位挑战者击败。defeat somebody by 20 points/two goals to one etc sanchez defeated dornan by just 984 votes. 桑切斯仅以984票的优势击败了多南。 get the better of /ˌget ðə ˈbetər ɒv/ [verb phrase] especially british, spoken to defeat an opponent or team in a game - use this especially about opponents or teams of a similar ability 【尤英,口】胜过,战胜[尤指实力相近的对手] she's determined not to let smith, her fiercest rival, get the better of her. 她决心不让最难以应付的对手史密斯战胜她。 be more than a match for /biː ˌmɔːʳ ðən ə ˈmætʃ fəʳ/ [verb phrase] to easily beat your opponent in a game, especially when people were not expecting you to 轻易击败,远比…强[尤出乎别人意料之外] i thought i might beat tracy at tennis but she was more than a match for me. 我本以为在网球赛中能击败特蕾西,没想到她远比我强。 the russian president has once again proved more than a match for his political adversaries. 这位俄罗斯总统再一次证明了他比自己的政治对手要强得多。2. to beat someone very easily in a game, competition, election etc 在比赛、竞争、选举等中轻易地击败某人 crush/slaughter/massacre/annihilate /krʌʃ, ˈslɔːtəʳ, ˈmæsəkəʳ, əˈnaɪəleɪt/ [transitive verb] informal to completely beat someone in a game, competition, election etc 【非正式】[在比赛、竞选等中]彻底击败,完全打败 wow, the raiders just slaughtered the seahawks again. 哇!突袭者队又一次击溃海鹰队。 the party strategy was to form an alliance to crush the communists. 该党的战略是组成同盟彻底击败敌人。 clobber/hammer /ˈklɒbəʳǁˈklɑː-, ˈhæməʳ/ [transitive verb] informal also cream /kriːm/ american spoken to beat someone very easily in a game, competition, election etc [在比赛、竞选等中]轻易击败 we've been clobbered twice now by central high's basketball team. 我们已有两次被中央高中篮球队打得溃不成军。 chicago hammered boston in an away game on saturday. 芝加哥队在星期六的一场客场比赛中轻易击败了波士顿队。 ‘how'd the game go?’ ‘we creamed 'em!’ “比赛怎么样?”“我们把他们打得一败涂地!” rout /raʊt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] especially british to beat an opposing team or political party easily and completely 【尤英】轻易彻底地击败 the australians have once again routed the english cricket team. 澳大利亚队再次轻松地打败了英国板球队。 wipe the floor with somebody /ˌwaɪp ðə ˈflɔːʳ wɪð somebody/ informal to defeat someone completely in an argument or competition 【非正式】[在争吵或比赛中]彻底击败某人 i'd think twice before i started a fight with him - he'd wipe the floor with me! 我和他打架之前得再三考虑——他会把我打得落花流水! outplay /aʊtˈpleɪ/ [transitive verb not usually in progressive] to play much better than an opponent or team in a game and beat them easily [在比赛中]打败,胜过 ohio outplayed michigan, especially in the fourth quarter, winning by 14 points. 俄亥俄队轻取密歇根队,尤其在第四节赢了14分。3. to defeat an enemy in war 在战争中打败敌人 defeat /dɪˈfiːt/ [transitive verb] to completely defeat an enemy's army because your armed forces are much larger, have better equipment etc 击败,战胜[敌军] the army was well-trained and well-armed, and had little difficulty defeating the rebels. 军队训练有素,装备精良,几乎没费什么力便击溃了叛军。heavily defeat the republicans were heavily defeated in the spanish civil war. 共和军在西班牙内战中遭到重创。 overwhelm /ˌəʊvəʳˈwelm/ [transitive verb] to completely defeat an enemy's army because your armed forces are much larger, have better equipment etc 彻底击垮[敌军] napoleon's army was strong enough to overwhelm nearly any potential enemy. 拿破仑的军队非常强大,几乎足以击垮任何潜在的敌人。 with its greatly superior technology, the government forces completely overwhelmed the rebels. 政府军依靠高超的技术,彻底击垮了叛军。 annihilate /əˈnaɪəleɪt/ [transitive verb] to completely defeat an enemy's army in a war and to destroy all their armed forces 歼灭;消灭 after a long and bloody battle the army succeeded in annihilating seged's forces. 经过了一场持久的血腥战斗,军队终于摧毁了塞格德的部队。 in 1945 japan was helpless, with its military power annihilated. 1945年,由于军事力量已被摧毁,日本一筹莫展。 rout /raʊt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to completely defeat an enemy's army in battle 击溃[敌军] the general was killed and his armies were routed in a magnificent cavalry charge. 在骑兵的大规模进袭中,将军阵亡,他的军队也被击溃。 bring somebody to their knees /ˌbrɪŋ somebody tə ðeəʳ ˈniːz/ [verb phrase] to cause the final defeat of an enemy, especially after a long war, so that they are too weak to fight back [最终]打垮,打败 the disastrous battle of the boyne finally brought the catholics to their knees. 经过那场惨烈的博因战役,天主教徒终于被打垮了。 after years of trench warfare, the kaiser's army had finally been brought to its knees. 经过了多年的堑壕阵地战,皇帝的军队终于被打败了。 conquer /ˈkɒŋkəʳǁˈkɑːŋ-/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to completely defeat the armed forces of an enemy country, with the result that you have complete control over it 征服 sailors travelled to the new world with the urge to conquer and explore. 怀着征服与探险的强烈欲望,水手们坐船到了新大陆。 julius caesar conquered gaul, which we know today as france. 裘力斯·凯撒征服了高卢,也就是我们今天所知的法国。4. to beat someone by using your intelligence 运用智慧胜过某人 outwit/outsmart /aʊtˈwɪt, aʊtˈsmɑːʳt/ [transitive verb] to get an advantage over someone that you are fighting or competing against, by using clever tricks and planning rather than by force 智胜;以计谋击败 we can't fight them. we'll just have to try and outsmart them. 我们打不过他们,只能智取。 none of the thieves wanted to admit that they had been outwitted by a couple of teenagers. 小偷中没有一个人愿意承认他们被几个十来岁的孩子智胜了。 be too clever for /biː tuː ˈkleveʳ fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] also be too smart for /biː tuː ˈsmɑːʳt fɔːʳ/ especially american if you are too clever or too smart for someone, they have tried to trick you but you realized what they were doing and stopped them succeeding 太聪明[没上当],识破[计谋] molly tried to hide the presents but the children were too clever for her and found them within minutes. 莫莉想把礼物藏起来,但孩子们太聪明了,没几分钟就把礼物找出来了。5. when someone is beaten 某人被击败 defeat /dɪˈfiːt/ [countable/uncountable noun] a situation in which a person, army, political party etc is defeated 失败,挫折 after his third successive election defeat he decided to retire from politics. 他连续三次竞选失败之后决定退出政坛。suffer a defeat in the last game of the season they suffered a humiliating defeat, losing 7-0 to real madrid. 在赛季的最后一场比赛中,他们很不光彩地以0比7输给了皇家马德里队。 rout /raʊt/ [countable noun] a situation in which a person, army, political party etc is easily defeated 轻易被击败,溃败 the game was a rout, with the home team winning by 10 goals to nil. 那场比赛主队以10比0轻取客队。 drubbing /ˈdrʌbɪŋ/ [countable noun] a situation in which a person, team, political party etc is defeated badly 惨败,大败 gramm's drubbing by davis in the california primary has badly hurt his campaign. 格拉姆在加州的初选中惨败于戴维斯,这给他的竞选活动造成了极坏的影响。take a drubbing the lions took a drubbing from the eagles last night, losing 58-37. 昨晚狮队惨败给鹰队,比分为37比58。




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