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单词 municipal
释义 municipal /mjuːnɪsɪpl/ adjective [only before noun] 1.connected with the local government of a town, city, or district 市的;市政的◆municipal ownership of utilities 公用事业的市政所有◆municipal employees 市政雇员◆municipal debt 市政债务 (finance 金融) connected with municipal bonds 市政债券的 ▸ municipally /mjuːnɪsɪpli/ adverb municipal /mjuːnɪsɪpl/ noun [countable] (finance 金融) = municipal bond ◆trading in municipals 市政债券交易☞ municipal☞ municipalmunicipaladjective [usually before noun] ◆municipal elections地方政府选举municipaladjective [usually before noun] ◆municipal elections地方政府选举municipal/mju:ˈnɪsɪpl ||; mjuˈnɪsəpḷ/adj connected with a town or city that has its own local government 市的;市政的;市办的: ◇municipal buildings (= the town hall, public library, etc) 市政府建筑物(如市政厅、公共图书馆等) municipalsee ⇨ town 6 mu·ni·ci·pal /mju`nɪsəpḷ; mjuːˈnɪsɪpəl/adjrelating to the government of a town or city 市的; 市政府的




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