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单词 get off
释义 ☞ getget offphrasal verb(getting, got, got)to leave a form of transport that carries a lot of people such as a plane, bus, train or boat; to get down from a bicycle, motorcycle or horse(从公共交通工具、自行车、摩托车或马背上)下来◆get off at the next stop.在下一站下车。◆i had to get off the bike and push it up the hill.我不得不下了自行车推着车上坡。opp get on → get in ☞ get off (with sth)get offsee ⇨ get on or off a bus, plane etc 2 ⇨ punish 7 ⇨ remove 3 get offphr v 1. [i,t get off sth] to climb down from something you were on, such as a bus, train or horse 下车; 下马; 从…下来 2. [i,t get sb off] to receive little or no punishment for a crime, or to help someone escape punishment [罪犯]逃脱(应得的)惩罚; 帮助[某人]逃脱惩罚:◇i can't believe his lawyers managed to get him off. 我不能相信他的律师居然让他逃脱了惩罚。 3. [i,t] to finish working 下班,结束[工作]:◇what time do you get off work? 你什么时候下班? 4. where does sb get off doing sth ame spoken used to say that you are angry with someone because of something they have done, for example telling you to do something 【美口】 某人有什么权利做某事[生气时说的话]:◇where does he get off telling me how to live my life? 我的生活怎么过还要他来指指点点吗? 5. get off! spoken used to tell someone to stop touching you or to keep away from something 【口】 不要碰(我)! 走开!




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