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单词 abduct
释义 abduct /æbdʌkt/ [transitive] to take sb away illegally, especially using force掳拐;(尤指以武力)劫持,绑架◆he had attempted to abduct the two children.他曾企图拐带这两名儿童。ⓘ abduct is the term used in law for this act. abduct is usually used to talk about taking away women and children by force, especially when the motive (= reason) is sexual, not political or for money. * abduct 是法律术语,通常指强行把妇女和儿童带走,尤其指掳人的目的是想施以性侵犯,而非出于政治或金钱目的。▸ abduction noun [uncountable, countable] ◆child abduction拐带儿童abduct/æbˈdʌkt ||; æbˈdʌkt/verb [t] to take hold of sb and take him/her away illegally 非法带走;绑架;拐走: ◇he has been abducted by a terrorist group. 他被恐怖组织绑架了。 ➔abduction noun [c,u] abductsee ⇨ take 8 ab·duct /æb`dʌkt; əbˈdʌkt/v [t]to take someone away illegally and by using force 拐走,绑架[某人]:◇police believe that the woman has been abducted. 警方相信那位女士已被绑架。




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