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单词 murder¹
释义 mur·der¹ /`mɜdə; ˈmɜːdə/n 1. [c,u] the crime of deliberately killing someone 谋杀(罪):◇a man was yesterday charged with the murder of two young girls. 一名男子昨天被指控谋杀了两个小女孩。◇commit (a) murder 4600 murders were committed in the us in 1975. 1975 年美国发生了 4,600 宗谋杀案。 2. get away with murder informal used to say that someone is allowed to behave very badly and not be punished 【非正式】 犯大错而不受惩罚; 为所欲为:◇those kids of theirs get away with murder! 他们的那些孩子犯了什么错都免受惩罚! 3. be murder spoken be very difficult or unpleasant 【口】 非常困难; 令人很不快:◇the traffic was murder this morning. 今天早上的交通真要命。




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