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单词 raid
释义 raid noun¹ 1surprise attack突袭adjective | verb + raid | preposition adjective➤daring大胆的突袭▸➤major重大突袭▸➤punitive, retaliatory惩罚性/报复性突袭➤dawn, daylight, night, predawn黎明时的/日间/夜间/黎明前的突袭➤hit-and-run, surprise打了就跑式的突袭;出奇不意的袭击◆guerrillas were carrying out hit-and-run raids on the troops.游击队对那些部队采用打了就跑式的突袭战术。➤cross-border跨边界突袭▸➤air, bombing空袭;轰炸突袭▸➤commando, guerrilla突击队的/游击队的突袭verb + raid➤carry out, conduct, make进行突袭;指挥突袭◆bombers carrying out daylight raids over the city对该城市进行日间突袭的轰炸机➤launch, mount, stage发动突然袭击;进行突然袭击▸➤lead sb in带领某人突袭preposition➤during a/the raid, in a/the raid在袭击中◆five civilians died in the raid.袭击中有 5 名平民死亡。➤on a/the raid在突袭中◆he led his men on a cross-border raid.他带领部下进行了跨边界突袭。➤raid against对⋯的突袭◆the raids against military targets continued.对军事目标的突袭仍在继续。➤raid by由⋯(发动)的袭击◆the town suffered several raids by vikings.这个城镇遭到了北欧海盗的数次袭击。➤raid on对⋯的袭击◆air raids on liverpool对利物浦的空袭raid noun² 2surprise visit by the police警察突击搜查adjective | verb + raid | preposition adjective➤dawn, early-morning, predawn黎明时的/清晨的/黎明前的突击搜查▸➤police警方的突击搜查▸➤drug, drugs (bre) 缉毒突击搜查➤armed持械突击搜查verb + raid➤carry out, launch, stage发动突击搜查;进行突击搜查◆police staged an early-morning raid on the building.警方清晨对该建筑进行了突击搜查。preposition➤during a/the raid在突击搜查中◆he was injured during a police raid on his nightclub.他在警察突击搜查他的夜总会时受了伤。➤in a/the raid在搜查中◆the drugs seized in last night's raid在昨晚的突击搜查中缴获的毒品➤raid by由⋯进行的突击搜查◆a raid by drugs squad detectives缉毒组探员进行的突击搜查➤raid on对⋯的突击搜查◆raids on houses in the south of the city对该市南部地区住宅的突击搜查raid noun³ 3robbery from a building打劫adjective | verb + raid | preposition adjective➤bank, post office, shop (bre) 银行/邮局/商店抢劫▸➤armed, smash-and-grab (bre) 持械抢劫;砸破商店橱窗行劫verb + raid➤plan计划抢劫▸➤carry out进行抢劫▸➤foil (bre) 挫败抢劫◆two customers foiled a raid on a local post office.两名顾客挫败了对当地一家邮局的抢劫。preposition➤during a/the raid, in a/the raid在抢劫中◆the jewels stolen in the raid在抢劫中被盗的珠宝➤raid on对⋯的抢劫◆she was shot during an armed raid on a security van.她在一起护卫车武装抢劫中中了弹。 raid /reɪd/ noun [countable] (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) an occasion when a person or company unexpectedly tries to take control of another company by buying a large number of its shares 突袭收购◆in 1999 he made a successful raid on telecom italia. 1999 年,他成功突袭收购了意大利电讯。 ▸ raider noun [countable] bear raid ◇ dawn raid ☞ raidraid [countable] a short surprise attack on the enemy by soldiers, ships or aircraft(陆、海、空的)突然袭击◆hundreds of civilians were killed in the air raids.数百名平民在空袭中丧生。raid [transitive] to attack a place without warning and then leave突袭;偷袭◆villages along the border are regularly raided.边境附近的村庄经常遭受突袭。◆a raiding party (= a group of soldiers, etc. that attack a place) 突袭小分队raid [transitive] to enter a place, usually using force, and steal things from it劫掠;打劫◆many treasures were lost when the tombs were raided in the last century.上世纪这些坟墓遭到偷盗,很多财宝都失踪了。◆ (humorous) i caught him raiding the fridge again (= taking food from it).我撞见他又在扫荡冰箱里的食物。 ➡ see also raid → theft , raider → thief raid [countable] an attack on a building, place or vehicle in order to commit a crime, especially to steal sth抢劫;打劫◆he had once been involved in a bank raid.他参与过一次抢银行。◆she was shot during an armed raid on a security van.她在一次持械抢劫押款车事件中中了枪。  ➡ see also raid → rob , raider → thief raid/reɪd ||; red/noun [c] a raid (on sth) 1. a short surprise attack on an enemy by soldiers, ships or aircraft 突袭;突击: ◇an air raid 空袭 2. a surprise visit by the police looking for criminals or illegal goods (警方的)突然搜查,突击查抄 3. a surprise attack on a building in order to steal sth (进入建筑物)抢劫: ◇a bank raid 抢劫银行 raid verb◇police raided the club at dawn this morning. 今早黎明时分警方突击搜查了这家夜总会。 raidsee ⇨ attack 3,6 ⇨ look for 5,7 ⇨ steal 7☞ raid¹☞ raid²




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