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单词 tantrum
释义 tantrum nounadjective | verb + tantrum adjective➤temper大发脾气➤major (especially name) 发大脾气➤little发小脾气◆he had a little temper tantrum yesterday.他昨天发了点儿脾气。➤occasional偶尔发脾气◆all kids have the occasional tantrum.所有的孩子都会偶尔发发脾气。verb + tantrum➤have, throw发脾气◆he threw a tantrum on the school bus.他在校车上发了一通脾气。➤deal with应付耍脾气▸➤ignore不理会发脾气tantrum /tæntrəm/ [countable] a sudden short period of angry, unreasonable behaviour, especially in a child(尤指儿童)耍脾气,使性子◆they claimed she threw tantrums and was difficult to work with.他们说她爱使性子,很难一起工作。◆young children often have temper tantrums.小孩子经常爱使性子。tantrum/ˈtæntrəm ||; ˈtæntrəm/noun [c] a sudden explosion of anger, especially by a child 突然耍脾气(尤指小孩) tantrum• ⇨ have/throw a tantrum tan·trum /`tæntrəm; ˈtæntrəm/n [c]when someone, especially a child, suddenly becomes very angry [尤指小孩]突然发怒:◇some kid threw a tantrum in the store. 有个孩子突然在商店里发脾气。




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