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单词 target
释义 target noun¹ 1sb/sth that you try to destroy, hurt, steal, etc.破坏、伤害、偷窃的对象adjective | verb + target | target + noun | preposition adjective➤favourite/favorite, frequent, important, likely, natural, obvious, perfect, possible, potential, prime, suitable青睐的/被频繁⋯的/重要的/很可能的/必然的/明显的/理想的/可能的/潜在的/主要的/合适的目标◆the president is a favourite / favorite target of comedians.总统是喜剧演员热衷的嘲弄对象。➤attractive, tempting有吸引力的/诱人的目标◆trains are attractive targets for terrorists.火车对恐怖分子是很有诱惑力的目标。➤specific具体目标▸➤real真正的目标◆the real target of his satire is religion.他讽刺的真正对象是宗教。➤easy, sitting, soft, tempting, vulnerable容易得手的/易于下手的/脆弱的/诱人的/易受攻击的目标◆the stationary trucks were sitting targets for the enemy planes.静止的卡车是敌机的活靶子。➤legitimate合法目标▸➤intended预定目标▸➤fixed, stationary固定的/静止的目标▸➤moving活动目标▸➤ground地面目标▸➤enemy, military, strategic敌方/军事/战略目标▸➤civilian, non-military平民/非军事目标➤high-value高价值目标▸➤terrorist恐怖分子的目标➤takeover收购对象◆the company could become a takeover target.该公司可能成为收购对象。verb + target➤choose, identify, pick选择/确定/挑选目标▸➤aim at, attack, engage, go for, shoot at瞄准目标;攻击目标;袭击目标;向目标射击▸➤find, locate找到/定位目标▸➤hit, reach, strike击中/达到/打击目标◆the bomb reached its intended target ten seconds later.10 秒钟后炸弹命中预定目标。➤miss, overshoot偏离/超越目标◆the flare overshot its target and set fire to a hotel.照明弹越过目标,把一家旅馆烧着了。➤destroy摧毁目标◆the missile is intended to destroy military targets.导弹旨在摧毁军事目标。➤track追踪目标◆the radar beam can track a number of targets simultaneously.雷达波束可以同时追踪多个目标。➤present呈现为目标◆the damaged ship presented a tempting target.这艘损坏的船成了一个诱人的目标。➤make成为目标◆the casino made an easy target for thieves.赌场是窃贼容易下手的目标。target + noun➤site目标地域◆it should be possible to deliver the drug direct to the target site.将药品直接送到目标位置应该是可能的。◆the missile never reached its target site.导弹根本没有命中靶标区域。preposition➤off target偏离目标◆the missile veered way off target and landed in the sea.导弹严重偏离目标,落到了海里。➤on target击中要害◆politically speaking, his jibes were right on target.从政治角度说,他的嘲讽正中要害。➤target for⋯的目标◆an easy target for thieves小偷易下手的目标target noun² 2object that you shoot at靶子verb + target | target + noun | preposition verb + target➤put up, set up竖起靶子◆the archers were setting up their targets.射箭运动员正在竖靶子。➤aim at, shoot at瞄靶;朝靶子射击▸➤hit击中靶子▸➤miss脱靶▸➤use sth as以⋯作靶子◆the boys used an old tree stump as a target.那些男孩儿用一个老树墩当靶子。target + noun➤area, range目标地域;靶场;射击场▸➤practice射击练习;打靶练习preposition➤off target脱靶◆patton was just off target with his shot.巴顿脱靶了。➤on target击中目标◆his first shot was bang on target.他的第一枪正中目标。➤wide of the target严重脱靶◆the shot went wide of the target.那一枪打飞了。target noun³ 3result, person, etc. that you aim to reach意欲达到的目标adjective | verb + target | target + noun | preposition adjective➤achievable, attainable, low, modest, realistic可实现的/可达到的/低的/适中的/现实的目标▸➤ambitious, challenging, demanding, difficult, high, tough, unrealistic雄心勃勃的/富有挑战性的/苛刻的/难以实现的/高的/艰巨的/不现实的目标◆she has always set herself very high targets.她总是给自己设定非常高的目标。➤impossible不可能实现的目标▸➤new新目标▸➤clear, specific明确的/具体的目标▸➤chief, key, main, major, primary, prime, principal首要目标;关键目标;主要目标▸➤annual年度目标▸➤immediate, initial当前/初步目标▸➤future, long-term, ultimate未来/长期/最终目标▸➤economic, financial, growth, inflation, performance, price, production, profit, recruitment, sales, spending经济/财务/增长/通胀/业绩/价格/生产/利润/招聘/销售/支出目标◆hospital performance targets will not be met.医院的绩效目标将无法实现。verb + target➤set制订目标◆managers must set targets that are realistic.经营者必须制订切合实际的目标。➤aim for瞄准目标◆students should be given a target to aim for.应该给学生制订一个努力的目标。➤achieve, meet, reach实现目标;达到目标▸➤stay on/within保持在目标范围之内◆in a desperate attempt to stay within budget targets竭尽全力不超过预算目标➤exceed超出目标◆the company pays bonuses to workers who exceed production targets.公司给超额完成生产指标的工人发奖金。➤fall short of未达到目标target + noun➤audience, demographic, group, market, population目标观众;目标人口;目标群体;目标市场◆the film's target demographic is women aged 18-49 years.这部电影的目标观众是 18 至 49 岁的妇女。➤date预定日期◆to meet a target date of may 2002于 2002 年 5 月如期完成➤figure, level, price, range, weight目标数值/水平/价格/范围/重量preposition➤above (a/the) target超出目标◆sales so far this year are 20% above target.到目前为止今年的销售额已经超出目标 20%。➤off target未达到目标◆these figures are way off target.这些数字远未达标。➤on target有可能实现目标◆we are still right on target.我们仍很有可能完成指标。➤within target在目标内◆we are well within our target for trains arriving on time.火车准点率符合我们设定的目标。➤over (a/the) target超出目标◆many pay agreements reached were over the original target of 4%.已达成的许多工资协议超过了原定的 4% 的目标。➤towards/toward (a/the) target向着目标◆we are working towards / toward a target of twenty cars a week.我们正在向每星期 20 辆汽车的目标努力。➤target for⋯的目标◆the ceo has set new targets for growth.首席执行官已确定了新的增长目标。target verbadverb | preposition adverb➤deliberately, intentionally, particularly, specifically特意/故意/特别/专门选定⋯为目标◆children are deliberately targeted.有意选定儿童作为目标。➤actively, directly积极/直接选定⋯为目标◆police are actively targeting known offenders.警方现正积极把已知的罪犯作为调查目标。◆an exercise that directly targets the back muscles一项直接针对背部肌肉的锻炼➤carefully, precisely仔细地/准确地选定目标◆a carefully targeted marketing campaign精心选定受众的营销活动➤unfairly不公平地选定⋯为目标◆the authority was accused of unfairly targeting minority groups.当局被指不公平地以少数族群为目标。➤primarily主要针对⋯preposition➤at以⋯为目标◆the products are targeted at young people.这些产品以年轻人为对象。➤for把⋯作为目标◆this hospital is targeted for additional funding.这家医院力求获得额外资金。➤on把⋯对准⋯◆tax cuts should be targeted on the poor.减税应该针对贫困人群。➤towards/toward将目标指向◆we target our services towards / toward specific groups of people.我们把服务目标锁定特定人群。target /tɑːgɪt; name tɑːrgɪt/ noun [countable] 1.a result that a business or an organization tries to achieve 目标◆the company has set an ambitious target of 20% sales growth. 公司确定了销售额增长 20% 的宏伟目标。◆the group is likely to meet its earnings targets this year. 这个集团今年很可能实现其赢利目标。◆we are still on target (= likely to reach our target) to achieve 12% growth this year. 我们今年仍有可能实现 12% 的增长目标。◆production was well below target this year. 今年的产量远远低于目标。◆the target date for the rollout is mid 2012. 新品上市的预定日期是 2012 年年中。⨁ to lower / set a target降低/确定目标 ⨁ to exceed / meet / miss / reach a target超越/实现/未实现/达到目标 ⨁ earnings / financial / growth / performance / price / sales targets收益/财务/增长/业绩/价格/销售目标 (finance 金融) a company that another more powerful company wants to buy 收购目标;收购对象◆the company has become a possible target for interbrew. 这家公司已经成为英特布鲁公司的潜在收购对象。◆they are seeking potential acquisition targets. 他们正在寻找潜在的并购对象。 syn target company ⨁ an acquisition / a takeover target并购/接管对象 (finance 金融; marketing 营销) the price at which a company or person aims to sell or buy sth (公司或个人出售或购买某物的)目标价格◆deutsche bank raised its target for the shares from €150 to €190. 德意志银行将购买这支股票的目标价格从 150 欧元提高到 190 欧元。◆the target price for the model currently being developed is €3 500. 目前正在开发的这型号的目标价格为 3500 欧元。 ●(be/make) an easy target (for sb/sth)(to be) open to attack or not able to defend yourself 成为众矢之的;很容易成为攻击目标◆is your computer system an easy target for hackers? 你的计算机系统容易遭到黑客攻击吗?target /tɑːgɪt; name tɑːrgɪt/ verb [transitive] (targeting, targeted, targeted) target sb/sth | target sth at/to sb/sth (often be targeted at sb/sth) to try to have an effect on a particular group of people or a particular area 针对;面向◆their campaigns specifically target young people. 他们的活动专门针对年轻人。◆a carefully targeted marketing campaign 目标明确的营销活动◆magazines targeted at teens 面向青少年的杂志 syn aim choose to attack sb/sth or treat sb/sth in a particular way 把某人/某事作为攻击对象◆the eu has published a list of products targeted for sanctions. 欧盟公布了制裁产品的清单。☞ target☞ targettarget noun  ➡ see also the entry for purpose另见 purpose 条target ♦︎ objective ♦︎ goal ♦︎ object ♦︎ endthese are all words for sth that you are trying to achieve.这些词均表示目标、目的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆targets / objectives / goals for sth◆to work towards a target / an objective / a goal◆a worthwhile target / objective / goal / object / end◆the main / primary / prime / principal target / objective / goal / object◆the ultimate target / objective / goal / object / end◆a common target / objective / goal / end◆a / an ambitious / major / long-term / short-term / future target / objective / goal◆economic / financial / business targets / objectives / goals◆to define a target / an objective / a goal / an object◆to set / agree on / identify / reach / meet / exceed a target / an objective / a goal◆to achieve a target / an objective / a goal / an end◆to promote / pursue / accomplish / attain an objective / a goal / an end■ target [countable] a result that you try to achieve目标;指标◆set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve.给自己制订有望达到的合理目标。◆we're aiming to meet a target date of april 2009.我们力求在预定日期 2009 年 4 月完成。◆write a plan that sets out your business goals and targets.写下计划,设定你的业务目标。◆the new sports complex is on target to open in june.新建的体育中心将在 6 月份如期开放。◆our target audience (= the particular audience that the programme is aimed at) is men aged between 18 and 35.我们的目标观众是 18 到 35 岁的男性。◆what's the target market for this product?这个产品的目标市场是什么?■ objective [countable] (rather formal) something that you are trying to achieve(努力达到的)目标,目的◆what is the main objective of this project?这个项目的主要目的是什么?◆you must set realistic aims and objectives for yourself.你必须为自己设定切实可行的目标。■ goal [countable] something that you hope to achieve(希望达到的)目标,目的◆he continued to pursue his goal of becoming a photographer.他继续追求成为摄影师的目标。◆their goal was to eradicate malaria.他们的目标是根除疟疾。note 辨析 target, objective or goal?a target is usually officially recorded in some way, for example by an employer or by a government committee. it is often specific, and in the form of figures, such as a number of sales or exam passes, or a date. people often set their own objectives: these are things that they wish to achieve, often as part of a project or a talk they are giving. goals are often long-term, and relate to people's life and career plans or the long-term plans of a company or organization. * target 通常为以某种方式正式记录的指标,如由雇主或政府委员会制订,常为具体的数字,如销售量、考试及格率、日期等; objective 通常指为自己制订的、希望达到的目标,常为某一项目或发言的一部份; goal 通常指长远目标,与人生和职业规划、公司和机构的长远规划有关。■ object [countable] (rather formal) the purpose of sth; sth that you plan to achieve宗旨;目的;(计划实现的)目标◆the object is to educate people about road safety.目的是要教育人们注意交通安全。◆the whole object of the exercise is to get people to listen to each other.整个活动的目的是让人们相互聆听心声。■ end [countable] (formal) something that you plan to achieve(计划实现的)目标,目的◆she is exploiting the current situation for her own ends.她在利用目前的形势来达到自己的目的。◆he joined the society for political ends.他出于政治目的加入了这个协会。◆with this end in view (= in order to achieve this) they employed 50 new sales reps.为了达到这个目标,他们增聘了 50 名销售代表。◆we are willing to make any concessions necessary to this end (= in order to achieve this).为了达到此目的,我们愿作出任何必要的让步。◆that's only ok if you believe that the end justifies the means (= bad methods of doing sth are acceptable if the final result is good).要是你认为只要目的正确就可以不择手段,那随便你好了。ⓘ end is usually used in the plural or in particular fixed expressions. * end 通常用复数形式或用于某些固定短语。target [transitive, often passive] to try to help or influence a particular group of people, especially by offering a product or service designed for them把(专门设计的产品或服务)面向,对准◆the booklet is targeted at people approaching retirement.这本小册子的读者对象是临近退休的人。◆we target our services towards specific groups of people.我们的服务针对特定人群。◆this hospital is targeted for additional funding.这家医院旨在获得额外的资金。target [countable] a result that you try to achieve目标;指标◆set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve.给自己制订有望达到的合理目标。◆we're aiming to meet a target date of april 2009.我们力求在预定日期 2009 年 4 月完成。◆write a plan that sets out your business goals and targets.写下计划,设定你的业务目标。◆the new sports complex is on target to open in june.新建的体育中心将在 6 月份如期开放。◆our target audience (= the particular audience that the programme is aimed at) is men aged between 18 and 35.我们的目标观众是 18 到 35 岁的男性。◆what's the target market for this product?这个产品的目标市场是什么?target¹/ˈtɑ:gɪt ||; ˈtɑrgɪt/noun[c] 1. a result that you try to achieve 目标;指标: ◇our target is to finish the job by friday. 我们的目标是星期五之前完成任务。◇so far we're right on target (= making the progress we expected). 迄今为止我们的进展与预期相符。◇a target area/audience/group (= the particular area, audience, etc that a product, programme, etc is aimed at) 目标地区╱听众╱群体(产品、节目等锁定的对象) 2. a person, place or thing that you try to hit when shooting or attacking (射击或攻击的)目标: ◇doors and windows an easy target for burglars. 门窗是易遭窃贼闯入的目标。 3. a person or thing that people criticize, laugh at, etc (批评、嘲笑等的)对象: ◇the education system has been the target of heavy criticism. 教育制度一直是猛烈抨击的目标。 4. an object, often a round board with circles on it, that you try to hit in shooting practice 靶子: ◇to aim at/hit/miss a target 瞄准╱命中╱未命中靶子 target²/ˈtɑ:gɪt ||; ˈtɑrgɪt/verb [t] (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) target sb/sth;target sth at/on sb/sth to try to have an effect on a particular group of people; to try to attack sb/sth 定为目标或对象: ◇the product is targeted at teenagers. 那种产品的销售对象是青少年。 targetsee ⇨ attack 8 ⇨ criticize 3 ⇨ purpose 1 ⇨ want/not want 8     • • •• ⇨ be an easy target☞ target¹☞ target²




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